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The Cambridge Companion to the Musical
The Cambridge Companion to the Musical

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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Everett
  • 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:9780521796392;0521796393
  • 页数:310 页
《The Cambridge Companion to the Musical》目录

Part I Adaptations and transformations: before 1940 1

1 American musical theatre before the twentieth century&Katherine K.Preston 3

2 Birth pangs,growing pains and sibling rivalry: musical theatre in New York,1900-1920&Orly Leah Krasner 29

3 Romance,nostalgia and nevermore: American and British operetta in the 1920s&William A.Everett 47

4 Images of African Americans: African-American musical theatre,Show Boat and Porgy and Bess&John Graziano 63

5 The melody (and the words)linger on: American musical comedies of the 1920s and 1930s&Geoffrey Block 77

Part Ⅱ Maturations and formulations: 1940 to 1970 99

6 ‘We said we wouldn't look back': British musical theatre,1935-1960&John Snelson 101

7 The coming of the musical play: Rodgers and Hammerstein&Ann Sears 120

8 The successors of Rodgers and Hammerstein from the 1940s to the 1960s&Thomas L.Riis and Anti Sears with William A.Everett 137

9 Musical sophistication on Broadway: Kurt Weill and Leonard Bernstein&Bruce d.mcclung and Paul R.Laird 167

Part Ⅲ Evolutions and integrations: after 1970 179

10 Stephen Sondheim and the musical of the outsider&Jim Lovensheimer 181

11 Choreographers,directors and the fully integrated musical&Paul R.Laird 197

12 Distant cousin or fraternal twin? Analytical approaches to the film musical&Graham Wood 212

13 From Hair to Rent: is‘rock’a four-letter word on Broadway?&Scott Warfield 231

14 The megamusical and beyond: the creation,internationalisation and impact of a genre&Paul Prece and William A.Everett 246

Notes 266

Select bibliography 278

Index 290
