![ECONOMICS OF EVIDENCE](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s68c571f.jpg)
![ECONOMICS OF EVIDENCE](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s68c571f.jpg)
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:1845429397
- 页数:524 页
A Settlement and Plea Bargaining: Cooperative Game Theory Approach 5
1.Richard A.Posner (1973), excerpts from ‘An Economic Approach to Legal Procedure and Judicial Administration’, Journal of Legal Studies, Ⅱ (2), June, Introduction and Part Ⅳ, 399-400, 417-29 5
2.John P. Gould (1973), excerpt from ‘The Economics of Legal Conflicts’, Journal of Legal Studies, Ⅱ (2), June, 279-93, 297-300 20
3.William M.Landes (1971), excerpt from ‘An Economic Analysis of the Coufls’, Journal of Law and Economics, 14 (1), April, 61-77, 101-6 39
B Settlement and Plea Bargaining: Asymmetric Information Models 65
4.Lucian Arye Bebchuk (1984), ‘Litigation and Settlement under Imperfect Information’, RAND Journal of Economics, 15 (3), Autumn, 404-15 65
5.Kathryn E.Spier (1992), ‘The Dynamics of Pretrial Negotiation’, Review of Economic Studies, 59, 93-108 77
6.Jennifer F.Reinganum and Louis L.Wilde (1986), ‘Settlement, Litigation, and the Allocation of Litigation Costs’, RAND Journal of Economics, 17 (4), Winter, 557-66 93
C The Selection of Disputes for Litigation 105
7.George L.Priest and Benjamin Klein (1984), excerpts from ‘The Selection of Disputes for Litigation’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅢ (1), Janua , Parts Ⅰ and Ⅱ, 1-30 105
8.Steven Shavell (1996), ‘Any Frequency of Plaintiff Victory at Trial is Possible’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅩⅤ (2), June, 493-501 135
9.Joel Waldfogel (1995), ‘The Selection Hypothesis and the Relationship between Trial and Plaintiff Victory’, Journal of Political Economy, 103 (2), April, 229-60 144
D The Allocation of Legal Costs 179
10. Steven Shavell (1982), ‘Suit, Settlement, and Trial: A Theoretical Analysis under Alternative Methods for the Allocation of Legal Costs’, Journal of Legal Studies, Ⅺ (1), January, 55-81 179
11. Geoffrey P. Miller (1986), ‘An Economic Analysis of Rule 68’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅤ (1), January, 93-125 206
E Negative Expected Value Suits 241
12. Lucian Arye Bebchuk (1988), ‘Suing Solely to Extract a Settlement Offer’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅦ (2), June, 437-50 241
13. Lucian Arye Bebchuk (1996), ‘A New Theory Concerning the Credibility and Success of Threats to Sue’, Journal of Legal Studies, XXV (1), January, 1-25 255
F Discovery 283
14. Robert D.Cooter and Daniel L.Rubinfeld (1994), ‘An Economic Model of Legal Discovery’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅩⅢ (1), January, 435-63 283
15. Henry S.Farber and Michelle J.White (1991), ‘Medical Malpractice: An Empirical Examination of the Litigation Process’, RAND Journal of Economics, 22 (2), Summer, 199-217 312
16. Bruce L.Hay (1994), ‘Civil Discovery: Its Effects and Optimal Scope’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅩⅢ (1), January, 481-515 331
G Litigation and Primary Activity Incentives 369
17. Steven Shavell (1982), ‘The Social versus the Private Incentive to Bring Suit in a Costly Legal System’, Journal of Legal Studies, Ⅺ (2), June, 333-9 369
18. Susan Rose-Ackerman and Mark Geistfeld (1987), ‘The Divergence between Social and Private Incentives to Sue: A Comment on Shavell, Menell, and Kaplow’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅥ (2), June,483-91 376
19. A.Mitchell Polinsky and Daniel L.Rubinfeld (1988), ‘The Welfare Implications of Costly Litigation for the Level of Liability’, Journal of Legal Studies, ⅩⅦ (1), January, 151-64 385
20. A.Mitchell Polinsky and Yeon-Koo Che (1991), ‘Decoupling Liability: Optimal Incentives for Care and Litigation’, RAND Journal of Economics, 22 (4), Winter, 562-70 399
A The Litigation Expenditure Game 413
21. Richard A.Posner (1973), excerpts from ‘An Economic Approach to Legal Procedure and Judicial Administration’, Journal of Legal Studies, Ⅱ (2), June, Introduction, Part V and Appendix, 399-400, 429-41,452-58 413
22. Avery Katz (1988), ‘Judicial Decisionmaking and Litigation Expenditure’, International Review of Law and Economics, 8, 127-43 435
23. George B.Shepherd (1999), ‘An Empirical Study of the Economics of Pretrial Discovery’, International Review of Law and Economics, 19,245-63 452
B How Results Change when Spending is Endogenous 473
24. Ronald Braeutigam, Bruce Owen and John Panzar (1984), ‘An Economic Analysis of Alternative Fee Shifting Systems’, Law and Contemporary Problems, 47 (1), Winter, 173-85 473
25. Albert Choi and Chris William Sanchirico (2004), ‘Should Plaintiffs Win What Defendants Lose? Litigation Stakes, Litigation Effort, and the Benefits of Decoupling’, Journal of Legal Studies, 33 (2), June,323-54 486
Name Index 519
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