- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:382 页
Part One The Involvement of International Civil Tribunals in Armed Conflict 3
Chapter One The Role of International Civil Tribunals 3
1.1.Purposes Served 5
1.2.Difficulties Encountered 9
Chapter Two Prior Cases Concerning Armed Conflict 13
2.1.Arbitrations during the 19th Century 13
2.2.The Hague Peace Conferences 16
2.3.The Post-World War Ⅰ System 19
2.4.The Post-World War Ⅱ System 23
2.5.Initial ICJ Cases Involving Armed Conflict 28
2.6.Assessment 30
Chapter Three Involvement of Civil Tribunals in the Current Period 33
3.1.The Central American Conflict 33
3.2.The Iran-Iraq War 36
3.3.The Gulf War 39
3.4.The Conflict in Yugoslavia 41
3.5.Territorial Disputes 48
3.6.The Conflict in the Congo 50
3.7.The Eritrea-Ethiopia Conflict 53
3.8.The Arab-Israeli Conflict 55
3.9.The Conflict in Sudan 57
3.10.The Conflict in Georgia 58
3.11.Italian Suits against Germany 59
3.12.Use of Nuclear Weapons 60
3.13.Assessment 61
Part Two The Process of Deciding Cases Involving Armed Conflict 65
Chapter FourJurisdiction 65
4.1.The International Court of Justice 66
4.1.1.Declarations under Article 36(2) 67
4.1.2.Treaty Provisions Consenting Generally to the Court’s Jurisdiction 73
4.1.3.Treaty Provisions Consenting to Jurisdiction over Disputes under That Treaty 74
4.1.4.Cases Brought with the Specific Consent of the Parties to the Dispute 83
4.1.5.Advisory Cases 84
4.2.Other Tribunals 87
4.2.1.The UN Compensation Commission 87
4.2.2.The Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission 88
4.3.Assessment 91
Chapter FiveAdmissibility 95
5.1.Objections to Claims 96
5.2.Objections to Counter-Claims 104
5.3.Advisory Cases 108
5.4.Assessment 114
Chapter SixProvisional Measures 117
6.1.The Framework for Provisional Measures 118
6.2.Types of Provisional Measures 126
6.3.Relationship to Political Processes 136
6.4.Assessment 145
Chapter SevenDetermining the Facts on the Merits 149
7.1.The Burden and Standard of Proof 151
7.2.Forms of Evidence 159
7.3.Reliance on Other Fact-Finders 173
7.4.Independent Tribunal Fact-Finding 179
7.5.Assessment 182
Chapter Eight Adjudicating the Law on the Merits 185
8.1.Contentious Cases 186
8.2.Advisory Cases 194
8.3.Articulation of the Law 197
8.4.What Substantive Issues the Tribunal Addresses 198
8.5.Interaction among Tribunals 201
8.6.Interaction with Non-Judicial Organs 204
8.7.Assessment 209
Chapter Nine Determining Relief 211
9.1.Legal Findings 213
9.2.Remedial Actions 218
9.3.Compensation 224
9.4.Assessment 244
Part Three Substantive Law Concerning Armed Conflict 249
Chapter Ten Resort to Force 249
10.1.Response to Attacks by the Forces of Another State 251
10.2.Support or Tolerance of Non-State Groups 256
10.3.Collective Response to Attacks 262
10.4.Necessity and Proportionality in the Use of Force 264
10.5.Involvement of the Security Council 271
10.6.Issues Not Decided 273
10.7.Assessment 279
Chapter Eleven Law of Armed Conflict 281
11.1.Applicability of Agreements 282
11.2.Conduct of Military Operations 289
11.3.Treatment of Persons 295
11.4.Responsibility for the Actions of Others 306
11.5.Assessment 310
Chapter Twelve Application of Other Legal Norms 313
12.1.Genocide 314
12.2.Human Rights Obligations 323
12.3.Protection of Diplomats 332
12.4.Commercial Agreements 336
12.5.Assessment 339
Chapter Thirteen Territorial Status 341
13.1.Secession 341
13.2.Territorial Claims 345
13.3.Occupied Territory 350
13.4.Assessment 362
Conclusion 363
Selected Bibliography 371
Index 381
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