2015物联网及其应用国际论坛会议文集 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:2015物联网及其应用国际论坛会议文集编委主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787307187849
- 页数:130 页
Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things 1
PicknPack and RFID-enabled Traceability System 2
Challenges in IoT Design and Applications 3
Big Data in IoT 5
Intelligent Transport of Perishables Using IoT 6
IoT and Big Data with Smart Applications 7
Smart Cities and Internet of Information 8
Impact of IoT in the Oil and Gas E&P Industry 9
Cloud Manufacturing in the Context of Industry 4.0-Developing a Service-oriented Manufacturing Eco-system 11
Internet-enabled Cloud-based Cyber Manufacturing:A Cloud Robotics View 12
Application of IoT in Service-oriented Intelligent Manufacturing 13
New Demands for Lean Production in the Context of Product Customization and Smart Manufacturing 14
Customized Design and Production with 3D Printers in Cloud Manufacturing 16
Parallel Intelligence and Knowledge Automation:IoT for CPSS and Beyonds 18
Flexible Electronics Manufacturing Technologies with Applications in IoT 19
Fiber Optical Sensing Technologies for IoT 20
Cloud Security:Challenge and Practice 22
The Invulnerability of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks 23
Cloud & IoT-Enabled Prognosis for Asset Management in Transportation and Logistics:A Paradigm for Intelligent Control of Belt Conveyor System 24
A Self-adaptive Distributed Decision Support Model for Internet of Things Applications 26
A Smartphone-based Gateway to Support Mobile IoT Interoperability 28
TurbiotTM:A Long-range Narrowband IoT Solution 31
The Personalized Recommendation of Tourist Passenger Transportation Route under the Environment of Internet of Things 34
Implementation of RFID Middleware with Database 37
Improved Locating Algorithm of Railway Tunnel Personnel Based on Collaborative Information Fusion in IoT 39
The Intelligent Alert and Monitoring System for the High Voltage Transmission Line Based on Internet of Things 43
Ontology for Energy Consumption Modeling and Control Optimization of Industrial Robot in Cloud Manufacturing 46
Robustness Estimation and Abnormal Monitoring Data Detection for Thermal Error Compensation Models on a Heavy-duty Machine Tool 49
An Invulnerability Framework of WSN Based on Software Defined Network 51
An Improved Ripper Algorithm for Knowledge Rules Mining of Fault Diagnosis 54
A Self-organized Framework Through Multi-agents for Internet of Things 56
Research on Security Framework of Cloud Computing 58
An Energy Efficient Sink-location Privacy Preserving Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks 60
A Distributed Condition Monitoring System of Large Low-speed Machines Using the Wireless Sensor Networks 62
Wearable Human-machine Interface Based on Wireless Epidermal PVDF Sensor 64
Research on Improved CSMA/CA Algorithm Based on the Drug Control of IoT 67
The Design of Test Platform for Production Line Based on IoT Technology 70
Design of Low-power Wireless Monitor System and Fault Self-diagnosis Based on MSP430 73
Research on Multi-UAV and Multi-target Dynamic Task Allocation 75
Research on RFID Antennas under Fabric Substrates in People-centered IoT 78
Design of NFC Based Clothing Information System 80
Wideband Antenna Array Design for RF Energy Harvesting 82
Development of 3D Scene Reconstruction System Based on Android 84
Research of Component Base Management System for TT&C Field 86
Continuous Gesture Recognition Based on HMM 88
A Study on the Integrated and Intelligent Health Management Built upon Internet of Things 89
Application of Image Recognition Technology in Pedestrian Detection 91
Research of Kazakh Continuous Speech Recognition 93
Design of Microstrip Antenna Applied to Wireless Power Transmission System 96
A Smart Sending APP for Express Delivery 99
Wireless Bi-directional Data Link for Smart Temperature Recording 101
Classification of Surface Defects of Steel Sheet Using Rectified Convolutional Neural Networks 104
Research of Multi-channel Under-sampling Technique and Its Application in a Type Ultrasonic Testing 107
Method to High Speed and High Precision Localization for Fluorescent Molecular in Super-resolution Imaging 110
Topology optimization of Port Wireless Sensor Network Based on Small-world Network 113
Development of Circuits for Wi-Fi Energy Harvesting 116
Ethernet Device Electrostatic Discharge Protection Component Test and Evaluate Methods 119
The Application of ZigBee in Smart Home and Internet of Vehicles 121
The Practical Application of Automatic Vision Alignment to the Internet of Things Production Line 124
Method of Gray Temperature Measurement Based on Area Array CCD 126
A Reusable Adaptation Language for Relocation of Software Components on Distributed Systems 129
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