

- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:580 页
Introduction 1
Chapter 1.Bending of Long Rectangular Plates to a Cylindrical Surface 4
1.Differential Equation for Cylindrical Bending of Plates 4
2.Cylindrical Bending of Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates with Simply Supported Edges 6
3.Cylindrical Bending of Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates with Built-in Edges 13
4.Cylindrical Bending of Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates with Elasti-cally Built-in Edges 17
5.The Effect on Stresses and Deflections of Small Displacements of Longi-tudinal Edges in the Plane of the Plate 20
6.An Approximate Method of Calculating the Parameter u 24
7.Long Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates Having a Small Initial Cylin-drical Curvature 27
8.Cylindrical Bending of a Plate on an Elastic Foundation 30
Chapter 2.Pure Bending of Plates 33
9.Slope and Curvature of Slightly Bent Plates 33
10.Relations between Bending Moments and Curvature in Pure Bending of Plates 37
11.Particular Cases of Pure Bending 42
12.Strain Energy in Pure Bending of Plates 46
13.Limitations on the Application of the Derived Formulas 47
14.Thermal Stresses in Plates with Clamped Edges 49
Chapter 3.Symmetrical Bending of Circular Plates 51
15.Differential Equation for Symmetrical Bending of Laterally Loaded Cir-cular Plates 51
16.Uniformly Loaded Circular Plates 54
17.Circular Plate with a Circular Hole at the Center 58
18.Circular Plate Concentrically Loaded 63
19.Circular Plate Loaded at the Center 67
20.Corrections to the Elementary Theory of Symmetrical Bending of Cir-cular Plates 72
Chapter 4.Small Deflections of Laterally Loaded Plates 79
21.The Differential Equation of the Deflection Surface 79
22.Boundary Conditions 83
23.Alternate Method of Derivation of the Boundary Conditions 88
24.Reduction of the Problem of Bending of a Plate to That of Deflection of a Membrane 92
25.Effect of Elastic Constants on the Magnitude of Bending Moments 97
26.Exact Theory of Plates 98
Chapter 5.Simply Supported Rectangular Plates 105
27.Simply Supported Rectangular Plates under Sinusoidal Load 105
28.Navier Solution for Simply Supported Rectangular Plates 108
29.Further Applications of the Navier Solution 111
30.Alternate Solution for Simply Supported and Uniformly Loaded Rectangu-lar Plates 113
31.Simply Supported Rectangular Plates under Hydrostatic Pressure 124
32.Simply Supported Rectangular Plate under a Load in the Form of a Tri-angular Prism 130
33.Partially Loaded Simply Supported Rectangular Plate 135
34.Concentrated Load on a Simply Supported Rectangular Plate 141
35.Bending Moments in a Simply Supported Rectangular Plate with a Con-centrated Load 143
36.Rectangular Plates of Infinite Length with Simply Supported Edges 149
37.Bending Moments in Simply Supported Rectangular Plates under a Load Uniformly Distributed over the Area of a Rectangle 158
38.Thermal Stresses in Simply Supported Rectangular Plates 162
39.The Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on the Bending of Thin Plates 165
40.Rectangular Plates of Variable Thickness 173
Chapter 6.Rectangular Plates with Various Edge Conditions 180
41.Bending of Rectangular Plates by Moments Distributed along the Edges 180
42.Rectangular Plates with Two Opposite Edges Simply Supported and the Other Two Edges Clamped 185
43.Rectangular Plates with Three Edges Simply Supported and One Edge Built In 192
44.Rectangular Plates with All Edges Built In 197
45.Rectangular Plates with One Edge or Two Adjacent Edges Simply Sup-ported and the Other Edges Built In 205
46.Rectangular Plates with Two Opposite Edges Simply Supported,the Third Edge Free,and the Fourth Edge Built In or Simply Supported 208
47.Rectangular Plates with Three Edges Built In and the Fourth Edge Free 211
48.Rectangular Plates with Two Opposite Edges Simply Supported and the Other Two Edges Free or Supported Elastically 214
49.Rectangular Plates Having Four Edges Supported Elastically or Resting on Corner Points with All Edges Free 218
50.Semi-infinite Rectangular Plates under Uniform Pressure 221
51.Semi-infinite Rectangular Plates under Concentrated Loads 225
Chapter 7.Continuous Rectangular Plates 229
52.Simply Supported Continuous Plates 229
53.Approximate Design of Continuous Plates with Equal Spans 236
54.Bending of Plates Supported by Rows of Equidistant Columns(Flat Slabs) 245
55.Flat Slab Having Nine Panels and Slab with Two Edges Free 253
56.Effect of a Rigid Connection with Column on Moments of the Flat Slab 257
Chapter 8.Plates on Elastic Foundation 259
57.Bending Symmetrical with Respect to a Center 259
58.Application of Bessel Functions to the Problem of the Circular Plate 265
59.Rectangular and Continuous Plates on Elastic Foundation 269
60.Plate Carrying Rows of Equidistant Columns 276
61.Bending of Plates Resting on a Semi-infinite Elastic Solid 278
Chapter 9.Plates of Various Shapes 282
62.Equations of Bending of Plates in Polar Coordinates 282
63.Circular Plates under a Linearly Varying Load 285
64.Circular Plates under a Concentrated Load 290
65.Circular Plates Supported at Several Points along the Boundary 293
66.Plates in the Form of a Sector 295
67.Circular Plates of Nonuniform Thickness 298
68.Annular Plates with Linearly Varying Thickness 303
69.Circular Plates with Linearly Varying Thickness 305
70.Nonlinear Problems in Bending of Circular Plates 308
71.Elliptical Plates 310
72.Triangular Plates 313
73.Skewed Plates 318
74.Stress Distribution around Holes 319
Chapter 10.Special and Approximate Methods in Theory of Plates 325
75.Singularities in Bending of Plates 325
76.The Use of Influence Surfaces in the Design of Plates 328
77.Influence Functions and Characteristic Functions 334
78.The Use of Infinite Integrals and Transforms 336
79.Complex Variable Method 340
80.Application of the Strain Energy Method in Calculating Deflections 342
81.Alternative Procedure in Applying the Strain Energy Method 347
82.Various Approximate Methods 348
83.Application of Finite Differences Equations to the Bending of Simply Sup-ported Plates 351
84.Experimental Methods 362
Chapter 11.Bending of Anisotropic Plates 364
85.Differential Equation of the Bent Plate 364
86.Determination of Rigidities in Various Specific Cases 366
87.Application of the Theory to the Calculation of Gridworks 369
88.Bending of Rectangular Plates 371
89.Bending of Circular and Elliptic Plates 376
Chapter 12.Bending of Plates under the Combined Action of Lateral Loads and Forces in the Middle Plane of the Plate 378
90.Differential Equation of the Deflection Surface 378
91.Rectangular Plate with Simply Supported Edges under the Combined Action of Uniform Lateral Load and Uniform Tension 380
92.Application of the Energy Method 382
93.Simply Supported Rectangular Plates under the Combined Action of Lateral Loads and of Forces in the Middle Plane of the Plate 387
94.Circular Plates under Combined Action of Lateral Load and Tension or Compression 391
95.Bending of Plates with a Small Initial Curvature 393
Chapter 13.Large Deflections of Plates 396
96.Bending of Circular Plates by Moments Uniformly Distributed along the Edge 396
97.Approximate Formulas for Uniformly Loaded Circular Plates with Large Deflections 400
98.Exact Solution for a Uniformly Loaded Circular Plate with a Clamped Edge 404
99.A Simply Supported Circular Plate under Uniform Load 408
100.Circular Plates Loaded at the Center 412
101.General Equations for Large Deflections of Plates 415
102.Large Deflections of Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates 421
103.Large Deflections of Rectangular Plates with Simply Supported Edges 425
Chapter 14.Deformation of Shells without Bending 429
104.Definitions and Notation 429
105.Shells in the Form of a Surface of Revolution and Loaded Symmetrically with Respect to Their Axis 433
106.Particular Cases of Shells in the Form of Surfaces of Revolution 436
107.Shells of Constant Strength 442
108.Displacements in Symmetrically Loaded Shells Having the Form of a Surface of Revolution 445
109.Shells in the Form of a Surface of Revolution under Unsymmetrical Loading 447
110.Stresses Produced by Wind Pressure 449
111.Spherical Shell Supported at Isolated Points 453
112.Membrane Theory of Cylindrical Shells 457
113.The Use of a Stress Function in Calculating Membrane Forces of Shells 461
Chapter 15.General Theory of Cylindrical Shells 466
114.A Circular Cylindrical Shell Loaded Symmetrically with Respect to Its Axis 466
115.Particular Cases of Symmetrical Deformation of Circular Cylindrical Shells 471
116.Pressure Vessels 481
117.Cylindrical Tanks with Uniform Wall Thickness 485
118.Cylindrical Tanks with Nonuniform Wall Thickness 488
119.Thermal Stresses in Cylindrical Shells 497
120.Inextensional Deformation of a Circular Cylindrical Shell 501
121.General Case of Deformation of a Cylindrical Shell 507
122.Cylindrical Shells with Supported Edges 514
123.Deflection of a Portion of a Cylindrical Shell 516
124.An Approximate Investigation of the Bending of Cylindrical Shells 519
125.The Use of a Strain and Stress Function 522
126.Stress Analysis of Cylindrical Roof Shells 524
Chapter 16.Shells Having the Form of a Surface of Revolution and Loaded Symmetrically with Respect to Their Axis 533
127.Equations of Equilibrium 533
128.Reduction of the Equations of Equilibrium to Two Differential Equations of the Second Order 537
129.Spherical Shell of Constant Thickness 540
130.Approximate Methods of Analyzing Stresses in Spherical Shells 547
131.Spherical Shells with an Edge Ring 555
132.Symmetrical Bending of Shallow Sphcrical Shells 558
133.Conical Shells 562
134.General Case of Shells Having the Form of a Surface of Revolution 566
Name Index 569
Subject Index 575
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