- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:康健,张平,唐欣编著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787517815334
- 页数:182 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategic Management 1
1.1 Strategic Competitiveness 1
1.2 The Global Economy 3
1.3 Vision 4
1.4 Mission 4
1.5 Strategic Management Process 5
1.6 Developing a Strategic Vision and Mission 8
1.7 Setting Objectives 10
1.8 Crafting a Strategy 10
1.9 Implementing and Executing a Strategy 12
1.10 Approaches to Performing the Strategy-Making Task 13
1.11 Strategic Management Principle 14
Chapter 2 The External Environment 22
2.1 The General,Industry,and Competitor Environments 24
2.2 External Environmental Analysis 27
2.3 Scanning 29
2.4 Monitoring 30
2.5 Industry Environment Analysis 30
2.6 Threat of New Entrants 32
2.7 Bargaining Power of Buyers 33
2.8 Threat of Substitute Products 34
2.9 Strategic Groups 35
2.10 Ethical Considerations 36
2.11 Rivalry Among Competing Sellers 38
Chapter 3 The Internal Environment 42
3.1 Analyzing the Internal Organization 42
3.2 Creating Value 42
3.3 Resources,Capabilities,and Core Competencies 44
3.4 Resources 45
3.5 Tangible Resources 45
3.6 Intangible Resources 46
3.7 Capabilities 48
3.8 Core Competencies 49
3.9 The Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage 49
3.10 Value Chain Analysis 50
3.11 Outsourcing 58
3.12 Analyzing Driving Forces 59
Chapter 4 Evaluating Resources and Competitive Capabilities 64
4.1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry 64
4.2 Competitor Analysis 65
4.3 Resource Similarity 66
4.4 Competitive Rivalry 66
4.5 Strategic and Tactical Actions 67
4.6 Competitive Dynamics 68
4.7 Slow-Cycle Markets 69
4.8 Fast-Cycle Markets 69
4.9 Company Situation Analysis 70
4.10 Typical Company Value Chain 74
4.11 How Strong the Company's Competitive Position Is 76
Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategies 78
5.1 Customers:Their Relationship with Business-Level Strategies 78
5.2 The Purpose of Business-Level Strategies 78
5.3 Types of Business-Level Strategies 81
5.4 Cost Leadership Strategies 82
5.5 Differentiation Strategies 84
5.6 Focus Strategies 87
5.7 Focused Cost Leadership Strategies 88
5.8 Competitive Risks of Focus Strategies 89
5.9 Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategies 89
5.10 Levels of Diversification 93
5.11 Low Levels of Diversification 94
5.12 Reasons for Diversification 94
5.13 Value-Creating Diversification:Related Constrained and Related Linked Diversification 95
Chapter 6 Functional Strategies and Strategic Choices 98
6.1 Operational Relatedness:Sharing Activities 98
6.2 Market Power 99
6.3 Simultaneous Operational Relatedness and Corporate Relatedness 100
6.4 Value-Neutral Diversification:Incentives and Resources 101
6.5 Resources and Diversification 101
6.6 Value-Reducing Diversification:Managerial Motives to Diversify 102
6.7 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies 103
6.8 Increased Market Power 104
6.9 Cost of New Product Development and Increased Speed to Market 104
6.10 Learning and Developing New Capabilities 105
6.11 Managers Overly Focused on Acquisitions 106
6.12 Three Basic Benefits of International Strategies 107
6.13 International Strategies 108
6.14 International Business-Level Strategies 108
6.15 Global Strategy 109
6.16 Acquisitions 109
6.17 Risk of Best-Cost Provider Strategies 113
6.18 Merger and Acquisition Strategies 115
6.19 Unbundling and Outsourcing Strategies 117
6.20 Offensive Strategies and Competitive Advantage 119
6.21 First-Mover Advantages 119
Chapter 7 Strategy Implementation 121
7.1 Implementing Internal Innovations 121
7.2 Facilitating Integration and Innovation 122
7.3 Innovation Through Cooperative Strategies 122
7.4 Organizational Structure and Controls 124
7.5 Functional Structure 126
7.6 The Role of Top-Level Managers 128
7.7 Top Management Teams 129
7.8 Managerial Succession 130
7.9 Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture 130
7.10 Establishing Balanced Organizational Controls 131
7.11 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities 132
7.12 Innovation 133
7.13 Internal Innovation 134
7.14 Incremental and Radical Innovation 135
7.15 Autonomous Strategic Behavior 136
7.16 Why the World Economy Is Globalizing 137
7.17 Multi-domestic Strategy Maximizes Local Responsiveness 138
7.18 Locating Activities to Build a Global Competitive Advantage 140
7.19 What Profit Sanctuaries Are 141
7.20 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Four Strategies 142
7.21 New Business Model for the Internet Economy 142
7.22 Internet Strategies for Traditional Businesses 145
7.23 Tailoring Strategy to Fit Specific Industry Situations 146
7.24 Competitive Advantage in Diversified Companies 153
7.25 Sales and Marketing Fits 156
7.26 What Unrelated Diversification Is 157
7.27 How Broadly a Company Should Diversify 158
7.28 Turnaround Strategies 161
Chapter 8 Strategic Evaluation and Control 162
8.1 Product Diversification as an Example of an Agency Problem 162
8.2 Ownership Concentration 162
8.3 Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors 163
8.4 Evaluating the Strategy of Diversified Companies 164
8.5 How Corporate Strategies Form 168
8.6 Building Core Competencies and Competitive Capabilities 169
8.7 What the Goals of the Strategy Implementing-Executing Process Are 170
8.8 Key Traits to Building Core Competencies 172
8.9 Instituting Best Practices and Installing Support Systems 176
8.10 What Total Quality Management Is 177
8.11 What Areas Information Systems Should Address 179
8.12 Guidelines for Designing an Effective Compensation System 180
后记 182
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