![Aboriginal Title](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s61be674.jpg)
《Aboriginal Title》目录
1. Profile of a Modern Jurisprudence—An Idea whose Time had Come 1
2. Common Law Aboriginal Title and its Pipers at the Gate of Dawn—Gestation (1970s) and Breakthrough (1980s) 25
3. Doctrinal Pathways in Canada and Australia —The Devil in the Detail of a Maturing Jurisprudence 106
4. Aboriginal Title in the New Century and New Contexts: Fraternal Impact, International Influence 189
5. Aboriginal Title Within and Across Disciplinary Boundaries—Anthropologists, Historians, and Political Philosophers 240
6. Aboriginal Title—Diagnosis and Prognosis 328
Select Bibliography 341
Index 351
- 《高分子动力学导引》P.G.德热纳著;吴大诚,文婉元译 2014
- 《高分子物理学中的标度概念》P.G.德热纳著;吴大诚,刘杰,朱谱新等译 2013
- 《物理学中的对称性 第2卷》(英)艾立阿特(Elliott,J.P.),(英)道伯尔(Dawber,P.G.)著;仝道荣译 1986
- 《矩阵数值分析与最优化》(法)西阿尔莱(Ciarlet,P.G.)著;胡健伟译 1990
- 《新模型经济 对本世纪余年的经济构想》(美)埃尔肯(Elkan,P.G.)著;陈 昕译 1990
- 《国际警察组织》李(Lee,P.G.)著;陈德彰注释 1980
- 《法理学讲义 亚当·斯密全集》(英)亚当·斯密著;R.L.米克,D.D.拉斐尔,P.G.斯坦编;冯玉军,郑海平,林少伟译 2017
- 《概念物理 影印本》(美)休伊特(Hewitt,P.G.)著 2008
- 《食用蕈菌及其栽培》(澳)张树庭,(美)迈尔斯(Miles,P.G.)著;杨国良等译 1992
- 《数学弹性理论 卷Ⅰ 三维弹性理论》(法)希亚雷(Ciarlet,P.G.)著;石钟慈,王烈衡译 1991