Money launderingPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Guy Stessens.
- 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:0511011741
- 页数:461 页
Part Ⅰ New instruments in the fight against acquisitive crime: confiscation of proceeds from crime and criminalisation of money laundering 3
1 The background of the fight against money laundering 3
Legal background 3
Social-economic background: organised crime and drug offences 6
Expansion of the application field to other offences 11
Transformations of the norm-making process 14
2 The confiscation 29
General concepts of confiscation 30
Confiscation of the instrumentalities or the subject of crime 43
Confiscation of the proceeds of crime 47
The dangerous attractiveness of confiscation: policing and prosecuting for profit 56
Human rights limitations to the confiscation sanctions 60
3 The fight against money laundering: genesis of a new crime 82
Money laundering: the phenomenon and the reasons for fighting it 82
The fight against money laundering in the United States of America 96
The fight against money laundering in Switzerland 100
The twin-track fight against money laundering: the preventive and the repressive approach 108
The international treaty obligation to criminalise money laundering: a drastic expansion of criminal liability? 113
Part Ⅱ The prevention of money laundering 133
4 The application field of legislation on the prevention of money laundering 133
The application field of ratione personae 133
The application field of ratione materiae 140
5 The role of financial institutions in the prevention of money laundering 143
Preventive obligations derogating from traditional banking principles 143
Customer identification 146
The identification and record-keeping obligations method 157
Obligations to report (suspicious) transactions 159
Internal control procedures and training programmes for employees 178
Financial institutions as policemen? 179
6 The role of financial intelligence units in combating money laundering 183
The creation of financial intelligence units 183
Secrecy duty of financial intelligence units 190
The specialty principle 193
7 The role of the supervisory authorities in combating money laundering 200
The duty of supervisory authorities to report facts of money laundering 201
The administrative sanctioning powers of supervisory authorities in case of non-observance of the legislation to prevent money laundering 202
Part Ⅲ Jurisdiction over money laundering 209
8 Various types of jurisdictional problem in the fight against money laundering 209
9 Territorial jurisdiction in respect of money laundering offences 215
Distinction with jurisdiction in respect of the predicate offence 215
Localising money laundering acts 217
Double criminality in respect of the predicate offence 226
10 Extra-territorial jurisdiction in respect of money laundering offences 232
Jurisdiction on the basis of the nationality principle 232
Jurisdiction over foreign corporate conduct under financial preventive law 238
Part Ⅳ International co-operation in combating money laundering 251
11 The money laundering regime: new objectives of international co-operation in criminal matters 251
Objectives of domestic and international criminal justice 251
The case for a reform of the international co-operation in criminal matters 252
12 The money laundering regime: new modes of international evidence-gathering 258
Exchange of information relating to suspicious financial transactions: judicial, administrative or police assistance? 258
Mutual administrative assistance between Fills: basis, restrictions and ramijications on criminal proceedings 269
Unilateral extra-territorial measures 278
On the relative importance of treaty-based co-operation in criminal matters 283
13 Some of the conditions, principles and exceptions of mutual judicial assistance in criminal matters revisited 287
The condition of double criminality 287
The fiscal and political offence exception 299
The locus regit actum principle 301
14 Lifting banking secrecy in an international context 311
Background of the American approach to extra-territorial disclosure orders 312
Extra-territorial disclosure orders 318
International co-operation in lifting foreign banking secrecy 329
15 Provisional measures for preserving alleged proceeds of crime in an international context 352
Domestic provisional measures with an extra-territorial reach 353
The treaty mechanisms for taking provisional measures 370
16 International enforcement of confiscation orders 381
Unilateral confiscation measures 381
International co-operation mechanisms for the enforcement of confiscations 385
International asset sharing 416
Epilogue 420
Bibliography 432
Index 458
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