Urology Volume Three Second EditionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:64 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:W.B.Saunders Company.
- 出版年份:1963
- 页数:2941 页
Section Ⅻ UROLOGY IN INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD&Meredith F.Campbell,M.D 1863
Chapter 39 Examination and Diagnosis 1863
Urologic Symptoms 1865
History 1870
General Examination 1871
The Urologic Examination 1873
Roentgenography 1880
Instrumental Examination 1895
Chapter 40 Urinary Obstruction 1916
Hydronephrosis 1920
Chapter 41 Urinary Infections 1939
Chapter 42 The Male Genital Tract and the Female Urethra 1977
Diseases of the Penis 1977
Diseases of the Male Urethra 1987
Inflammatory Disease of the Scrotum 1996
Diseases of the Testicle 2001
The Spermatic Cord 2008
The Prostate 2010
The Inguinal Lymphatics 2016
Tuberculosis of the Male Reproductive Tract 2016
The Female Urethra 2019
Hormonal Disturbances Caused by Gonadal Disorders 2023
Chapter 43 Urogenital Injuries 2042
Chapter 44 Urinary Calculous Disease 2056
Foreign Bodies in the Urinary Tract 2066
Chapter 45 Tumors of the Urogenital Tract 2068
Chapter 46 Neuromuscular Uropathy 2085
Enuresis 2085
Chapter 47 Urosurgery in the Young 2100
Chapter 48 Urology in the Female&Houston S.Everett,M.D,and Tiffany J.Williams,M.D 2107
Confusion in Symptoms 2108
The Female Urethra 2109
Diseases of the Urethra 2109
Urinary Stasis and Other Urologic Disorders Resulting from Gynecologic Abnormalities 2123
Prolapse of the Uterus 2128
Effect upon the Urinary Tract of Gynecologic Surgery 2129
Urologic Complications of Irradiation Therapy 2131
The Urinary Tract during Pregnancy 2134
Incontinence of Urine 2137
Urinary Fistulas 2153
Summary 2170
Points in Technique 2171
Chapter 49 Urologic Endocrinology&William F.Herbst,Jr.,M.D 2177
Steroids 2178
Psychochemistry 2178
Congenital Anomalies 2180
Simmonds' Disease 2182
Adrenogenital Syndrome 2182
Acute Infections 2182
Surgical Shock 2183
Clinical Aspects of the Steroids 2184
Conclusion 2193
Chapter 50 The Psychosomatic Approach in Urology&O.Spurgeon English,M.D 2199
The Approach to Psychosomatic Illness 2201
Symptomatology Met Frequently by the Urologist 2202
Treatment of Genitourinary and Sexual Problems 2209
Psychologic Factors in Urologic Disorders 2211
Chapter 51 The Care of the Urological Patient Before and After Operation&C.D.CREEVY,M.D.With a Section on Renal Failure by M.P.Reiser,M.D 2223
The History 2224
The Physical Examination 2224
Laboratory Examinations 2225
The Nutritional Status of the Patient 2226
Prophylactic Use of Antibacterial Agents 2240
Preparation of the Patient for Prostatic Operations 2247
The Operating Room 2252
Postoperative Care 2253
Postoperative Complications 2257
Chapter 52 Anesthesia in Urology&E.A.Rovenstine,M.D.,and S.G.Hershey,M.D 2298
Respiratory Considerations 2299
Circulatory Considerations 2301
Anesthesia and Renal Function 2305
Characteristics of Anesthetic Drugs 2306
Drugs used for Preoperative Medication 2312
Techniques of Anesthesia 2315
Operative Procedures 2318
Chapter 53 Surgery of the Kidney&Donald R.Smith,M.D.,John W.Schulte,M.D.,and William R.Smart,M.D 2324
Choice of Incision 2325
Mobilization of the Kidney 2355
Nephrectomy 2356
Removal of Stones 2362
Hydronephrosis 2372
Urinary Diversion 2402
Renal Trauma 2405
Renal Cysts 2406
Perinephric Abscess 2407
Renal Carbuncle 2408
The Anomalous Kidney 2408
Neophropexy 2411
Renal Vascular Diseases 2412
Renal Transplantation 2413
Renal Hypothermia 2415
Chapter 54 Surgery of the Ureter and Urinary Conduits&Justin J.Cordonnier,M.D 2419
Nephroureterectomy 2419
Intubated Ureterotomy 2421
Ureterolithotomy 2423
Transvaginal Exposure of the Ureter 2425
Ureteral Anastomosis 2426
Replacement of Ureteral Defects by Ileal Segments 2427
Transureteroureterostomy 2431
Ureteroneocystostomy 2434
Bladder Flap Operation 2435
Antireflux Procedures 2436
Urinary Diversion 2441
Chapter 55 Surgery of the Bladder&Meredith F.Campbell,M.D 2467
Fulguration of Bladder Tumors 2467
Paracentesis Vesicae 2468
Trocar Cystostomy 2469
Suprapubic Cystotomy 2472
Perineal Cystostomy 2480
Vaginal Cystotomy 2480
Resection of the Bladder 2481
Coagulation of Tumor through the Open Bladder 2484
Resection of Atonic Bladder 2485
Diverticulectomy 2485
Transvesical Ureteral Meatotomy 2488
Pull-Through Operation 2489
Ureterocelectomy 2490
Operations on the Trigone 2491
Cystectomy 2492
Surgical Closure of Bladder Exstrophy Combined with Iliac Osteotomy 2498
Operation for Correction of Vesical Exstrophy 2501
Bladder Injury 2505
Operations to Correct Vesicoureteral Reflux 2506
Operation for Vesical Prolapse 2506
Litholapaxy (Lithotripsy) 2508
Suprapubic Cystolithotomy 2511
Vesical Fistulae 2511
Patent Urachus and Orachus Cyst 2522
Operations Upon the Vesical Outlet 2523
Operations to Relieve Incontinence of Urine 2526
Chapter 56 Suprapubic Prostatectomy&Vincent J.O'Conor,M.D.,and Vincent J.O'Conor,Jr.,M.D 2548
Operative Procedure 2554
Chapter 57 Perineal Prostatectomy&J.A.Campbell Colston,M.D 2566
Perineal Prostatectomy for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 2566
Subtotal Prostatectomy 2585
Radical Perineal Prostatectomy for Early Carcinoma of Prostate 2590
Chapter 58 Transurethral Prostatic Resection&Reed M.Nesbit,M.D 2611
Equipment 2616
Operative Technique 2621
Postoperative Management 2637
Chapter 59 Retropubic Prostatectomy&Terence Millin,M.Ch 2643
Retropubic Adenectomy 2644
Retropubic Prostatectomy Combined with Diverticulectomy 2654
Prostatic Enlargement Associated with Vesical Tumor 2656
Prostatic Enlargement Associated with Vesical Calculus 2656
Fibrous Prostate or Median Bar 2656
Radical Prostatectomy 2658
Inferior Cystectomy 2666
Prostatic Abscess 2668
Congenital Valves of the Prostatic Urethra 2669
Chapter 60 Surgery of the Seminal Vesicles&Thomas E.Gibson,M.D 2670
Introduction 2670
Technique of Vasotomy and Vesiculography 2671
Operations on the Seminal Vesicles 2674
Chapter 61 Surgery of the Penis and Urethra&John R.Hand,M.D 2682
Anatomic Orientation 2682
General Considerations 2682
Diversion of Urine 2687
Hypospadias 2689
Epispadias 2707
Hermaphrodism 2719
Posterior Urethral Valves 2724
Duplication of the Urethra 2725
Injuries of the Penis 2726
Strictures of the Urethra 2738
Diverticula of the Urethra 2750
Enlarged Prostatic Utricle 2751
Urethral Fistulas 2752
Benign Lesions of the Penis 2759
Carcinoma of the Penis 2760
Carcinoma of the Urethra 2764
Circumcision 2773
Peyronie's Disease 2775
Chapter 62 Surgery of the Scrotum,Spermatic Cord,Testes and Epididymis&Carl Aberhart,M.D 2780
Surgical Treatment of the Scrotum 2780
Tumors of the Scrotum 2782
Radical Resection of the Inguinal Lymph Glands 2782
Operations on the Testes 2784
Transperitoneal Bilateral Lymphadenectomy in Testis Tumors 2790
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