Biochemistry of Foods Third EditionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Fereidoon Shahidi
- 出 版 社:Academic Press
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:0122423529
- 页数:565 页
《Biochemistry of Foods Third Edition》目录
- 《Biochemistry of Foods Third Edition》Fereidoon Shahidi 2013
- 《P-adic Representations》|è-Correspondence and the Langlands-Shahidi Theory£¨??2?èo±íê???£?|è-??ó|oílanglands-Shahidi·?·¨£? 2013
- 《Maximising the value of marine by-products》edited by Fereidoon Shahidi 2007
- 《bailey's industrial oil and fat products volume 5 sixth edition》fereidoon shahidi 2005
- 《bailey's industrial oil and fat products volume 1 sixth edition》fereidoon shahidi 2005
- 《bailey's industrial oil and fat products volume 6 sixth edition》fereidoon shahidi 2005
- 《Food flavor and chemistry : explorations into the 21st century》A.M.Spanier F.Shahidi T.H.Parliment C.Mussinan C.-T.Ho E.Tratras Contis 2005
- 《bailey's industrial oil and fat products volume 2 sixth edition》fereidoon shahidi 2005
- 《Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World》Fereidoon P.Sioshansi 2010
- 《p-adic representations》θ-correspondence and the langlands-shahidi theory=(局部群表示论 2222
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