Birth Rites and RightsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Ebtehaj
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing Limited;Central Book Services [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:1849461887;1849461880
- 页数:289 页
Introduction: Birth Writes&MARTIN RICHARDS 1
Part 1: Experiences and Rites of Birth 7
1 Becoming a Mother: Continuities and Discontinuities Over Three Decades&ANN OAKLEY, MEG WIGGINS, VICKI STRANGE, MARY SAWTELL AND HELEN AUSTERBERRY 9
2 Changing Medical Birth Rites in Britain 1970-2010&FRANCOISE BARBIRA FREEDMAN 29
3 Are Doctors Still Improving Childbirth?&SUSAN BEWLEY AND LIN FOO 51
4 The Midwife-Mother Relationship&MAVIS KIRKHAM 77
Part 2: Status and Consequences of Birth 95
5 The Loneliness of Status: The Legal and Moral Significance of Birth&JONATHAN HERRING 97
6 Refusing Medical Treatment During Pregnancy and Birth: Ethical and Legal Issues&ROSAMUND SCOTT 113
7 The Consequences for Preterm Infants of Antenatal Glucocorticoid Treatment&ALISON FORHEAD AND ABIGAIL FOWDEN 129
8 Fathers, Birth and Law&RICHARD COLLIER 151
Part 3: After Birth 169
9 Recording Births: From the Reformation to the Welfare Reform Act&REBECCA PROBERT 171
10 The Changing Form of Birth Registration&JULIE MCCANDLESS 187
11 Birthright had Nothing to do with It; Royal Inheritance in the Middle Ages&FRANCIS WOODMAN 205
12 Infanticide and Insanity in 19th Century England&SHELLEY DAY SCLATER 219
Part 4: Timing of Birth 237
13 Explaining the Trend towards Older First Time Mothers - A Life Course Perspective&IRENEE DALY 239
14 Too Late or Too Many-Dilemmas Facing the Modern Woman Seeking Help with Fertility&PETER BRAUDE AND TAREK EL-TOUKHY 255
15 IVF Birth Data Presentation: Its Impact on Clinical Practice and Patient Choice&EMILY JACKSON AND HOSSAM ABDALLA 271
Index 285
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