![Urology Volume Two Second Edition](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/73/s6761904.jpg)
![Urology Volume Two Second Edition](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/73/s6761904.jpg)
Urology Volume Two Second EditionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:43 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:W.B.Saunders Company.
- 出版年份:1963
- 页数:1862 页
Chapter 22 Tumors of the Kidney&Clyde L.Deming,M.D 895
Benign Tumors 905
Malignant Tumors 906
Tumors of the Kidney Capsule 907
Tumors of Mature Renal Parenchyma 910
Tumors of the Immature Renal Parenchyma 923
Tumors of the Renal Pelvis 942
Cystic Disease 949
Renal Vascular Tumors 966
Neurogenic Tumors 972
Heteroplastic Tissue Tumors 977
Endometriosis 979
Tumors Arising from the Mesenchymal Derivatives 980
Pararenal and Perirenal Solid Tumors 984
Renal Secondary Tumors 987
Results in Renal Tumors 989
Chapter 23 Tumors of the Ureter&Winfield W.Scott,M.D 999
Primary Tumors of the Ureter 999
Secondary Tumors of the Ureter 1017
Chapter 24 Tumors of the Bladder&Hugh J.Jewett,M.D 1027
Incidence 1027
Etiology 1027
Pathology 1031
Symptomatology 1058
Diagnosis 1059
Complications 1069
Treatment 1070
Chapter 25 Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate Gland&Fathollah K.Mostofi,M.D.,and Robert V.Thomson,M.D 1101
Pathologic Anatomy of Prostatic Hyperplasia 1102
Pathophysiology of Prostatic Hyperplasia 1113
The Etiology of Prostatic Hyperplasia 1114
Endocrine Relationship of Prostatic Hyperplasia 1121
Summary 1142
Chapter 26 Prostatism:Clinical Picture and Diagnosis&Rubin H.Flocks,M.D 1158
Symptoms of Prostatism 1159
Signs of Prostatism 1163
Examination of the Patient with Suspected Prostatism 1163
Summary 1170
Chapter 27 Carcinoma of the Prostate&William W.Scott,M.D.,and William N.Toole,M.D 1173
Occurrence 1173
Etiology 1175
Pathology 1176
Diagnosis 1182
Treatment and Prognosis 1202
Current Research 1220
Summary 1221
Chapter 28 Tumors of the Penis,Urethra,Scrotum,and Testis&Archie L.Dean,M.D.,and Archie L.Dean,Jr.,M.D 1227
Benign Tumors of the Penis 1227
Malignant Tumors of the Penis 1228
Carcinoma of the Male Urethra 1244
Carcinoma of Scrotum 1253
Tumors of the Testis 1261
Chapter 29 Tumors of the Seminal Vesicles,Spermatic Cord,Epididymis,and Testicular Tunics&Thomas E.Gibson,M.D 1284
The Seminal Vesicles 1284
The Spermatic Cord,Epididymis,and Testicular Tunics 1290
Chapter 30 Radiation Therapy&Walter T.Murphy,M.D 1315
Testis 1315
Penis 1326
Prostate 1331
Male Urethra 1340
The Female Urethra 1340
Urinary Bladder 1350
Kidney and Ureter 1377
Chapter 31 Neurogenic Vesical Dysfunction (Cord Bladder) and Neuromuscular Ureteral Dysgunction&John L.Emmett,M.D.,and Laurece F.Greene,M.D 1406
Neurogenic Vesical Dysfunction (Cord Bladder) Caused by Transection of Spinal Cord 1406
Classification of Cord Bladder (Based on Level and Completeness of Cord Lesion) 1411
Conventional Cystometric Classification of Cord Bladder 1418
Bors's Classification of Cord Bladder 1419
Clinical Classification of Cord Bladder 1420
Value and Fallacy of Cystoscopy,Cystography,Urethrography and Cystometrograms 1421
Theoretical Analysis of Basic Problems Involved in Neurogenic Vesical Dysfunction 1423
Management of Neurogenic Vesical Dysfunction Caused by Transection of Spinal Cord or Cauda Equina 1441
Neurogenic Bladder Caused by Lesions Other Than Transection of the Cord 1458
Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Ureters 1479
Urography in Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Urinary Tract 1485
Chapter 32 Introduction 1505
Chapter 33 Embryology of the Urogenital Tract 1516
Embryology of the Kidney 1516
Embryology of the Ureter 1522
Embryology of the Bladder 1525
Embryology of the Urethra 1526
Embryology of the Reproductive Tract 1531
Chapter 34 Anomalies of the Kidney 1539
Anomalies of Number 1540
Anomalies of Volume and Structure 1549
Anomalies of Form 1573
Anomalies of Location 1584
Anomalies of Rotation 1589
Anomalies of the Pelvis 1591
Anomalies of the Vessels 1603
Chapter 35 Anomalies of the Ureter 1618
Anomalies of Number 1619
Anomalies of Origin and Termination 1624
Anomalies of Form,Caliber,and Structure 1651
Chapter 36 Anomalies of the Bladder 1681
Chapter 37 Anomalies of the Genital Tract 1713
Anomalies of the Penis 1713
Anomalies of the Urethra 1729
Anomalies of the Testicle 1769
Anomalies of the Remainder of the Spermatic Tract 1791
Malformations of the Female Urogenital Tract 1797
Anomalies of the Adrenals 1803
Chapter 38 Atlas of Intersexuality&Raymond G.Bunge,M.D 1819
Introduction 1819
Criteria of Sex 1820
Nomenclature 1821
Classification of the Intersexes 1822
Etiology 1825
The Diagnosis of Intersexuality 1832
Principles of Therapy 1836
Illustrative Cases 1839
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