中国管理研究与实践 复旦管理学杰出贡献奖获奖者代表成果集 2007PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王重鸣,陈国青,李维安著
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787309076004
- 页数:434 页
一、王重鸣学术代表成果汇集篇 3
王重鸣——2007年度复旦管理学杰出贡献奖一等奖 3
The Human-computer Interface Hierarchy Model and Strategies in Systems Development 5
The Effects of Decision Support Information on Decision-making Patterns in Systems Development 17
Patterns of Power Distribution in Managerial Decision Making in Chinese and British Industrial Organizations 29
Organizational Decision Making and Competence Utilization Among Chinese Managers 44
Integrated Personnel Selection,Appraisal and Decisions:A Chinese Approach 57
Group Attributional Training as an Effective Approach to Human Resource Development Under Team Work Systems 75
The Manager as Mediator of Alternative Meanings:A Pilot Study from China,the U.S.A.and U.K 86
Managerial Competency Modelling and the Development of Organizational Psychology:A Chinese Approach 109
Strategic Human Resource Management for Twenty-First-Century China 128
Strategic Human Resources,Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fit:A Cross-regional Comparative Model 142
二、陈国青学术代表成果汇集篇 163
陈国青——2007年度复旦管理学杰出贡献奖二等奖 163
Internet Diffusion in Chinese Companies:The Overall Process and Perceived Patterns 164
Key Issues in Information Systems Management in China 171
China Merchants Bank 184
A New Approach to Classification Based on Association Rule Mining 209
Simple Association Rules(SAR)and the SAR-Based Rule Discovery 238
Discovering During-Temporal Patterns(DTPs)in Large Temporal Databases 253
A Multi-Level Approach for Devising Effective B2B E-Commerce Development Strategies with an Application to the Case of China 275
Issues and Opportunities in E-Business Research:A Simonian Perspective 295
Impact of Perceived Fit on E-Government User Evaluation:A Study with a Chinese Cultural Context 313
三、李维安学术代表成果汇集篇 341
李维安——2007年度复旦管理学杰出贡献奖三等奖 341
跨国公司在华独资倾向成因分析:基于股权结构战略的视角 342
股权、董事会治理与中国上市公司的企业信用 350
中国上市公司治理指数与治理绩效的实证分析 361
股权结构、治理机制与城市银行绩效 379
利益相关者治理与中国上市公司的企业信用 394
经理层治理评价指数与相关绩效的实证研究 403
中国公司治理评价与指数报告 418
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