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Copyright and the public interest
Copyright and the public interest

Copyright and the public interestPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Gillian Davies.
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:0421742901;0421742909
  • 页数:508 页
《Copyright and the public interest》目录


Chapter 1. Introduction 3

Chapter 2. The Underlying Principles Governing Copyright Legislation 9

(i) Natural Law 14

(ii) Just Reward for Labour 14

(iii) Stimulus to Creativity 15

(iv) Social Requirements 16

Chapter 3. Origins of Copyright Law in Europe 19


Chapter 4. United Kingdom 27

The Eighteenth Century Debate on the Nature of Copyright 28

The Revision Act of 1842 33

The 1878 Royal Commission Report 36

The Twentieth Century 37

The 1911 Act 38

1912-1955 39

The 1956 Act 41

The Public Interest in the Debate for Reform and the 1988 Act 42

The Whitford Committee 42

The 1988 Act 48

Post-1988 Act Developments: The Influence of the European Union 50

The Pubhc Interest and Limitations on Copyright 53

Term of Protection 54

Statutory Defences Against Infringement 56

Fair Dealing 56

Recent Case Law on Fair Dealing 60

Pubhc Interest Defence 63

Other Statutory Defences 67

Statutory Exemptions in Favour of Education and Libraries 68

Special Regulations Concerning Libraries and Archives 70

Conclusion 70

Chapter 5. The United States of America 75

Origins of the 1790 Act 76

Legislative Developments between 1790 and 1976 81

1790-1909 81

The Long Road to Reform and the 1976 Act 82

Post-1976 Act Developments 87

The Berne Convention Implementation Act 1988 88

The Audio Home Recording Act 1992 89

The Uruguay Round Agreements Act 1994 90

The Digital Performance Rights in Sound Recordings Act 1995 90

The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act 1998 92

The Fairness in Music Licensing Act 1998 93

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act 1998 94

The Public Interest and Limitations on Copyright 99

Term of Protection 99

Fair Use 105

The Doctrine of Fair Use 105

Major Developments in Fair Use Case Law Since the 1976 Act 109

Statutory Exceptions to Protection 115

The Underlying Philosophy in the US Law of Copyright 119

Conclusion 124

Chapter 6. France 129

Origins of the Law 129

The Revolution and the Decrees of 1791 and 1793 135

The Performance Right 136

The Reproduction Right 138

The Development of the Law between 1793 and 1957 140

Legislation 141

Case Law 143

Exceptions 144

Moral Rights 144

Proposals for Reform in the Nineteenth Century--Perpetual Rights versus the Public Interest 145

The Evolution of French Concepts of Authors' Rights 148

The Twentieth Century 150

The Road to Refrom:The Draft Law of 1945 150

The 1957 Law on Literary and Artistic Property 151

The Public Interest in the Debate for Peform and the 1985 Law 155

Statutory Exceptions to Protection 159

Recent Developments 161

Intellectual Property Code, 1992 161

Subsequent Amendnxents to the Intellectual Property Code 162

New Limitations on Rights 165

The Short Quotation Exception 166

The Public's Right to Information 167

Couclusion 169

Chapter 7. Germany 179

Origins of the Law 179

Legislative Developments: 1870--1901 185

The Twentieth Century 187

1901-1949 187

1949-1965 192

The 1965 Act 196

The Public Interest and the Basic Law 202

Subsequent Amendments to the 1965 Act 210

The 1972 Amendment 210

The Amendment Act 1985 211

Follow-up to the 1985 Act 214

The 1990s: hnplementation of the EU Directives on Copyright and Related Rights and Other Recent Developments 217

Implementation of the EU Directives on Copyright and Related Rights 217

Other Recent Developments 222

Government Report to the Bundestag, July 2000 222

Recent Case Law Relevant to the Public Interest 224

Conclusion 229


Chapter 8. Introduction 235

Chapter 9. The Functions of Copyright Revisited 243

Chafee's Six Ideals of Copyright 244

The Moral Justifications for Copyright Revisited 247

The Economic Justifications for Copyright Revisited 249

Alternatives to Copyright 256

The Need for International Protection 263

Chapter 10. Limitations on Copyright 265

Duration of Protection 265

Exceptions to Protection 276

Limited Freedom to Use Works 277

Exceptions for Informational and Educational Purposes 278

Rights of Quotation 278

Use for Teaching Purposes 278

Exceptions for the Benefit of the Media 278

Reporting Current Events 279

Limitations on the Rights of Reproduction 279

The Three-Step Test of the Berne Convention 279

Exceptions in National Laws 283

Non-Voluntary Licensing Systems 284

The Private Use Exception and Modern Technology 287

The Exercise of Rights 294


Chapter 11. Introduction 303

Chapter 12. The Impact of Digital Technology on Copyright 305

Legal Frameworks Required for Protection 305

The Solutions Found- the New Right of Access 309

The WIPO Internet Treaties 1996 309

Limitations and Exceptions under the WIPO Internet Treaties 311

The US Approach 321

The Promise of Technical Solutions 324

Pitfalls for Technical Solutions 325

The Need for a Global Approach 326

Chapter 13. International Protection--Towards More Harmonisation of Copyright? 327

Achieving the Ideal of International Protection 327

The Obstacles to Universal Solutions-Copyright or Droit d'Auteur 329

Standards of Protection 329

Formalities 330

Ownership and Assignability of Rights 331

Moral Rights 332

Related Rights 333

The Converging Impact of International Harmonisation to Date 335

The Converging Influence of the Berne Convention 335

The Diverging Influence of the Rome Convention 336

The Impact of the TRIPs Agreement 338

The Influence of the WIPO Legislative Programme Pre-1996 340

Draft Model Law on Copyright 340

Proposed New Protocol to the Berne Convention 342

Harmonisation Within the European Union 343

Perspectives for the Harmonisation to Come 348

Chapter 14. Conclusions 353

Appendices 369

The First National Copyright Laws 369

Appendix 1. United Kingdom--The Statute of Anne 1709 371

Appendix 2. USA--Copyright Act 1790 377

Appendix 3. France--Deret des 13-19 janvier 1791 relatif aux spectades 381

Appendix 3. France--Deret des 19-24juillet 1793 381

Appendix 4. Germany--Preuβisches Gesetz zum Schutze des Eigenthums an Werken der Wissenschaft und Kunst gegen Nachdruck und Nachbildung vom 11. Juni 1837 383

International Legislation 397

Appendix 5. WIPO Copyright Treaty 397

Appendix 6. WIPO Performance and Phongrams Treaty 411

Appendix 7. Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hannonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related night in the information sodety (May 22, 2001) 431

Bibliography 459

Index 485
