The Foundations of Restitution for WrongsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Francesco Giglio
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9781841136479;1841136476
- 页数:246 页
Introduction 1
1 Terminology and Introduction to the Concept of Restitution for Wrongs 11
Ⅰ First Things First 11
Ⅱ Restitution 11
A English Law 12
i Restitution and Disgorgement 12
ii Quadrationism versus Multicausalism 15
B German Law 19
C Italian Law 22
Ⅲ Wrong 24
A English Law 24
B German Law 27
C Italian Law 29
Ⅳ Setting the Terminological Premises 31
A Wrongs 32
B Law of Tort and Law of Delict 33
C Compensation and Restitution for Wrongs 33
D Restitution for Wrongs and Restitution for Unjust Enrichment 34
2 Restitution in the Context of the Law of Obligations 37
Ⅰ Legal Analysis 37
A English Law 38
i The Compensatory Principle 38
ii Waiver of Tort 41
iii Unjust Enrichment 41
B German Law 42
i The Law of Damages 43
ii Non-Wrongful Responses 45
C Italian Law 46
i The Law of Damages 47
ii Non-Wrongful Responses 49
Ⅱ Some Remarks 50
3 Comparative Analysis: Proprietary and Intellectual Property Wrongs 53
Ⅰ Organisation of the Analysis 53
A Compensatory Damages which Resemble Restitutionary Damages 54
B Proper Restitutionary Damages 55
C Scheme of the Comparative Analysis 55
Ⅱ Proprietary Wrongs 56
A English Law 56
i Conversion 56
ii Other Cases 60
B German Law 65
C Italian Law 68
Ⅲ Intellectual Property Wrongs 73
A English Law 73
B German Law 77
C Italian Law 80
4 Comparative Analysis: Breach of Contract 83
Ⅰ English Law 83
Ⅱ German Law 92
A Law of Delict 92
B Law of Contract 94
C Law of Unjustified Enrichment 97
Excursus: The scope of para 285 (1) BGB 99
Ⅲ Italian Law 99
A Law of Delict 100
B Law of Contract 101
C Law of Unjust Enrichment 101
5 Comparative Analysis: Other Wrongs and Concluding Observations 105
Ⅰ Other Wrongs 105
A English Law 105
i Breach of Fiduciary Duty 105
ii Breach of Confidence 107
B German Law 108
i Breach of Fiduciary Duty 109
ii Breach of Confidence 110
iii Violation of Personality Rights 110
C Italian Law 115
i Breach of Fiduciary Duty 116
ii Violation of Personality Rights 116
iii 'Environmental Damage' 118
iv Other Cases of Restitution in a Delictual Context 120
Ⅱ Concluding Observations 122
A The Set of Premises 122
B Two Considerations 123
C The Relationship with Restitution for Unjust Enrichment 123
D Restitution for Wrongs in the Three Jurisdictions 125
E Some Obstacles 125
6 The Roman Law of Damages 127
Ⅰ The Role of Non-Compensatory Responses 127
Ⅱ Legal Responses to Wrongs 128
Ⅲ The Punitive Character of the Roman Law of Delict 129
Ⅳ Penal and Compensatory Actions 131
ARes and Poena 132
B Main Features of the Penal Actions 133
Ⅴ Restitution in the Roman Law of Damages 133
A The actiones in id quod ad eos pervenit 134
B Contractual Restitutionary Damages? 137
Ⅵ Evolution of the Law of Damages in the Post-Classical Period 139
Ⅶ The Law of Damages in the Ius Commune 140
Ⅷ Some Reflections 143
A The Actions in id quod ad eos pervenit as Restitutionary Claims for Wrongs 143
B The Claim of D 19. 1.23 144
C Limited Application of Restitution for Wrongs 145
D An Historical Explanation 146
7 The Law of Damages in the Tradition of Aristotelian Philosophy 147
Ⅰ Introduction 147
Ⅱ The Aristotelian Approach to Responses to Wrongdoing 148
A Aristotle's Ethics 148
i The Requirements to Identify the Just Man 149
ii Particular Justice 149
iii Corrective Justice 150
iv Retaliation 152
B The Expansion of Aristotelian Ideas in Western Europe 152
C The Rediscovery of Aristotle 153
i St Thomas and the Aristotelian Doctrine 153
ii Distributive and Corrective Justice 154
iii Restitutio 155
D The Spanish Late Scholastics and Grotius 157
i Restitution according to Franciscus de Vitoria 158
ii Restitution according to Dominicus Soto 159
iii The concept of damage in Grotius 161
Ⅲ Aristotelian Theory and Law of Damages 162
A Diorthotic Justice 163
B The Theory of Mean 163
C Aristotelian Responses 164
i Punishment 164
ii Restitution 165
iii The co-operatores 166
iv Retaliation 167
Ⅳ The Influence of Philosophical Analysis over Legal Interpretation 167
A The Historical and the Philosophical Factors 167
B Greek Philosophy in the Context of Roman Legal Science 168
i Roman Lawyers 168
ii The Glossators 170
8 Modern Aristotelian Approaches to Restitution for Wrongs 173
Ⅰ Introduction 173
Ⅱ German Legal Theory and Aristotelian Justice 174
A The General Studies on Private Law 174
B Esser's Theory of Distributive Justice 176
Ⅲ A Moral Instrumentalist Theory on the Law of Damages 178
A A 'Moral' and 'Instrumentalist' Theory 178
B Agent-Specific and Agent-General Duties 179
C Corrective Justice and Legal Analysis of Tort Law 180
i Conceptions of corrective justice 180
ii Coleman's theory in a legal context 181
iii Restitutionary justice 183
iv Coleman's legal analysis and restitution for wrongs 183
Ⅳ A Moral Formalist Theory on the Law of Damages 185
A A Kantian Approach to Corrective Justice 185
B Restitutionary Damages as Corrective Justice 187
C Weinrib's Analysis and Restitution for Wrongs 189
i Corrective justice according to Weinrib 189
ii Proprietary rights and tortious protection of property 190
iii Pseudo-restitutionary damages 192
Ⅴ Corrective Justice and Restitution for Wrongs 193
9 Wrongs and Restitution 197
Ⅰ Introduction 197
Ⅱ Birks' Three Tests 198
Ⅲ Protection of Facilitative Institutions 200
Ⅳ General Acceptance 202
Ⅴ Position of the Law Commission 203
Ⅵ Restitution Disgorgement and Deterrence 205
Ⅶ The Requirements of the Claim 209
Ⅷ The Object of the Restitutionary Claim 213
Ⅸ Election between Compensation and Restitution 215
Ⅹ The Neutrality of Restitution for Wrongs 218
Ⅺ The A FortioriArgument 219
Ⅻ Conclusions 220
10 Final Observations 223
Ⅰ The Outcome of the Research 223
Ⅱ The Chosen Avenue 225
Ⅲ Law of Obligations and Restitution for Wrongs 226
Ⅳ The Comparative Perspective 227
Ⅴ The Historical Perspective 229
Ⅵ The Philosophical Perspective 230
Bibliography 233
Index 243
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