- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:柯召著;刘应明主编;柯召文集编委会编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7561419317
- 页数:420 页
第一编 传记及祝贺文章 3
柯召传 白苏华 3
祝贺柯老从事科研教学五十五周年——在第四届全国数论学术会议开幕式上的讲话 王元 11
On Some Problems and Results in Elementary Number Theory Paul Erd?s 13
Old and New Proofs of the Erd?s-Ko-Rado Theorem P.Frankl and R.L.Graham 21
第二编 学术论文 39
Decompositions into Four Cubes Chao Ko 39
On a Waring's Problem with Squares of Linear Forms Chao Ko 41
On the Representation of a Quadratic Form as a Sum of Squares of Linear Forms Chao Ko 57
Note on the Lattice Points in a Parallelepiped Chao Ko 78
Note on the Euclidean Algorithm Paul Erd?s and Chao Ko 87
Note on the Representation of a Quadratic Form as a Sum of Squares of Linear Forms Chao Ko 93
Determination of the Class Number of Positive Quadratic Forms in Nine Variables with Determinant Unity chao Ko 96
Some Results on Definite Quadratic Forms paul Erd?s and Chao Ko 108
On the Decomposition of Quadratic Forms in Six Variables Chao Ko 117
On the Positive Definite Quadratic Forms with Determinant Unity Chao Ko 134
On Definite Quadratic Forms,which are not the Sum of Two Definite or Semi-Definite Forms paul Erd?s and Chao Ko 141
Note on a Theorem on Matrices Chao Ko and H.C.Lee 163
A Further Generalization of the Hamilton-Cayley Theorem Chao Ko and H.C.Lee 168
On Semi-Automorphisms in Matrix Algebra Chao Ko and H.C.Lee 175
Note on the Diophantine Equation xxyy=zz Chao Ko 178
On the Meyer's Theorem and the Decomposition of Quadratic Forms Chao Ko 180
On the Decomposition of Quadratic Forms in Seven Variables Chao Ko 194
On the Decomposi tion of Quadratic Forms in Eight Variables Chao Ko 198
Table of Primitive Positive Quaternary Quadratic Forms with Determinants≤25 Chao Ko and S.C.Wang 202
Some New Proofs of Smith's Theorem Chao Ko 209
On the Decomposition of Quadratic Forms in Eight Variables Chao Ko 214
On the Equivalence of Positive Definite Quadratic and Hermitian Forms Chao Ko and Fu-Tsu Chu 218
关于方程ax+by+cz=n 柯召 225
表三元二次型为平方和的问题 柯召 229
一个关于二次型的问题 柯召 242
关于丢番都方程xyyx=zz,xyyz=zx和xxyz=zy 柯召 253
关于行列式等于1的12元和13元恒正二次型 柯召 261
关于商高数 柯召 274
关于Jesmanowicz的猜测 柯召 281
关于行列式等于1的14元恒正二次型 柯召 290
关于行列式等于1的15元恒正二次型 柯召 319
关于丢番都方程(a2-b2)x+(2ab)y=(a2+b2)z 柯召 336
关于行列式为1的恒正二次型 柯召 346
关于xyz=x+y+z 柯召 354
关于方程x3+y3+z3=xyz 柯召 360
Intersection Theorems for Systems of Finite Sets P.Erd?s,Chao Ko and R.Rado 372
关于方程x2=yn+1,xy≠0 柯召 383
关于连续数的一个问题 柯召 388
关于方程?(x-j)n=?(x+j)n 柯召 393
关于Catalan问题 柯召 403
附录:柯召先生主要著作目录 412
后记 419
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