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语言服务书系·英语语法研究  英语主位等同结构  隐喻  一致分析
语言服务书系·英语语法研究  英语主位等同结构  隐喻  一致分析

语言服务书系·英语语法研究 英语主位等同结构 隐喻 一致分析PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:何恒幸著
  • 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787566822079
  • 页数:160 页
图书介绍:本书在对比分析和借鉴现有研究基础上,提出了新的“隐喻-一致分析”模式、原则与程序。从概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能层面对这类结构进行“隐喻-一致分析”。跟现有分析不同的是,本分析模式从便于功能成分对比的角度,把每一个功能成分均进行“隐喻式”和“一致式”的对应呈现,从而彰显本模式的优势。本书最大的创新之处是,对这类结构从语法、词汇和语音三个方面进行了全面系统的“隐喻-一致分析”,并讨论了通过这一模式分析得出的这类结构的一些边沿特性,可使读者对这类结构有一个更为全面的认识。 本书的读者对象是英语专业的本科生、研究生、教师及其他语言学工作者和爱好者。
《语言服务书系·英语语法研究 英语主位等同结构 隐喻 一致分析》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Purpose and Scope 4

1.3 Data and Methodology 5

1.4 Organization of the Book 6

Chapter 2 Metaphor in Halliday's Systemic-functional Grammar 8

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Halliday's Definition of Metaphor 10

2.3 Types of Metaphor 13

2.4 Analyses of Metaphor 25

2.5 Contributions and Challenges 30

2.6 Summary 32

Chapter 3 Thematic Equatives in Halliday's Systemic-functional Grammar 33

3.1 Introduction 33

3.2 Halliday's Definition of Thematic Equatives 33

3.3 Types of Thematic Equatives 35

3.4 Analyses of Thematic Equatives 40

3.5 Contributions and Problems 49

3.6 Summary 50

Chapter 4 Metaphorical-congruent Analysis 51

4.1 Introduction 51

4.2 Aspects and Criteria of'Metaphorical'and'Congruent' 51

4.3 MC Analysis:Model,Principles and Procedures 60

4.4 Advantages of MC Analysis 70

4.5 The Working Model of MC Analysis of Thematic Equatives 71

4.6 Summary 74

Chapter 5 Grammatical MC Analysis of Thematic Equatives in English 75

5.1 Introduction 75

5.2 Ideational MC Analysis 75

5.3 Interpersonal MC Analysis 81

5.4 Textual MC Analysis 86

5.5 An Integrated Grammatical MC Analysis 88

5.6 Contributions and Problems 92

5.7 Summary 94

Chapter 6 Lexical MC Analysis of Thematic Equatives in English 95

6.1 Introduction 95

6.2 General Guidelines of Lexical MC Analysis 96

6.3 Lexical MC Analysis of'x' 100

6.4 Lexical MC Analysis of'be' 107

6.5 Lexical MC Analysis of'a' 113

6.6 An Integrated Lexical MC Analysis 115

6.7 General Discussions 116

6.8 Summary 118

Chapter 7 Phonological MC Analysis of Thematic Equatives in English 119

7.1 Introduction 119

7.2 Tone Units,Tonicity,and Functions of Intonation 119

7.3 The MC Analysis of Tone Unit and Information Structure of Thematic Equatives in English 123

7.4 Evidence from a Small Survey 127

7.5 Summary 134

Chapter 8 Peripheral Features of Thematic Equatives in English:An MC Analysis Perspective 135

8.1 Introduction 135

8.2 Peripheral Logical Features 135

8.3 Peripheral Experiential Features 139

8.4 Peripheral Interpersonal Features 142

8.5 Peripheral Textual Features 144

8.6 Peripheral Lexical Features 146

8.7 Peripheral Phonological Features 147

8.8 Summary 147

Chapter 9 Conclusion 149

9.1 Introduction 149

9.2 Summary of the Main Points 149

9.3 Implications 150

9.4 Remaining Problems for Further Research 151

9.5 Concluding Remarks 152

References 153
