Overlapping Intellectual Property RightsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Wilkof
- 出 版 社:Oxford University Press;Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:0199696444;0199696446
- 页数:536 页
1. Navigating the Interface between Utility Patents and Copyrights&Andrew R Bridges 1
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Conceptual Interplays between Utility Patent and Copyright Law 4
C. Practical Considerations in Choice of Protection and Enforcement 37
D. Conclusion 91
2. The Overlap between Patent and Design Protection&David Musker 23
A. Hypothetical--the Circular Beach Towel 1
B. Do Overlaps Matter? 7
C. Patent/Design Anti-overlap Provisions 30
D. Systemic Cross-Links 36
E. Patentsand Designs TwinsorAntonyms? 48
E Design Law Exclusions 98
G. The Circular Beach Towel Revisited 136
3. Patents and Trade Secrets&Lionel Bently 57
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 4
C. Preferring Trade Secrecy to Patents 6
D. Trade Secrecy Prior to Patenting 58
E. Trade Secrecy Alongside Patents 78
F. Conclusion 82
4. Interfaces in Plant Intellectual Property&Mark D. Janis 83
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Conceptual Overview 2
C. Analysing Interface Issues in Plant Intellectual Property 6
D. Conclusion 61
E. Summary 62
5. Patents and Utility Models&Robert Harrison 105
A. Hypothetical 1
B. The Utility Model 4
C. Protection in Germany 6
D. Utility Models Worldwide 11
E. The Australia Innovation System 16
E A European Proposal 22
G. Examination 27
H. Division/Branching 31
I. Level of Inventiveness 35
J. Conclusion 41
K. Summary 44
6. Patents and Regulatory Data Exclusivity for Medicinal Products&Duncan Curley and Marleen H.J. van den Horst 119
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 2
C. The EU Battleground: Data Exclusivity, Patents, and Supplementary Protection Certificates 10
D. Conclusion 60
E. Summary 61
7. When Copyright and Trademark Rights Overlap&Craig S. Mende and Belinda Isaac 137
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Conceptual Overview 3
C. 'Reality'--How the Interface Plays Out in the UK and US 39
D. Conclusion 91
E. Summary 95
8. The Design/Copyright Overlap: Is There a Resolution?&Sam Ricketson and Urea Suthersanen 159
A. Hypothetical 1
B. The Meaning of'Design' 2
C. Berne Convention 9
D. The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 35
E. TRIPS Agreement 41
E Jurisprudential Analysis of the National and Regional Copyright/Design Interface 44
G. Efficacy ofSui Generis Design Law 82
H. Summary 95
9. Overlapping Forms of Protection for Databases&Jonathan Band and Brandon Butler 189
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Conflicting Models of Database Protection 3
C. The European Union Database Directive 16
D. The United States 39
E. International Agreements 69
E Summary 75
10. Moral Rights or Economic Rights?&Mira T. Sundara Rajah 209
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Moral Rights: A Definition 2
C. The Importance of the Issue: A Common Law Perspective on Moral Rights 7
D. The Theory Behind the Rights: Monism or Dualism? 22
E. The International Arena: From Dualism to Realism 44
E Technology Dissolves Boundaries between Rights: The WIPO In ternet Treaties 50
G. The Future: A Unified Author's Right? 63
11. Protection of'Famous' Marks under Trademark Law and Passing Off&David Llewelyn 231
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 5
C. Passing Off 7
D. Trademark Law 34
E. Back to the Hypothetical 70
E Summary 73
12. Overlapping Rights in Designs, Trademarks, and Trade Dress&Alan S. Nemes andAnna Carboni 251
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 2
C. The United States 4
D. The European Union 39
E. Practical Advice and Insights 92
13. overlaps between Trademarks and Geographical Indications&Dev S. Gangjee 1
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Conceptual Overview 3
C. Practical Considerations: Conflicts, Generic Status, and Choosing between Systems 10
D. Conclusion 29
14. Domain Names and Trademarks&Mark V.B. Partridge 297
A. Hypothetical 1
B. The Conceptual Framework 3
C. Practical Advice 62
D. Application of Traditional Trademark Principles to Domain Names 98
E. Application to Hypothetical 108
E Summary 113
15. Publicity Rights, Trademark Rights, and Property Rights&Sheldon W. Halpern 321
A. Hypothetical 1
B. The Right of Publicity: Protecting the Associative Value of Persona 4
C. Taxonomy, Categorization, and the Analogical Explosion 23
D. The Right of Publiciry as a Right Appurtenant: Constitutional and Intellectual Boundaries Attenuating Property Rights 33
E. Trademark Rights as Rights Appurtenant: Property Rights in the Mark Itself 58
F. Conclusion: A Functional Balance 67
G. Summary 68
16. The Relationship between Trademark Rights and Unfair Competition Law&Axel Nordemann and Tara Mooney Aaron 341
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 2
C. Legal Background 5
D. Slavish Imitations under Unfair Competition Law and Trademark Law 10
E. Consumer Deception by Creating Confusing Similarity between Trademarks and/or Products under Unfair Competition Law and Trademark Law 23
E Comparative Advertising 41
G. Discussion and Summary 56
17. The Relationship between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Laws&Thomas C. Vinje andAshwin van Rooijen 365
A. Hypothetical 1
B. Introduction 2
C. A Complementary Yet Tense Relationship 7
D. Internal Balancing in Intellectual Property Rights 22
E. Unilateral Refusals to License under Competition Law 28
F. Specific Issues Involving Standards: Patent Hold-up and the (F)RAND Defence 69
G. Conclusion 84
H. Summary 86
Comparison Tables 387
Australia 387
Brazil 395
Canada 403
China 411
France 419
Germany 427
India 435
Israel 443
Japan 451
Korea 459
Mexico 466
Netherlands 474
Russia 482
Singapore 490
South Africa 498
Turkey 505
United Arab Emirates 513
Index 521
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