- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨俊峰等编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560516300
- 页数:515 页
Thomas C.Haliburton 3
The Clockmaker 3
Stephen Leacock 9
Small Town:Mariposa,Ont 9
Frederick Philip Grove 17
Snow 17
The Midwife 28
Morley Callaghan 44
Two Fishermen 44
Malcolm Lowry 56
The Forest Path to the Spring 56
Northrope Frye 127
Preface to The Bush Garden 127
Robertson Davies 142
It Does No Good to Be Afraid 142
Brian Moore 154
Uncle T 154
Mavis Gallant 176
About Geneva 176
The Ice Wagon Going down the Street 183
Henry Kreisel 208
The Broken Globe 208
Margaret Laurence 222
A Place to Stand on 222
The Holy Terror 227
A Gourdful of Glory 244
The Tomorrow Tamer 262
To Set Our House in Order 284
Hugh Hood 301
Flying a Red Kite 301
The Woodcutter s Third Son 314
Alice Munro 337
Thanks for the Ride 337
The Office 350
The Moons of Jupiter 363
Mordecai Richler 382
The Summer My Grandmother Was Supposed to Die 382
Leon Rooke 398
Sixteen-year-old Susan March Confesses to the Innocent Murder of All the Devious Strangers Who Would Drive Her down 398
W.P.Kinsella 413
First Names and Empty Pockets 413
Audrey Thomas 433
Green Stakes for the Garden 433
Initram 439
Alistair MacLeod 458
The Lost Salt Gift Blood 458
Margaret Atwood 480
The Man from Mars 480
The Resplendent Quetzal 501
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