语言学视域下的简 奥斯丁作品人际关系研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏丽娟著
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787305184864
- 页数:371 页
Introduction 1
1 A Critical Survey of Linguistic Studies on Jane Austen's Major Fiction 3
2 The Explanation of Linguistic Theories Concerned 26
3 The Argument and the Methodology of the Book 31
4 The Organization of the Book 32
Chapter One Cooperative Principle in Male-Female Relationship in Pride and Prejudice 37
1 Application of CP in the Realization of Diverse Collaboration 43
1.1 Cooperation of Speeches in Principled Compromise 46
1.2 Application of the Four Maxims in Genuine Understanding 58
2 Violation of CP in the Demonstration of Mild Conflict 80
2.1 Non-Cooperation of Speeches in Social Indifference 84
2.2 Violation of the Four Maxims in Interpersonal Disagreement 93
Chapter Two Interpersonal Metafunction in Parent-Child Relationship in Emma 121
1 Mood in the Reflection of Fettered Love 125
1.1 Mood Choices in Kind Indulgence 127
1.2 Mood Construction in Selfish Irresponsibility 155
2 Modality in the Manifestation of Devious Growth 178
2.1 Modal Operators in Unconscious Resemblance 181
2.2 Modal Adjuncts in Corresponding Reward 210
Chapter Three Speech Representation in Female Relationship in Persuasion 234
1 Direct Speech Representation in the Display of Disharmonious Relationship 239
1.1 Direct Speech in Arrogant Rejection 242
1.2 Free Direct Speech in Indifferent Disregard 273
2 Indirect Speech Representation in the Exhibition of Compatible Friendship 294
2.1 Indirect Speech in Candid Concern 299
2.2 Free Indirect Speech in Valuable Assistance 320
Conclusion 344
Bibliography 357
- 《SQL与关系数据库理论》(美)戴特(C.J.Date) 2019
- 《程序逻辑及C语言编程》卢卫中,杨丽芳主编 2019
- 《公共关系》胡杏菁,罗永全,连伟文主编 2018
- 《幼儿园课程资源丛书 幼儿园语言教育资源》周兢编 2015
- 《天水师范学院60周年校庆文库 新工科视域下的工程基础与应用研究》《天水师范学院60周年校庆文库》编委会编 2019
- 《高等学校“十三五”规划教材 C语言程序设计》翟玉峰责任编辑;(中国)李聪,曾志华,江伟 2019
- 《音乐语言的根基》张艺编著 2019
- 《认知语言学视野的抽象方位结构研究》曹爽著 2019
- 《激活语言思维》李蒨,王宏年,汤青编著 2017
- 《人际关系应用心理学》贾海泉 2018