An Introduction to Political CrimePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Ross
- 出 版 社:Policy Press;Chicago Distribution Center [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9781847426796;1847426794
- 页数:209 页
one Introduction 1
two Theoretical explanations of political crime 17
three Oppositional political crimes 29
four Nonviolent oppositional political crimes 35
five Violent oppositional political crimes: assassination, riot, sabotage,subversion, and terrorism 53
six State crime 73
seven Political corruption 85
eight Illegal domestic surveillance 101
nine Human rights violations 115
ten State violence 137
eleven State-corporate crime 149
twelve Conclusion:controlling oppositional and state crime 159
References 179
Index 201
List of boxes, figures and tables 3
Boxes 3
1.1 Getting a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal 3
2.1 Robert King Merton (1910-2003) 19
2.2 Richard Moran (1944-) 20
2.3 Austin T.Turk (1934-) 20
3.1 Stephen Schafer (1911-76) 30
3.2 Barton L. Ingraham (1930-) 33
3.3 Nicholas N. Kittrie (1928-) 34
4.1 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg 48
5.1 In the Name of the Father (1993) 59
6.1 Gregg Barak (1948-) 74
7.1 Prince of the City (1981) 94
7.2 Frank Serpico 97
8.1 The Conversation (1974) 104
10.1 The Killing Fields (1984) 140
12.1 Noam Chomsky (1928-) 163
12.2 Peter Grabosky (1945-) 164
Figures 25
2.1 The individual-situation-organizational facilitation-resource adequacy (ISOR) explanation of political crime 25
5.1 Typology of political terrorism 58
6.1 Outline of the three faces of power 77
Tables 31
3.1 Definition comparison chart 31
3.2 Typology of political crimes 33
8.1 Countries, national security/intelligence agencies and well-known acts of illegal domestic surveillance 112
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