Relocating the Law of Geographical IndicationsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gangjee
- 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9780521192026;0521192021
- 页数:343 页
1.Introduction:locating geographical indications 1
1.The mess:conceptual,institutional and epistemic 2
2.Controversies and interests 8
3.Contribution and organisation 14
Part Ⅰ 21
2.The Indication of Source - Paris and Madrid 21
1.Introduction 21
2.The Paris Convention 23
2.1 The Indication of Source 27
2.2 The scope of protection:Articles 9 and 10 41
2.3 Alternative possibilities? 52
3.The Madrid Agreement 65
3.1 The scope of protection:Article 1 65
3.2 Generic terms:Article 4 68
4.Conclusion 74
3.The Appellation of Origin in France 77
1.The significance of the French experience 77
2.The role of origin in wine regulation 80
3.A geology of terroir 83
4.Phylloxera and fraud 93
5.From the AO to the AOC 96
5.1 The Law of 1905 98
5.2 The Law of 1919 102
5.3 The Laws of 1935 and 1947 108
6.Doing things differently:Germany and the UK 115
7.Conclusion 124
4.The Appellation of Origin in the Lisbon Agreement 127
1.Introduction 127
2.The Appellation of Origin:Article 2 130
2.1 The link between product and place 137
2.2 Natural and human influences 141
2.3 Geographical denomination 143
2.4 Reputation 145
3.International registration and its effects 146
3.1 Process of registration 147
3.2 Consequences of registration 152
4.The scope of protection:Article 3 157
4.1 Nominate categories of prohibited uses 158
4.2 The general prohibition against usurpation or imitation 162
4.3 A bsolute protection 172
5.Conclusion 177
Part Ⅱ 183
5.TRIPS today 183
1.Introduction 183
2.An outline of Articles 22 to 24 185
3.Pathways to TRIPS 191
3.1 TRIPS as compromise(d) 192
3.2 The WIPO negotiations 195
3.3 Compromise and its consequences 199
4.The definition of a GI:Article 22.1 213
4.1 The sign 215
4.2 The goods 216
4.3 Region of origin 218
4.4 The link between product and place 223
5.The scope of protection:one definition,yet two levels 237
6.Generic status 244
7.The relationship between GIs and trade marks 255
7.1 The language of trumps:FITFIR 257
7.2 Parma ham and the inequities of FITFIR 259
7.3 Descriptive fair use and co-existence 261
8.Conclusion 262
6.TRIPS tomorrow? 265
1.The significance of contemporary debates 265
2.Extending Article 23 to all products 266
3.Normative arguments in favour of extension 275
4.International registration and its effects 288
5.Conclusion 295
7.Conclusions - relocating geographical indications 297
Bibliography 303
Index 332
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