惟实求真 王圩院士文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王圩著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787030545541
- 页数:459 页
王老师回忆文章 3
忆和二姐相处的日子 3
同事朋友学生回忆文章 11
与半导体所共同成长的王圩和所在团队 11
老同学、老战友、老老板 15
楷模和榜样——王圩院士80岁华诞有感 17
毕生中国“芯”,包容学生情 20
学术导师,为人楷模 23
学术论文集 27
内光栅反馈型动态单频DFB/DBR激光器 27
1.55μm InGaAs/InP单模激光器的研究和发展 65
室温连续激射的1.55μm质子轰击条形InGaAsP/InP激光器 76
1.55μm掩埋条形InGaAsP/InP激光器 84
1.3μm低阈值大功率基横模BH InGaAsP/InP激光器 89
A Modified 1.5μm GaInAsP/InP Bundle-Integrated-Guide Distributed-Bragg-Reflector (BIG-DBR) Laser with an Inner Island Substrate 92
用于1.55 μm InGaAsP/InP DFB激光器的λ/4相移衍射光栅 99
1.55μm InGaAsP/InP RW-DFB laser 104
1.5μm光栅反馈型动态单模激光器 111
低阈值1.5 μm平面掩埋脊型(PBR)分布反馈激光器 118
InGaAsP/InP掩埋条形激光器的漏电流分析 127
InGaAsP/InP PFBH激光器 136
A 1.31μm novel complex-coupled MQW-DFB laser by modulated distribution of injection current 139
1.27μm吸收型部分增益耦合MQW- DFB激光器 143
LP- MOVPE生长的1.3μm InGaAsP/InP张压应变交替MQW特性 148
1.3μm InGaAsP/InP应变多量子阱部分增益耦合DFB激光器 154
光纤光栅作为外反馈的混合腔半导体激光器 158
浅离子注入InGaAs/InGaAsP SL-MQW激光器的混合蓝移效应 162
生长温度对长波长InP/AlGaInAs/InP材料LP-MOCVD生长的影响 167
半绝缘InP的优化生长条件以及掩埋的1.55μm激光器 172
A Novel Non-uniform Two-section DFB Semiconductor Laser for Wavelength Tuning 176
Bragg光栅在光子集成器件中的应用及研制 182
用光纤光栅作外反馈的可调谐外腔半导体激光器 187
选区外延制作单片集成单脊条形电吸收调制DFB激光器 191
低波长漂移的电吸收调制DFB激光器 197
High Extinction Ration Polarization Independent EA Modulator 205
窄条宽MOCVD选区生长InP系材料的速率增强因子 209
渐变应变偏振不灵敏半导体光学放大器 215
Tunable Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser Fabricated by Bundle Integrated Guide 220
Selective-area MOCVD growth for distributed feedback lasers integrated with vertically tapered self-aligned waveguide 226
Measurement of 3dB Bandwidth of Laser Diode Chips 234
多量子阱电吸收调制DFB激光器的一种新型LP-MOCVD对接生长方法 239
Semiconductor optical amplifier optical gate with graded strained bulk-like active structure 247
第1讲 布拉格衍射效应在半导体光电子器件中的应用与发展 255
A 1.3μm Low-Threshold Edge-Emitting Laser with AlInAs-Oxide Confinement Layers 269
MOVPE growth of grade-strained bulk InGaAs/InP for broad-band optoelectronic device applications 277
A Novel Extremely Broadband Superluminescent Diode Based on Symmetric Graded Tensile-strained Bulk InGaAs 284
用于光纤通信的1.55μm DFB激光器的可靠性分析 289
10Gbit/s高T0无制冷分布反馈激光器 295
A Wavelength Tunable DBR Laser Integrated with an Electro-Absorption Modulator by a Combined Method of SAG and QWI 299
Lossless Electroabsorption Modulator Monolithically Integrated With a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Dual-Waveguide Spot-Size Converters 306
1.55μm Ridge DFB Laser Integrated With a Buried-Ridge-Stripe Dual-Core Spot-Size Converter by Quantum-Well Intermixing 313
Widely Tunable Sampled-Grating DBR Laser 320
Compressively Strained InGaAs/InGaAsP Quantum Well Distributed Feedback Laser at 1.74μm 326
10Gbit·s-1 electroabsorption-modulated laser light-source module using selective area MOVPE 332
Comparative study of InAs quantum dots grown on different GaAs substrates by MOCVD 339
Dual-Wavelength Distributed Feedback Laser for CWDM Based on Non-Identical Quantum Well 351
Low-Microwave Loss Coplanar Waveguides Fabricated on High -Resistivity Silicon Substrate 357
Monolithic integration of electroabsorption modulator and DFB laser for 10Gb/s transmission 362
Selective growth of absorptive InGaAsP layer on InP corrugation for a buried grating structure 369
低能氦离子注入引入的量子阱混杂带隙波长蓝移 374
Monolithically Integrated Transceiver with Novel Y-Branch by Bundle Integrated Waveguide for Fibre Optic Gyroscope 381
40Gb/s Low Chirp Electroabsorption Modulator Integrated With DFB Laser 390
Design of novel three port optical gates scheme for the integration of large optical cavity electroabsorption modulators and evanescently-coupled photodiodes 397
All-Optical Clock Recovery for 20Gb/s Using an Amplified Feedback DFB Laser 405
Design and Characterization of Evanescently Coupled Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiodes with a Multimode Diluted Waveguide Structure 415
DC Characterizations of MQW Tunnel Diode and Laser Diode Hybrid Integration Device 422
Monolithic integration of electroabsorption modulators and tunnel injection distributed feedback lasers using quantum well intermixing 429
A modified SAG technique for the fabrication of DWDM DFB laser arrays with highly uniform wavelength spacings 439
附录 451
获奖情况 451
大事记(年鉴) 452
桃李满天下 456
后记 459
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
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- 《惟实求真 王圩院士文集》王圩著 2017
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- 《西方雕塑史话》庄圩著 1995
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- 《美国小学分级阅读 二级D 地球科学&物质科学》本书编委会 2016
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《强磁场下的基础科学问题》中国科学院编 2020
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