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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:0199737479
  • 页数:457 页

PART Ⅰ.Introduction 1

PART Ⅱ.A Legacy of Abuse and Suffering Leads to the Birth of the ICC 7

PART Ⅲ.Tracing the Development of Victims' Rights Under International Law 19

A.Victim-Centric Justice of the 1400s桟ustomary Law As Exemplified By the Code of Leke Dukagjini 21

B.Centralized State Power in the 1700s and 1800s, the Scientification of Criminal Law, and the Decline of Victims' Rights Under Domestic Law 24

1.The Classical School of Criminology 26

2.The Positivist School of Criminology and Beyond 27

C.Twentieth-Century Resurgence of Victims' Rights Under Domestic Law 29

D.Victims' Rights Recognized as Part of International Law 32

1.International Law's Recognition of Individual Rights 33

2.Victims' Rights Under International Law 35

PART Ⅳ.Primer on the ICC 43

A.Breaking New Ground for Victims' Rights 43

B.The ICC's Operation 44

C.The ICC's Limited Subject-Matter Jurisdiction 46

1.The Crime of Genocide 47

2.Crimes Against Humanity 48

3.War Crimes 48

4.The Crime of Aggression 49

D.Territorial and Personal Jurisdiction Requirements 50

E.The ICC's Limited Temporal Jurisdiction 52

F.The ICC's Due Process Guarantees 53

G.The "Complementarity" Firewall: Understanding the ICC's Key Admissibility Test 53

H.Case Initiation 58

1.State Party Initiation or Security Council Referral 59

2.The Prosecutor's Initiation of a Case 60

3.Prosecutorial Guidelines: Determining the "Gravity" of a Case 62

I.A New Paradigm: The ICC's Hybrid System of Advocacy 63

J.Reconciling the ICC's Sweeping Promises to Victims with the Realities on the Ground 66

1.Understanding ICC Judge's Background, Habits, and Competence 72

2.The Office of the Prosecutor 76

PART Ⅴ.The Rome Statute's Groundbreaking (and Expansive) Recognition of Victims' Rights 79

A.Victims' Rights Enshrined in the ICC's Rome Statute 81

B.Summary of the ICC's Victim-Related Rules of Procedure and Evidence 82

C.Exploring the Role of Victims as "Participants" in ICC Proceedings 85

D.The Modality and Extent of Victim Participation Remain Unsettled 88

PART Ⅵ.Qualifying as Legal Counsel for Victims 93

A.Becoming a Formally Recognized ICC "Victim Representative" 93

B.An Alternative Mode of Legal Representation: "Assistant to Counsel" 95

PART Ⅶ.Steps to Formal Recognition as a "Victim" 97

A.The Long Road to Formal Recognition as a "Victim" 98

B.Victims as Witnesses 103

PART Ⅷ.Preparing for Complex Group Representation 105

A.Promises and Potential Pitfalls of Group Representation-The Class Action Model 105

B.The Victim Representative's Duty of Loyalty to Clients 112

PART Ⅸ.Understanding Victims' Interests and Recognizing the Importance of Managing and Guiding Expectations 119

A.Promises Collide With Reality 119

B.Managing Expectations 122

C.Ensuring Victims' Safety 123

PART Ⅹ.Holding a Pre-Trial Evidentiary Hearing to Establish the Historic Record 127

A.Litigation Aimed at Creating Present and Future Individual (and Group) Accountability 127

B.Convening a Pre-Trial Evidentiary Hearing to Develop the Common Factual Backdrop of the Case 132

PART ⅩⅠ Compiling a "Victimization Dossier" as a Permanent Historic Record of Abuse 137

A.The Carefully Tailored Dossier as a Useful Tool for Victim Representatives 137

B.Devising Standard Procedures for Compiling Evidence 139

C.Developing Interview Protocols 139

D.Submitting the Dossier to the Court 140

1.The Most Promising Submission Options 140

2.Other Submission Alternatives 140

E.Submitting the Dossier to the Office of the Prosecutor 141

PART ⅩⅡ.Pre-Trial Proceedings 145

A.Functions of the Pre-Trial Chamber 145

B.The Office of Public Counsel for the Defense 148

C.Victim Participation in Pre-Trial Investigative Activities 149

D.Pre-Trial Preparation With a Clear Focus on the Main Trial 151

1.Developing the Theory of the Case 152

2.Framing the Elements of the Crime(s) 155

3.Identifying and Developing the Critical Facts 157

4.Constructing an "Order of Proof" 158

5.Outlining Direct and 'Adverse" Examination 159

6.Preparing the Exhibit List 160

7.Honest Evaluation Required: Critical Examination of the Victims' Case 161

8.Preparing a Preliminary Trial Checklist 162

9.Creating a Trial Notebook 164

10.Complying with Pre-Trial Discovery and Disclosure Obligations 164

E.Some Observations on Pre-Trial Meetings With (Potential) Witnesses 167

F.Self-Representation and the Corresponding Threat to the Historic Record 173

G.The Benefits of Guilty Pleas 180

PART ⅩⅢ.The Main Trial 183

A.Opening Statement 184

B.Direct Examination of Witnesses 189

1.Purpose of Direct Examination: Telling the Story of the Case from the Victims' Perspective 190

2.Structuring the Direct Examination 192

3.Conducting the Direct Examination 193

a.Official Witnesses 196

b.Third-Party Witnesses 196

c.Cooperating Witnesses 196

d.Expert Witnesses 196

4.Leading Questions 197

C.Introducing Exhibity 200

1.The ICC s General Rules of Admissibility 200

2.Developing the Necessary Foundation to Admit Evidence 204

a.Tape Recordings 206

b.Photographs 207

c.Business Records 207

d.Signatures 208

e.Handwritten Documents 208

f.Diagrams and Demonstrative Exhibits 208

D.Cross-Examination 210

1.Cross-Examining on Prior Inconsistent Statements 211

2.Cross-Examining Expert Witnesses 213

E.Re-Direct Examination 216

PART ⅩⅣ.Summation and Sentencing 219

A.Summation: Capturing the Whole Story 219

B.Sentencing: Imposition of Justice 221

1.Available Categories of Punishment: Imprisonment, Fines, Forfeiture, and Reparations 221

2.Reparations 224

3.Bifurcating the Guilt Phase from the Reparations Phase 225

4.Preparing the Victims' Sentencing Memorandum 226

PART ⅩⅤ.Conclusion 229

Appendix Ⅰ.Selected Articles from Rome Statute 231

Appendix Ⅱ.Selected Rules of Procedure and Evidence 263

Appendix Ⅲ.Regulations of the Registry 299

Appendix Ⅳ.Selected Regulations of the Court 331

Appendix Ⅴ.Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel 357

Appendix Ⅵ.Counsel Participation Form 379

Appendix Ⅶ.Victim Participation Form 389

Appendix Ⅷ.Reparations Form 407

Table of Authorities 427

ICC Legal Provisions 445

Index 449
