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大学物理实验  英文
大学物理实验  英文

大学物理实验 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:付浩,Esmond Agurgo Balfour著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787030514073
  • 页数:232 页
《大学物理实验 英文》目录


1.1 Safety 1

1.2 Laboratory Objectives 2

1.3 Development of Character and Sense of Responsibility 2

1.4 Preparation for the Actual Laboratory Work 3

1.5 Equipment Care 4

1.6 Materials to Be Provided by the Student 5

1.7 Performance of the Experiment 5

1.8 Experimental Report 5

1.9 Proficiency in the Laboratory 6

1.10 Use of the Origin Software 7


2.1 Measurement 8

2.2 Types of Errors 11

2.3 Statistical Analysis of Random Errors 15

2.4 Accuracy and Precision 20

2.5 Uncertainty 21

2.6 Instrument Error 26

2.7 Propagation of Uncertainties 30

2.8 Significant Figures 34

2.9 Computations with Measured Values 36

2.10 Graphical Representation of Data 38

2.11 Least-Squares Fitting 42

Problems for Chapter 2 48


3.1 Measurement of Resistance by Ammeter-Voltmeter Method 50

3.2 Use Hall Effect to Measure Magnetic Field 64

3.3 The Oscilloscope 75

3.4 Measurement of the Young's Modulus of Wire by Elongating 84

3.5 Laser Holography 97

3.6 Newton's Rings 106

3.7 Polarized Light 115

3.8 Measuring Laser Wavelength and Index of Refraction of Air by Michelson Interferometer 126

3.9 Measurement of the Apex Angle of a Prism and the Wavelengths of Mercury Lights Using a Spectrometer 138

3.10 The Franck-Hertz Experiment 152

3.11 The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment 163

3.12 The Wheatstone Bridge and the Prototype of Electric Balance 172

3.13 Measuring the Ultrasonic Speed 184

3.14 The Photoelectric Effect 196

3.15 The Potentiometer 205

APPENDIX Ⅰ Laboratory Report Writing Format 215

A1-1 Abstract 215

A1-2 Introduction 215

A1-3 Experimental Procedure 215

A1-4 Results 216

A1-5 Discussion 216

A1-6 Conclusion 216

A1-7 References 216

A1-8 Appendices 217

APPENDIX Ⅱ Materials Properties and Physical Constants 218

APPENDIX Ⅲ Physical Experiments I Sample Examination Paper 221

Part A Multiple Choice 221

Part B Long Questions 225

Answers to Sample Questions 229

References 232
