Gang Injunctions and AbatementPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:ODeane
- 出 版 社:CRC Press [Imprint];Taylor & Francis Group
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9781439867877;1439867879
- 页数:624 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Criminal Law versus Civil Law 3
Public Nuisances 4
What Is an Injunction or Abatement? 6
The Gang Problem 8
Definition of Terms 10
Stage 1: At Risk or Peripheral 13
Stage 2: Associates or Affiliates 14
Stage 3: Gang Members 14
Stage 4: Hard-Core Gang Members 15
Stage 5: Gang Leaders 15
No Single Method Will Solve the Problem 17
Chapter 2 Steps 1 to 5 of the Injunction Process 21
Step 1: Start with a Motivated and Knowledgeable Prosecutor and Police Officer 21
Step 2: Accurately Identify the Nuisance Activity and the Problem 24
Step 3: Identify the Defendants or Gang to Be Named or Targeted by the Injunction 26
What Are DOEs? 28
Step 4: Identify and Describe the Target Location, Target Area, or Safety Zone 33
Gang Abatement at a Specific Location 38
Step 5: Collect Evidence 38
Not Enough Evidence: Consider an Eviction 50
Chapter 3 Steps 6 to 10 of the Injunction Process 51
Step 6: Prepare the Order, Decide Which Type to Obtain 51
Name the Gang, Name the Individuals, Name Both? 53
Requirements for Issuance of Preliminary Injunction 57
Procedure for Obtaining Preliminary Injunction: Order to Show Cause (OSC) 57
Step 7: Obtain the Order, What Activity Will You Restrict? 58
The Narrowly Tailored Limitation on the Scope of an Injunction 61
Step 8: Notify the Defendants 62
The Yolo County Broderick Boys Case 65
Step 9: Final Disposition or Trial 65
Proposed Preliminary Injunction 66
Ex Parte Application for Order to Show Cause 66
Proposed Order to Show Cause 67
Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Ex Parte Application and Preliminary Injunction 67
Obtaining Judgment Granting Permanent Injunction 67
Step 10: Enforce and Maintain the Order,Educate the Police and Community 70
Chapter 4 Literature and Policy 73
Category 1: Police Response 74
Police Response Time 77
Category 2: Other Enforcement That Impacted Results 79
Category 3: Type of Gang 83
Percentage of the Overall Gang Targeted with Injunction 84
Targeting Gang Leaders 85
Territoriality of the Gang 86
Category 4: Type of Activity 87
Is the Crime Collective or Individual? 88
Category 5: Target Area Characteristics 89
Percentage of Turf Enjoined and Displacement 91
Economic Status of the Target Area 93
Zoning in Target Area 95
Category 6: Type of Community 96
Police-Initiated Injunctions 97
Category 7: Type of Order 98
Category 8: Maintenance of the Order 100
More Jail Time 100
Updated Orders May Be More Effective 101
Gang Injunctions and Gang Dynamics 102
Chapter 5 Gang Injunction and Gang Abatement Theory 103
Deterrence Theory: Increasing Risk and Punishment 105
Old Town National City Example: Testing the Resolve of Police 111
Injunction Violations Help Prove Gang Membership 112
Additional Common Provisions 113
Association Theory: Group Processes and Negative Peer Influence 116
Frequency, Duration, and Intensity 118
Intimidating Witnesses 121
Environmental Theories: Target Area Environmental Factors 122
Vandalism and Graffiti 123
Broken Windows Theory 125
Economic Theory: Strain Theorists 127
Economic Opportunity by Selling Drugs 129
Reducing Property Crimes Like Burglary and Auto Theft 132
Strain Theory's Solution to the Problem 132
Psychological Gang Dynamics Theory: Gang Crime Motivators 133
Displacement or Diffusion 133
Common Gang Crime Motivators Addressed by Injunctions 136
Limit Gang Identification (Hand Signs and Gang Clothing) 136
Turf Violations (Keep Rivals Apart to Reduce Confrontations) 139
Elevate Standing or Seeking Prestige 139
Personal Conflicts (Less Time Together, Less Internal Issues?) 140
Self-Control (Help Them Control Themselves) 141
Gangs and Schools (Protect Our Youth and Those at Risk) 142
Reduce Gang Recruiting 143
How a Gang's Structure Impacts a Gang Injunction (Territorial vs. Mobile) 144
Chapter 6 Legal Criticism of Gang Injunctions and Gang Abatement 149
Not Effective Debate 149
Illegal Debate 151
Gang Injunctions and Legal Accusations of Racism 155
Cost Debate 158
Community Support Debate 159
Media Campaign of Misinformation 162
Give Them a Way Out of the Gang and Off the Injunction: Opting Out 163
Getting Off an Injunction: What Is Required? 165
San Francisco Policy 168
So What Is the Review Process? 169
Confidentiality 170
Representation by Counsel 170
How to Submit Your Petition 171
Identifying Information 171
Chapter 7 Research Methodology 173
Quantitative Study 174
Retrospective, Quasi-Experimental Study 174
Initial Goal/Quantitative Analysis 175
Epidemiological Study 175
Comparing Two Populations: Injunction and Control 176
Testing Dependent Variables: Part 1, Part 2, and Total Calls 177
Control for Validity 177
Sampling Frame and Procedure 178
Sample 178
Treatment 179
Instrumentation 179
Data Analysis/Statistical Procedures 179
Nature of the Scales 182
Compare Same Points in Time 182
Measuring Crime 183
Measuring Cost 184
Measuring Convictions 186
Measuring Arrests 187
Measuring Community Perceptions 188
National Crime Victimization Surveys 188
Localized Community Surveys 189
Stakeholder Surveys 189
Self-Report Crime Surveys 190
The Gang Member's Perspective 191
Measuring Crime by Mapping 191
Measuring UCRs and Calls 192
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) 194
Two Studies Conducted Using UCRs Data Prior to This the Third 194
Jeff Grogger Study 194
Los Angeles Grand Jury Study 195
Chapter 8 Results of 25 Injunction Studies 197
Section 1: Injunction and Control Pairings 197
Descriptive: Injunction versus Control 198
Correlation between Injunction and Matched Controls 199
Summary of Section 1: Injunction and Control Pairings 201
Section 2: Effect of Injunctions on Calls for Service 202
Baseline Values, Injunction and Control 202
Baseline Part 2 Calls 202
Baseline Total Calls for Service 202
Summary of Baseline Calls 202
Percent Change for Part 1 Crime 203
Part 2 Calls for Service 204
Total Calls for Service 205
Summary: Effect of Injunctions on Calls for Service 205
Section 3: Further or Exploratory Analysis 207
Variance by Gang Ethnicity 207
Summary of Injunctions of Hispanic Gangs 210
Summary of Ethnicity 215
Variance by Gang Injunction Size (More or Less than 50 Members) 216
Summary of Gang Injunctions: More versus Less than 50 Targeted Member Results 223
Variance by County 223
Summary of County Analysis 232
Variance by Gang Injunction Area (Square Miles) 233
Summary of Square Mileage Analysis 241
Variance by Overall Gang Size 241
Summary of Overall Gang Size Analysis 248
Summary of Further Analysis 248
Limitations with the Injunctions 249
Section 4: Case-by-Case Analysis 249
Case/Pair l: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Part 1 Crime 249
Case/Pair 1: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Part 2 Crime 250
Case/Pair 1: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Total Calls 250
Case/Pair 2: San Marcos and South Los:Part 1 Crime 250
Case/Pair 2: San Marcos and South Los:Part 2 Crime 250
Case/Pair 2: San Marcos and South Los:Total Calls 251
Case/Pair 3: Old Town National City and Shelltown Gamma: Part 1 Crime 251
Case/Pair 3: Old Town National City and Shelltown Gamma: Part 2 Crime 251
Case/Pair 3: Old Town National City and Shelltown Gamma: Total Calls 252
Case/Pair 4: Mesa Locos and Center Street: Part 1 Crime 252
Case/Pair 4: Mesa Locos and Center Street:Part 2 Crime 252
Case/Pair 4: Mesa Locos and Center Street:Total Calls 252
Case/Pair 5: Linda Vista and Mission Bay:Part i Crime 253
Case/Pair 5: Linda Vista and Mission Bay:Part 2 Crime 253
Case/Pair 5: Linda Vista and Mission Bay:Total Calls 253
Case/Pair 6: Diablos and Fallbrook Locos:Part 1 Crime 254
Case/Pair 6: Diablos and Fallbrook Locos:Part 2 Crime 254
Case/Pair 6: Diablos and Fallbrook Locos:Total Calls 254
Case/Pair 7: Westside and Encinitas Locos:Part 1 Crime 254
Case/Pair 7: Westside and Encinitas Locos:Part 2 Crime 255
Case/Pair 7: Westside and Encinitas Locos:Total Calls 255
Case/Pair 8: Nestor and Imperials: Part 1Crime 255
Case/Pair 8: Nestor and Imperials: Part 2Crime 255
Case/Pair 8: Nestor and Imperials:Total Calls 256
Case/Pair 9: Logan Red Steps and Shelitown 38th Street: Part 1 Crime 256
Case/Pair 9: Logan Red Steps and Shelltown: Part 2 Crime 256
Case/Pair 9: Logan Red Steps and Shelltown 38th Street: Total Calls 257
Case/Pair 10: Center Street and South Los:Part 1 Crime 257
Case/Pair 10: Center Street and South Los:Part 2 Crime 257
Case/Pair 10: Center Street and South Los:Total Calls 257
Case/Pair 11: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Part 1 Crime 258
Case/Pair 11: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Part 2 Crime 258
Case/Pair 11: Posole and Vista Homeboys:Total Calls 258
Case/Pair 12: Lincoln Park and 5/9 Brims:Part 1 Crime 259
Case/Pair 12: Lincoln Park and 5/9 Brims:Part 2 Crime 259
Case/Pair 12: Lincoln Park and 5/9 Brims:Total Calls 259
Case/Pair 13: Skyline Piru and West Coast Crips: Part 1 Crime 259
Case/Pair 13: Skyline Piru and West Coast Crips: Part 2 Crime 260
Case/Pair 13: Skyline Piru and West Coast Crips: Total Calls 260
Case/Pair 14: Old Town National City and Otay: Part l Crime 260
Case/Pair 14: Old Town National City and Otay: Part 2 Crimes 260
Case/Pair 14: Old Town National City and Otay: Total Calls 261
Case/Pair 15: 7th Street and Southside Colton: Part 1 Crime 261
Case/Pair 15: 7th Street and Southside Colton: Part 2 Crime 261
Case/Pair 15: 7th Street and Southside Colton: Total Calls 262
Case/Pair 16: Verdugo Flats and Northside Colton: Part 1 Crime 262
Case/Pair 16: Verdugo Flats and Northside Colton: Part 2 Crime 262
Case/Pair 16: Verdugo Flats and Northside Colton: Total Calls 262
Case/Pair 17: Project Crips and Colton City Crips: Part 1 Crime 263
Case/Pair 17: Project Crips and Colton City Crips: Part 2 Crime 263
Case/Pair 17: Project Crips and Colton City Crips: Total Calls 263
Case/Pair 18: Canoga Park and Reseda South/Westside: Part 1 Crime 264
Case/Pair 18: Canoga Park and Reseda South/Westside: Part 2 Crime 264
Case/Pair 18: Canoga Park Alabama and Reseda South/Westside: Total Calls 264
Case/Pair 19: 18th Street Pico Union and SSK/Drifters Gang: Part 1 Crime 264
Case/Pair 19: 18th Street Pico and SSK/Drifters Gang: Part 2 Crime 265
Case/Pair 19: 18th Street Pico Union and SSK/Drifters Gang: Total Calls 265
Case/Pair 20: Krazy Ass Mexicans and State/Clarence Street: Part 1 Crime 265
Case/Pair 20: Krazy Ass Mexicans and State/Clarence Street: Part 2 Crime 266
Case/Pair 20: Krazy Ass Mexicans and State/Clarence Street: Total Calls 266
Case/Pair 21: Rolling Sixties Crips and Eight Tray Gangsters: Part 1 Crime 266
Case/Pair 21: Rolling Sixties Crips and Eight Tray Gangsters: Part 2 Crime 266
Case/Pair 21: Rolling Sixties Crips and Eight Tray Gangsters: Total Calls 267
Case/Pair 22: Varrio Nueva Estrada and White Fence: Part 1 Crime 267
Case/Pair 22: Varrio Nueva Estrada and White Fence: Part 2 Crime 267
Case/Pair 22: Varrio Nueva Estrada and White Fence: Total Calls 268
Case/Pair 23: Grape Street Crips and 97th Street Crips: Part 1 Crime 268
Case/Pair 23: Grape Street Crips and 97th Street Crips: Part 2 Crime 268
Case/Pair 23: Grape Street Crips and 97th Street Crips: Total Calls 268
Case/Pair 24: Bounty Hunter Bloods and Front/Back Street Crips: Part 1 Crime 269
Case/Pair 24: Bounty Hunter Bloods and Front/Back Street Crips: Part 2 Crime 269
Case/Pair 24: Bounty Hunter Bloods and Front/Back Street Crips: Total Calls 269
Case/Pair 25: Colonia Chiques and Southside Chiques: Part 1 Crime 270
Case/Pair 25: Colonia Chiques and Southside Chiques: Part 2 Crime 270
Case/Pair 25: Colonia Chiques and Southside Chiques: Total Calls 270
Compare Injunction and Control for Part 1 Crime 271
Summary of Part 1 Crime 271
Compare Injunction and Control for Part 2 Crime 271
Summary of Part 2 Crime 271
Compare Injunction and Control for Total Calls 271
Summary of Total Calls 272
Policy or Political Differences That May Have Impacted the Results 272
Chapter 9 Police Officers from 25 Gang Injunction Areas Surveyed 273
Survey Methods 273
Injunction Effectiveness 275
Survey Design 276
Survey Target Population/Participants 276
Sample 277
Survey Was Piloted 277
Survey Data Collection Procedures 278
Connecting the Survey to the Case Studies 278
Statistical Procedures for the Survey 280
Data Analysis 280
Limitations 281
Police Officer Survey Results 281
Description of Participant Demography 282
Results Survey Question 1: Making an Arrest for a Gang Injunction Violation Is an Effective Use of My Time'? 282
Results Survey Question 2: Gang Injunction Violations Are Responded to in Which Manner in My Jurisdiction? 282
Summary of Response Speed and Injunction Success 283
Results Survey Question 3: If Aware of the Presence of an Injunction, Was the Injunction Part of a Larger Intervention or Enforcement Program? 284
Part of a Larger Intervention and Injunction Success 284
Results Survey Question 4: If Yes to Question 3, What Were the Goals of the Larger Program? 284
Results Survey Question 5: What Is the Size of the Gang You Targeted with the Injunction? 285
Gang Size and Injunction Success 285
Gangs of 250 or More and Injunction Success 286
Gangs of 200 or More and Injunction Success 286
Gangs of 150 or More and Injunction Success 286
Gangs of 100 or More and Injunction Success 287
Summary of Gang Size and Injunction Success 287
Results Survey Question 6: What Percentage of the Overall Gang Size Was Actually Named in the Injunction or Later Served with the Injunction? 288
Summary of Percentage of Gang Served and Success 288
Results Survey Question 7: Were the Gang Leaders Targeted with the Injunction? 289
Summary of Leaders Targeted and Injunction Success 289
Results Survey Question 8: The Gangs in My Jurisdiction Are Territorial and Have Well-Defined Borders That They Actively Defend against Rivals 290
Results Survey Question 9: Was the Activity That Originally Brought the Gang Problems in the Injunction Part 1 Crime? 290
Results Survey Question 10: Gang Crime in My Jurisdiction Is Committed by Gang Members Working as Individuals Rather Than Working Together as a Group 290
Results Survey Question 11: What Is the Size of the Gang Turf of the Gang You Targeted with the Injunction? 290
Results Survey Question 12: What Percentage of the Total Gang's Turf Was Made Part of the Gang Injunction Target Area? 291
Results Survey Question 13: What Is the General Economic Status of the Gang Injunction Area? 291
Results Survey Question 14: What Best Describes the Zoning in the Target Area? 291
Results Survey Question 15: How Was the Injunction Obtained? Rate the Following Groups' Level of Participation in the Decision to Obtain the Injunction 291
Results Survey Question 16: If Aware of an Injunction, Who Initially Requested the Injunction? 292
Requestor of the Injunction and Injunction Success 292
Results Survey Question 17: Which of the Following Below Best Describes the Injunction in Your Area? 292
Results Survey Question 18: Does Your Department Keep You Adequately Informed as to the Status of the Injunction? 293
Keeping Informed and Injunction Success 293
Results Survey Question 19: If an Arrest Is Made for a Gang Injunction Violation,What Is the Typical Response in Your Jurisdiction? 294
Results Survey Question 20: In My Jurisdiction We Constantly Evaluate the Injunction and Add or Remove Members as It Becomes Necessary to Keep the Injunction Current 294
The Police Officer Survey 294
Chapter 10 Research and Conclusions about Effectiveness 299
Grogger Study: First Scientific Look at Effectiveness 300
Edward Allan Study (Survey of Prosecutors) 301
Los Angeles Grand Jury Study, June 2004 302
Maxson Community Study of Verdugo Flats 303
Fresno Grand Jury Makes Gang Injunction Recommendations 304
O'Deane Gang Injunction Study—September 2007 305
O'Deane Gang Injunction Study—November 2007 305
Comparing the Empirical Findings 308
Long-Term Impact of Six Gang Injunctions Evaluated 310
Limitations 313
Suggestions for Future Research 314
What Are the Policy Recommendations? 315
Research Conclusion 315
Chapter 11 The Birth of Gang Injunctions 317
Year 1982 318
People v. Dogtown, Primera and 62nd Street East Coast Crips Gangs (Los Angeles Case C418875), July 22, 1982 318
California Corporations Code Used against Gangs 319
Year 1987 320
People v. Playboy Gangster Crips (Los Angeles Case WEC118860), October 26, 1987 320
Chapter 12 Gang Injunctions 1990-1999 323
Year 1992 323
Fairview Property Associates v. Westside Playboys (Los Angeles Case EC009117),July 1, 1992 323
People v. Acosta (Los Angeles Case EC010205), October 7, 1992 323
Year 1993 324
People v. Blythe Street Gang (Los Angeles Case LC020525), February 22, 1993 324
People v. Acuna (Santa Clara Case 729322), February 26, 1993 324
Blythe Injunction (False Promises), ACLU Study and City Attorney Response 325
People v. Amaya (Orange County Case 713223), June 30, 1993 (Attempt) 327
Strategies against Gang Environments Forms in LA to Help Get Gang Injunctions 328
Year 1994 329
People v. Avalos (Santa Clara Case CV739089), March 16, 1994 329
People v. B Street Boys (Alameda Case 735405-4), May 18, 1994 (Attempt) 329
City of Norwalk v. Orange Street Locos (Los Angeles Case VC016746), July 21, 1994 330
Year 1995 331
City of Long Beach v. Westside Longos (Los Angeles Case NC17601), October 6,1995 331
City of Pasadena v. Pasadena Denver Lanes (Los Angeles Case GC015651),October 25, 1995 331
Year 1996 332
City of Redondo Beach v. North Side Redondo 13 (Los Angeles Case YC026580), April 30, 1996 332
City of Pasadena v. Villa Boys and Krazy Boys (Los Angeles Case GC016746/ GC017109), June 13, 1996 333
People v. Headhunters (SB Case SCV30441), June 20, 1996 (Attempt) 334
People v. Lennox-13 (Los Angeles Case YC027006), July 30, 1996 335
City of Commerce v. Chopper 12 (Los Angeles Case BC155927), August 20, 1996 335
City of lnglewood v. Crenshaw Mafia (Los Angeles Case YC028318), December 17, 1996 336
Year 1997 337
People v. 18th Street Gang Alsace Clique (Los Angeles Case BC167915), March 21,1997 337
People v. Brown Nation (Los Angeles Case VC 24170), March 27, 1997 (Attempt) 337
City of Long Beach v. West Coast Crips (Los Angeles Case NC021240), May 5, 1997 339
People v. 18th Street Gang Pico/Union (Los Angeles Case BC175684),August 1, 1997 340
People v. 7th Street Gang (San Bernardino Case SCVSS42552), October 24, 1997 342
People v. Varrio Posole Locos (San Diego Case N76652), November 26, 1997 343
Year 1998 344
People v. Mara Salvatrucha (Los Angeles Case BC187039), March 4, 1998 344
People v. 18th Street Shatto Park (Los Angeles Case BC190334), May 1, 1998 344
People v. Arroyo—Varrio Horseshoe, Westside Mob, Sur Santos Pride, and Eastside Clanton Gangs (Santa Clara Case CV775225), July 10, 1998 345
People v. Harpy's Gang (Los Angeles Case BC192678), July 16, 1998 346
People v. Original Bloods (San Joaquin Case CV05505), July 28, 1998 347
People v. Alcarez—Vagos Gang (Monterey Case 115095), July 30, 1998 347
People v. Varrio San Marcos (San Diego Case N078777), August 3, 1998 348
City of Compton v. Compton Varrio Flats, aka Tortilla Flats Gang (Los Angeles Case TC011598), August 20, 1998 348
City of San Diego v. Lincoln Park (San Diego Case 725795), November 19, 1998 (Updated in 2004) 349
City of National City v. Old Town National City Gang (San Diego Case SB007194),December 15, 1998 350
Year 1999 350
People v. Langdon Street Gang (Los Angeles Case LC048292), March 26, 1999 350
People v. Culver City Boys (Los Angeles Case SC056980), April 23, 1999 352
People v. Venice Shoreline Crips (Los Angeles Case SC057282), May 21, 1999 353
People v. Sur Crazy Ones (San Bernardino Case SCVSS58315), June 24, 1999 355
People v. Varrio Mesa Locos (San Diego Case N82223), August 20, 1999 355
People v. Harbor City Gang and the Harbor City Crips (Los Angeles Case NC026769), November 12, 1999 356
Chapter 13 Gang Injunctions 2000-2009 357
Years 2000-2009 357
People v. Venice 13 Gang (Los Angeles Case SC060375), February 4, 2000 357
People v. Linda Vista 13 Gang (San Diego Case GIC745162), March 24, 2000 359
City of San Jose v. South Vietnam (Santa Clara Case CV791443), July 28, 2000 359
Year 2001 360
People v. Five Time Hometown Crips (San Bernardino SCVSS080319),January 13, 2001 360
People v. Pacoima Project Boys (Los Angeles Case PC027254Y),March 20, 2001 360
People v. Eastside and Westside Wilmas (Los Angeles Case NC030080),May 23, 2001 361
People v. Diablos Gang (San Diego Case GIN013906), July 13, 2001 362
People v. Westside Gang (San Diego Case GIN013907), July 13, 2001 362
People v. Eastside Longos (Los Angeles Case NC030660), August 31, 2001 362
Year 2002 363
People v. Canoga Park Alabama (Los Angeles Case BC267153),January 29, 2002 363
People v. Nestor Gang (San Diego Case GIS9068), February 27, 2002 364
People v. 18th Street Pico Union (Los Angeles Case BC272030), April 16,2002 (Redoing the 18th Street Pico Union That Was Previously Dismissed) 364
People v. Varrio Sureno Town (Santa Clara Case CV811217), September 19, 2002 365
People v. Krazy Ass Mexicans (Los Angeles Case BC282629), October 3, 2002 365
People v. Logan Height Red Steps Gang(San Diego Case GIC798708),November 1, 2002 366
People v. Avenues Gang (Los Angeles Case BC287137), December 17, 2002 367
Year 2003 367
People v. Verdugo Flats (San Bernardino Case SCVSS092975), March 10, 2003 367
People v. Insane Crip (Los Angeles Case NC033946), April 16, 2003 368
People v. Rolling Sixties Crips (Los Angeles Case BC298646), July 8, 2003 368
People v. Chankla Bulldogs (Fresno Case 03CECG02881), August 15, 2003 370
People v. Center Street (San Diego Case GIN032007), August 22, 2003 370
People v. Bounty Hunter Bloods (Los Angeles Case BC301433), August 26, 2003 370
People v. Delman Heights Bloods (San Bernardino Case SCVSS107068), October 9, 2003 371
People v. Varrio Posole Locos (San Diego Case GIN033214), October 17, 2003 371
People v. Project Crips (San Bernardino Case SCVSS109373), November 4, 2003 372
People v. 18th Street Hollywood (Los Angeles Case BC305434),November 4, 2003 372
Year 2004 372
People v. Westside Longos (Los Angeles Case NC035222), January 12, 2004 372
People v. Mara Salvatrucha Hollywood (Los Angeles Case BC311766), March 9,2004 373
People v. Oxnard Colonia Chiques (Ventura Case CIV226032), April 2, 2004 373
People v. 18th Street Wilshire (Los Angeles Case BC313309), April 6, 2004 374
People v. East Side Piru, Aka Skyline (San Diego Case GIC827117), April 16, 2004 374
Evaluation of the Analysis Typically Needed to Obtain an Injunction: The Skyline Example 376
People v. G-Mobb (Sacramento County Case 04AS02821), July 13, 2004 379
People v. 38th Street (Los Angeles Case BC319166), July 28, 2004 379
People v. Varrio Nueva Estrada Hollenbeck (Los Angeles Case BC319981), August 12,2004 379
People v. Parkside Bulldogs (Fresno Case 04CECG02777), September 27, 2004 380
People v. Southside Montebello (Los Angeles Case BC324344), November 10,2004 380
People v. California Garden Crips (San Bernardino Case SCVSS119636),November 23, 2004 381
People v. 42nd, 43rd, 48th Street Gangster Crips (Los Angeles Case BC326016), December 16, 2004 381
People v. Broderick Boys (Yolo County Case CV04-2085), December 30, 2004 381
Year 2005 382
People v. Grape Street Crips (Los Angeles Case BC330087), March 10, 2005 382
People v. Hoovers and Troubles (Los Angeles Case BC330272), March 15, 2005 383
People v. 18th St. CLCS and Nine Other Gangs (Los Angeles Case BC332713), May 2, 2005 383
People v. Vista Homeboys (San Diego Case GIN044867), May 27, 2005 385
Example of Serving a Large Number of Defendants at One Time 385
People v. Lamparas Primera and Southside (Santa Barbara 1148758), June 1, 2005 386
People v. Big Hazard (Los Angeles Case BC335749), June 28, 2005 386
People v. Old Town National City (San Diego Case GIS22336), October 7, 2005 387
People v. Hoovers Gang (Los Angeles Case BC341872), October 24, 2005 387
People v. Modoc Boys (Fresno Case 05CECG03696), November 28, 2005 389
San Francisco County Takes a Look at the Gang Injunction Policy 389
Not Every Injunction Considered Is Implemented: PPHG (Pimps, Playboys,Hustlers, and Gangsters) Example 390
Year 2006 390
People v. Olive Street Pomona (Los Angeles Case KC047752), February 1, 2006 390
People v. Geer Street and Schoolyard Crips (Los Angeles Case BC349468), March 23,2006 390
City of San Diego v. West Coast Crips (San Diego Case GIC864852), April 25, 2006 391
People v. Playboys (Los Angeles Case BC351990), May 8, 2006 391
People v. Black P Stones (Los Angeles Case BC352951), May 25, 2006 392
People v. White Fence (Los Angeles Case BC353596), June 8, 2006 392
People v. Santa Nita (Orange County Case 06CC06903), June 8, 2006 392
People v. Southside Chiques (Ventura Case CIV242491), July 27, 2006 394
People v. East Side Victoria (San Bernardino VCVVS042664), August 2, 2006 394
People v. Orange Cove Rifa Bulldogs and Orange Cove Sur (Fresno County Case 06CECG02815), August 23, 2006 395
People v. Clover, Eastlake, and Lincoln Heights (Los Angeles County Case BC358881), September 20, 2006 395
People v. Oakdale Mob (San Francisco Case CGC06456517), September 27, 2006 395
People v. Dogtown (Los Angeles BC359945), October 6, 2006 396
People v. Highland Park (Los Angeles County Case BC359944), October 6, 2006 396
People v. Junior Mafia Gang (Los Angeles County VC047440),October 6, 2006 397
People v. Boys from the Hood (Orange County 06CC10916), October 12, 2006 397
People v. Whittier Varrio Locos (Los Angeles County BC363464),December 15, 2006 398
People v. Westside Gang (San Diego Case GIN057995), December 26, 2006 398
People v. Diablos Gang (San Diego Case GIN057995), December 26, 2006 398
Year 2007 398
Stay-Away Orders Used in Connection with Gang Injunctions 398
San Bernardino District Attorney Forms Gang Injunction Unit 399
Canoga Park Alabama, March 21, 2007 399
Los Angeles City Attorney Establishes Gang Injunction Guidelines 399
Los Angeles Police Form "Top 10" Gang List 400
People v. Norte?os (San Francisco Case CGC-07-464492), June 21, 2007 400
People v. Chopper City, Knock Out Posse,Norte?os, and Eddy Rock (San Francisco Case CGC-07-464493), June 21, 2007 401
AB 104 Signed 401
People v. Hawaiian Gardens (Los Angeles Case BC375773), September 21, 2007 402
People v. East Side Riva (Riverside Case RIC478810), August 22, 2007 402
People v. Varrio Viejo (Orange County 07CC19689), October 11, 2007 403
People v. Varrio Chico (Orange County 07CC19690), October 11, 2007 404
People v. Varrio San Marcos (San Diego 07-00057284), October 19, 2007 405
People v. Rolling 40's Crips, 46 Top Dollar Hustler Crips, and 46 Neighborhood Crips (Los Angeles Case BC380229),November 5, 2007 405
Dog Pound Gangsters (Fresno County Case 07GI05), November 29, 2007 407
People v. 204th Street and Eastside Torrance (Los Angeles BC381942),December 7, 2007 411
Year 2008 412
People v. Mob Piru Gang Compton (Los Angeles TC021658), January 24, 2008 412
People v. San Fer Gang (Case No.BC388726), April 10, 2008 413
People v. South Side Kings (Tulare County Case 08-226862), April 28, 2008 413
People v. Northside Visalia/Mexican Gangster Boys/Encina Street Riders/Northside Birdland (Tulare County 0-226863), May 6, 2008 415
People v. Oriental Troop/Mongolian Boys Society/Lao Pride Gangsters (Tulare County 08-226863), May 12, 2008 415
People v. Southside Rialto (San Bernardino CIVSS808850), July l, 2008 415
People v. Colton City Crips (San Bernardino CIVSS811223), August 18, 2008 416
People v. All for Crime, Barrio Mojados, Blood Stone Villans, Florencia 13, Oriental Boyz, and Pueblo Bishops (LA Case BC397522), September 5, 2008 416
People v. Orange County Criminals (Orange Co. Case 30-2008-00107172), June 4, 2008 417
People v. Barrio Dream Home Gang (Riverside INC077903), June 10, 2008 418
People v. East Side Pain (ESP), aka Ghost Town Bloods (LA Case BC 399741),October 10, 2008 418
People v. Temple Street (LA Case BC401190), November 3, 2008 420
People v. Toonerville Gang (LA Case BC401928), November 14, 2008 420
People v. Florencia 13 (Case BC403340),December 8, 2008 420
Year 2009 424
People v. 5th and Hill Gang (LA Case BC380877), January 6, 2009 424
True Crime Boys (Riverside Case INC085113), March 30, 2009 425
West Drive Locos (Riverside Case INC085116), March 30, 2009 425
Varrio East Side Reedley (VESR) (Fresno DA Case 09GI06), March 20, 2009 426
People v. Barrio Van Nuys (LA Case BC413147), May 6, 2009 426
Orange Varrio Cypress Gang (Orange Case 30-2009-00118739), May 14, 2009 428
Fairfield Norte?os, Solano County District Attorney 428
Swan Bloods, Florencia 13, Main Street Crips, and 7-Trey Hustlers Gangster Crips (Los Angeles Case BC415694),June 12, 2009 429
People v. Deep South Side Nortenos (Case 642033 (South Modesto) Stanislaus County), July 1, 2010 429
People v. Monrovia Nuevo Varrio and Duroc Crips (Case BC423490 Los Angeles County), October 9, 2009 429
Inland Empire Black Rag Mafia: Not Sought 431
Hard Times Gang (OC Case 30-2009- 00325327 Garden Grove Gang Injunction), December 3, 2009 431
Adelanto's Brown Pride Gang (CIVVS908103 San Bernardino County), December 17, 2009 432
Chapter 14 Gang Injunctions 2010 and Beyond 433
Year 2010 433
People v. North Side Oakland Gang (Alameda Case), February 2010 433
People v. Jeffrey Street Gang (Orange Co.Case 30-2010-00363220), April 15, 2010 434
People v. Westside Gang (San Diego Case 37-2009-00061924), May 22, 2010 435
People v. Diablos Gang (San Diego Case 37-2009-00061923), May 22, 2010 435
People v. Center Street Gang (San Diego Case 37-2010-00051319), May 24, 2010 436
April 22, 2010, Santa Barbara Considering Injunctions 437
People v. Central City Skid Row Gangs (Grape St. and Others) (Los Angeles Case BC435316), April 7, 2010 438
People v. Metro Transit Assassins Gang (Ls Angeles Case BC44003), June 21, 2010 438
People v. Down Below Gangsters and Towerside Gang (San Francisco Case CG-C-10-502262), August 5, 2010 438
People v. South Side Indio Gang (Riverside Case INC10010946), November 2010 439
Chapter 15 Gang Injunctions Outside California 441
Texas 441
Austin, Texas 441
San Antonio, Texas—Lincoln Court Gangsters and Lincoln Court Kings 442
El Paso, Texas—Barrio Azteca 443
Wichita Falls, Texas—Varrio Carnales 444
Utah 447
Minnesota 448
Tennessee 449
Chapter 16 How Many Gangs, Gang Members, and Gang Injunctions Are There? 451
Synopsis of County Analysis 477
Chapter 17 Gang Injunctions, Gang Abatement, and the Law 479
Case Law: City of Chicago v. Morales, 119
S.Ct. 1849. (Chicago Antiloitering Ordinance) 479
Case Law: People v. Gonzales, 910 P.2d 1366 (Cal. 1996) 480
Case Law: People v. Acuna (Cal. App. 1995), April 24, 1995 481
Case Law: People ex rel. Gallo v. Acuna (1997), 14 Cal. 4th 1090 481
Issue of Procedural Due Process 483
Issue of Vagueness 485
Issue of Overbreadth 488
Issue of Right to Free Association 489
Issue of Free Speech 492
Case Law: In Re Englebrecht, 67 Cal. App. 486, 1998 494
Case Law: lraheta v. Superior Court of LA, 70 Cal. App. 4th 1500, 1999 496
Yolo Appeal Goes to Court 497
Gang Abatement and Prevention Act of 2007 500
Orange Varrio Cypress Case 30-2009-00118739, filed May 14, 2009 504
Gang Abatement and Prevention Act of 2009 505
Yolo County Decision (Case CV CV 04-002085), March 29, 2011 506
Due Process Case: Manuel Vasquez, et al. v.Tony Rackaukas, et al. (SACV 09-1090-VBF),April 1,2011 509
The State Case Synopsis 509
The Federal Case 511
Chapter 18 Gang Abatement Program Elements 513
Step 1: Select Addresses for Inspection 514
Step 2: Conduct Inspections 515
Step 3: Prepare Case Information 516
Step 4: Case Processing 517
Step 5: Reinspection, Case Closing,and Assessment 517
Abatement Laws by State Examples 518
Arkansas 518
California 518
Florida 519
Georgia 520
Illinois 520
Indiana 520
Iowa 521
Kansas 521
Louisiana 521
Minnesota 522
Mississippi 522
Missouri 523
North Carolina 523
Ohio 523
South Carolina 524
Tennessee 524
Texas 525
Virginia 525
Washington 525
Wisconsin 526
Chapter 19 Graffiti Abatement 527
Vandalism Impact 527
Taggers vs. Gangsters 530
Police Response 535
Suppression 536
Gang Injunctions 536
Prevention Techniques 537
Intervention with Vandals 538
Lockup Aerosol Spray Paint Containers and Marker Paints 538
Glass Etching Cream/Product Display under Lock and Key 540
Clean Up Graffiti Right Away—After It Has Been Documented 541
Educating Parents and the Community 543
Graffiti Reward Programs 544
Legal Locations to Do Graffiti 545
Graffiti Hotlines 545
Vandalism and the Media/Antigraffiti Propaganda 546
Vandalism Prosecution 547
Aggregation of Damages: Graffiti Tracker Databases 548
Damage or Cost Experts: Proof of Amount of Damages 549
Establishing a Lack of Permission 550
Restitution 551
Suspension of License 552
Antigraffiti Murals 552
Removal of Graffiti by Inmates 553
Property Damage and Parental Responsibility 553
Damage of Property Used for Religious or Educational Purposes 554
Community Service as Condition of Probation for Offense Involving Graffiti 555
Defacing Private Residences, Offices, Businesses, or Commercial Property 555
Chapter 20 Private Property Owners' Role and Liability,CPTED, and Crime-Free Multihousing 557
Crime-Free Multihousing Program 557
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 560
Improve Surveillance 563
Improve Access Controls 564
Increase Defensible Space 565
Crime-Free Leases (Sample): It's Worth the Effort 565
Verify the Information Given 567
Communication Is the Key 568
Three-Phase Program 569
Phase 1 570
Phase 2 571
Phase 3 571
Full Certification 572
The Crime-Free Hotel/Motel Program 572
Training Coordinators 574
Neighborhood Watch 574
Controlling Gangs 575
Eviction Process 578
Three-Day Notices 578
Failure to Pay Rent: Notice to Pay or Quit 578
Violations of Rental Agreement/Property Damage to Premises: Notice to Perform Covenant or Quit or Notice to Quit 578
Thirty-Day Notices 579
The Unlawful Detainer Procedure 579
Eviction Service and Procedures 580
Bibliography 581
Index 603
- 《厄庇诺米斯 论夜间议事会或论哲人》(古希腊)柏拉图(Plato)著;程志敏,崔嵬编译;刘小枫,甘阳主编 2013
- 《优雅黑白灰 摄影技术流 最超值的摄影技法书》(英)大卫·泰勒 2012
- 《全球化条件下货币当局政策博弈与中国的策略选择》陈元富编 2013
- 《竞争战略 全译珍藏版》(美)迈克尔·波特(Michael E. Porter)著 2012
- 《网络互联技术手册 第2版》(美)(K.唐斯)Kevin Downes等著;包晓露等译 1999
- 《新版交换式以太网和快速型以太网 第2版》(美)(R.布雷耶)Robert Breyer,(美)(S.赖利)Sean Riley著;肖文贵等译 1997
- 《数学分析 第1册》严子谦等编著 2004
- 《摄影100关键词》(英)克拉克著 2011
- 《微积分及其应用 原书修订版》(美)PeterLax,(美)MariaTerrell著;林开亮,刘帅,邵红亮等译 2018