1 一般基础的习惯用语 24
account for 24
beef up 24
blue chip 24
across the board 25
be bound to 25
bring out 26
by and large 27
chalk up 27
hold~in check 28
chew on 28
at a record clip 28
come down 29
count on 30
give a damn 30
dress down 31
fall on deaf ears 32
figure out 33
cross fingers 34
fizzle out 34
for good 35
grind away after hours 35
hammer out 36
hands-off 36
hang in 37
for the long haul 37
head off 38
hear from 39
hit it off 39
hold out 40
keep on 40
kick off 41
give kick(to) 42
have leeway 42
go to great lengths 43
look into 43
look up 44
meat and potatoes 44
mom-and-pop 45
nuts and bolts 45
once and for all 46
be in order 46
pack off 46
pass out 47
bring into play 48
small potato 48
pull down 49
pull off 49
put through deals 50
put together 50
put up with 51
ring up 51
run out of 52
screw up 52
see about 53
see to it that 54
be(all)set 54
set forth 55
set up 55
slide around the law 56
in the soup 56
sour 57
spread(over) 58
stir up 58
take in(one's)stride 59
take apart 59
take up with 60
be tied up 60
go full throttle 61
touch off 61
turn around 62
turn down 62
turn in 63
turn up 63
in the works 64
work off 64
write down 65
get wrong 65
put zip in 66
2 有关经济动向和经济景气问题的习惯用语 68
back-to-back 68
bottom out 68
coast along 69
see into a crystal ball 69
doldrums 69
in the dumps 70
out of kilter 70
a sign of oomph 71
give pep to 71
perk up 72
pick up 72
take up the slack 72
head south 73
be on a tear 73
on the upswing 74
waxing and waning 74
3 有关企业和企业经营的习惯用语 76
take on air(s) 76
have a ball 76
go belly up 76
bottom line(s) 77
bring down 77
have a brush with bank-ruptcy 78
buckle down(to) 78
rope business 79
cash in 80
in the cellar 80
chop back 81
chuck out 81
clinch a deal 81
come-on 82
land a contract 82
contract out 82
carry the day 83
load up on debt 83
unload one's dog 84
get shown the door 84
downsize company 85
take a drubbing 85
fly off the shelves 86
farm out 86
flatten out 87
gear up 87
grind out 88
hack out 88
down-at-the-heel(s) 89
hive off 89
(in)hock 90
put on hold 90
corporate hopscotch 91
pull in one's horns 91
put the house in order 92
juice the stock 92
work out the kinks 93
come under the knife 93
bare-knuckle 93
lackluster company 94
liability 95
take a lick 95
crack the market 96
gray market 96
big hunks of the market 96
the plum market 97
flop mill 97
mothballed hulk 98
muscle into(the industry) 98
mushroom 99
niche 99
take a nip(out of) 100
pare down 100
part with 100
take a pasting 101
perks 101
pick 102
plow back 102
prop up 103
prune 103
pull in 103
rack up 104
retrench 105
run of-the-mill 105
rust out 106
get the short end of it 106
one's best shot at the top 106
bet on a long shot 107
slough off 107
snap up 108
start-up 108
stick out 109
straphanger 109
keep tabs on 110
run up the tab 110
stretched thin 110
two-tier wage system 111
hit the big time 111
tread water 112
double-whammy 112
wheel and deal 113
wind down 113
yawning gap 114
4 有关价格和金钱的习惯用语 116
build air(into) 116
ante up 116
awash in cash 117
strike a bargain 117
split the bill 118
to the bone 118
on the cheap 119
comedown 119
dip into savings 119
dole out 120
drift down 121
flat on the floor 121
foot the bill 121
high-rolling 122
shovel out money 123
sit on the money 123
hand out moola 124
nickel-and-dime 125
obscene 125
pay 126
use a sharp pencil in pricing 126
pile 127
deep-pocketed 127
pony up 128
cry poor 128
bargain-basement priee 129
prices behave 130
prices crater 130
exact a heavy price 131
hold the line on prices 131
peg the price 132
put a price tag(on) 132
shore up price 133
tailor price 133
work through(to the prices) 134
low pricer 134
pricier 134
eke out a profit 135
roll in profits 135
strut profit 136
rock pile 136
a run-up 137
service one's debt 137
shell out 138
slice into earnings 138
for song 138
strapped 139
swoop 139
big-ticket items 140
to the tune of $~ 140
up-front 141
blow one's wad 141
well-heeled 142
5 与企业买卖有关的习惯用语 144
on the block 144
bust up 145
divestiture 145
greenmail 146
golden parachute 146
junk bonds 147
leveraged buyout(LBO) 148
Pac-Man tactic 149
poison pill 149
corporate raider 150
white knight 150
6 特殊的习惯用语 152
have the albatross around the neck 152
throw an anchor to wind-ward 152
upset the apple cart 152
leave a person the bag to hold 153
second banana 154
spill the beans 154
boilerplate stuff 155
come out of the box 155
brick-and-mortar 156
buck passing 156
one button in the wrong hole 157
a piece of cake 157
take to the cleaners 158
cut from the same cloth 158
play good(bad)cop 159
cut-and-dry 160
straw dog 160
drive home 161
get one's ears burned 161
give an earful 162
egg on one's face 162
turn a blind eye 162
fleet-footed 163
fly in the face 163
fence-sitter 164
at fingertips 164
the name of the game 165
gung ho 165
gun-shy about 166
out of a person's hair 166
live high on the hog 167
in hog heaven 167
horse-trading 168
not in the same league 168
put the monkey on one's back 168
cut the mustard with 169
have it up to one's neck with 169
nip-and-tuck 170
nitty-gritty 170
smoke opium 171
wear cuffs on one's pants 171
a panoply of 172
the paraphernalia of 172
hit the pavement 173
pie-in-the-sky forecast 174
pipe dream 174
pork-barrel 174
quid pro quo 175
smell a rat 175
rip-off 176
ride roughshod over 177
sand in the wheels 177
scotch a deal 178
give away the shop 178
weak sister 179
hit the skids 179
a slew of 179
a smorgasbord of 180
hit the shags 180
up to snuff 181
sock it to 181
between a sow's ear and a silk purse 182
at the other end of the spectrum 183
put the right spin on 183
sugar daddy 184
sweetheart contract 185
throw in the towel 185
kick the tires 185
go down the tube 186
kick upstairs 187
plain vanillla 187
whistle another tune 188
"open window"early-retirement 188
wait in the wings 189
yarn spinner 190
7 新用语和新习惯用语 192
buzzword 192
check kiting 192
gold collar 192
prowl Gucci Gulch 193
intrapreneur 194
money laundering 195
outplacement services 195
owls 196
revolving-door(executive) 197
the rust belt 198
source 199
synergy 199
techie 200
Teflon President 200
trend-spotter 201
vertical marketing 201
8 经常当习惯用语的独立片语 204
a quilting bee 204
big beef 204
off-the-cuff 205
grandfather 205
a has-been 206
knockoff 207
legions(of) 207
piggyback 208
salad days 208
sea change 209
sin 209
start with a clean slate 210
in spades 211
splurge on 211
square with 211
upscale 212
upstage 213
waffle 213
whiff 214
9 其他习惯用语 216
with arrows in one's back 216
barrel along 216
bolt to 216
bowl over 217
in the same breath 217
bear the brunt of~ 218
bubble over 218
burst forth 219
buttoned-down 219
charm out of 220
chunks(of) 220
cotton to 220
join the crowd 221
dog 221
put a drag(on) 222
deep-dyed 222
an unblinking eye(on) 223
every eyelid 223
have a field day 224
two-fisted 224
flat out 224
freewheeling 225
go about doing that 225
go for it 226
goose 226
come to grips with 227
(be)hamstrung 227
hang tough 227
in the heyday 228
hold card 228
be hooked on 229
an invitation to disaster 229
take lashing(s) 230
in the minority 230
a passel of 230
parcel out 231
percolate to the top 231
pooh-pooh 232
prevail on 232
two-pronged 233
pushing and tugging 233
razzle-dazzle 234
rev up 234
ride high 235
ripple through 235
stir a ruckus 236
sally forth 236
off-the-shelf 237
sit on the shelf 237
the short of it 238
run the show 238
bum steers 238
in store 239
broach the subject 239
be swayed by calls 240
in the swim 240
in sync with 241
take on 241
full tilt 242
to top it off 243
true-blue 243
tuck under 244
blow one's way into 244
have one's way 245
zero in on 245
- 《元曲鉴赏辞典》傅德岷,余曲主编 2017
- 《专属孩子的好习惯赢星书 我会用钱》(英)吉尔斯著 2015
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