Debating Social RightsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gearty
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing Limited;Central Book Services [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9781849460231;184946023X
- 页数:191 页
Against Judicial Enforcement by Conor Gearty 1
Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Ⅱ.Why Care? 3
A.Doing What Comes Naturally 5
B.Committing to Human Rights 11
C.Rights, Principles and Values 15
D.Summing Up 20
Ⅲ.How Should We Care? 21
A.The Rebirth of International Human Rights 23
B.Doing Human Rights 27
C.The Growing Lure of the Legal 33
D.The Lawyers’ Bandwagon Gathers Pace 41
E.The Radical Potential of Rights-Talk 47
F.The Necessity of Politics 52
Ⅳ. How Can We Tame the Lawyers? 54
A.Delivering Rights 55
B.Challenging Law’s Empire 57
C.The Bewitching Power of Orthodox Thinking 65
D.Answering the Sceptics 71
Ⅴ. Conclusion 82
In Support of Legalisation by Virginia Mantouvalou 85
Ⅰ.Introduction 85
Ⅱ.A Brief, Unhappy History 90
Ⅲ.Common Foundations 98
A.Dignity 99
B.Liberty 101
C.Citizenship: Rights and Belonging 105
Ⅳ. Legalisation 107
A.Conceptual Differences 109
B.The Role of Courts 116
C.The Role of Legislatures 130
Ⅴ. Content of Duties and Horizontality 136
A.Legislative Determination 138
B.Judicial Determination 141
C.Horizontal Application 147
Ⅵ.Social Rights and the Foreign Needy 153
A.Duties to the Nearby Needy 154
B.Duties to the Distant Needy 161
Ⅶ.Conclusion 169
Bibliograpby 173
Index 179
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