跨文化的易卜生 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙建,(挪)赫兰德主编;陈靓,朱建新副主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787309087918
- 页数:502 页
1.Ibsen:A Contemporay Bangladeshi Playwright&Ahmed Ahsanuzzaman 5
2.Ibsen'S Compass:Points of Dread and Desire&Anne-Charlotte Hanes Harvey 14
3.On Peer Gynt:A Critical Review of the Annual Peer Gynt Performance in Golaa,Gudbrandsdalen&Astrid S?ther 29
4.Norwegian Superman—or...?What to think as a Norwegian when Ibsen has gone global,with John Gabriel Borkman as example&Benedikte Berntzen 45
5.A Doll's House and Kramer vs.Kramer:Objections to Family Law&Bjarne Markussen 52
6.Some Observations on Ibsen's The Wild Duck&Charles Kalish 62
7.Treading on New Ground:African Adaptations of“A Doll's House“&Cheela F K Chilala 68
8.From Self-lost to Self-realization Ibsen's Nora and Chinese Women's Quest for Modern&Aimin Chen 81
9.Multi-receptions of Ibsenism in China:From Misinterpretation to Innovation&Liang Chen 93
10.Interculturalism in Theatre and the Chinese Performances of Ibsen&Chengzhou He 103
11.Translating Ibsen in 2009:An Apology of Literality&Cristina Gómez Baggethun 119
12.Discord and Harmony between Human and Nature:An Ecological Interpretation of The Lady from the Sea&Danni Dai 124
13.The Role of Women in the Reception of Ibsen in Finland in the 1880s and 1890s&H.K.Riikonen 135
14.Intercultural Implications of A Doll's House:Experiences with a Production of Ibsen's Play in Mozambique&Helge Rфnning 143
15.Two Dissenting Voices:Harold Pinter's Mountain Language and Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House&Ibrahim Yerebakan 152
16.Ibsen's“Master Builder“:A Church,a House,a Castle in the Air&Janet Roberts 160
17.The Crisis in the Self and the Self in Times of Crisis&Jasminka Markovska 176
18.The Theme of“Discussion“:Ibsen,Shaw and Ding Xilin Compared&Jian Sun 192
19.Mapping Et dukkehjem&Julie Holledge 199
20.I bsen and Rabindranath—Meeting Points&Kazal Krishna Banerjee 213
21.Peer Gynt's Boundary-crossings:The Global Map of His Empirical and Mental Journeys&Knut Brynhildsvoll 225
22.Beyond the Tarantella:Re-visualizing Pain and Pleasure in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House&Lau Leung Che,Miriam 233
23.The Interaction of Texts and Performances of Ibsen's Plays—Ibsen in the Drama Teaching in Shanghai Theatre Academy&Minghou Liu 246
24.Ibsen in the Globalized Society:Multiculturalism—or the Lack thereof—in Norwegian Ibsen Performance&Lixian Cheng 252
25.Reception of Ibsen in Latvia during the Soviet Occupation(1940-1991)&Maija Burima 260
26.Post-perestroyka Receptions in Staging Ibsen&Margarita Odesskaya 274
27.Playbird or Featherbrain?&May-Brit Akerholt 283
28.Translating Insen's Byggmester Solness into Russian&Olga D.Drobot 290
29.Singularly Bound:Henrik Ibsen and Theatrical Survival&Olivia Gunn 295
30.The Lady from the Sea:Emergence From Marine Unconscious to Awakened Living&Rakesh Mohan Sharma 305
31.Ibsen's Enigma Variations:Re-imagining Intercultural Performance Research&Rustom Bharucha 322
32.The Use of Gun and the Myth of Freedom&Sabiha Huq 338
33.“Political Orgies“:Ibsen's Plays and Contemporary Bangladesh&Shafi Ahrned 345
34.Nora in A Doll's House and Bangladesh Perspective&Shah Mohammad Sanaul karim 361
35.Verfremdungseffekt in Mabou Mines Dollhouse&Susan Mason 370
36.The Making of a World Dramatist:Ibsen and Det Norske Theater&Tanya Thresher 376
37.Ibsen in Bengal(eastern India):Negotiating Difference Contemporary Bengali Representations of When We Dead Awaken and The Wild Duck&Tapati Gupta 385
38.Ibsen's Use of Holy Days:An Amalgam of Philosophy,Poetry and Religion&Trausti ?lafsson 392
39.Ibsen in Nigerian Theatre:Dramatic Arts Department,Obafemi Awolowo Ile-Ife,Osun State as a Case Study&Tunde Bakare 406
40.Globalizing Nora and Torvald:OyamO's A Selfish Sacrifice—in China?&Victor Castellani 434
41.Ibsen and Usigli:Two Creators of a National Theater&Víctor Grovas Hajj 449
42.Rethinking Ibsen's Multiple Influences on Modern Chinese Drama&Yuli Wang 457
43.A Doll's House on Chinese Stage&Lanlan Xie 466
44.Feminist Awakening and Self-definition—A Comparative Study of Female Characters in A Doll's House and Jin Ping Mei&Rulan Ye 480
45.Toward a Rediscovery of Ibsen's National Historical Plays in China&Xujia Zhou 487
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