郭柏灵论文集 第7卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭柏灵著
- 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787562333661
- 页数:383 页
2005年 1
Two New Types of Bounded Waves of CH-γ Equation 1
Multiple Nodal Bound States for a Quasilinear Schr?dinger Equation 14
Existence of Solitary Waves for a Simplified Two Fluid System of Equations in Plasma 25
The"Blow up"Problem for a Quasilinear Schr?dinger Equation 33
Homoclinic Orbits for the Coupled Nonlinear Schr?dinger System and Long-short Wave Equation 43
The Well-posedness of Cauchy Problem for the Generalized Nonlinear Dispersive Equation 47
Well-posedness of the Cauchy Problem for the Hirota Equation in Sobolev Spaces Hs 65
Periodic Cusp Wave Solutions and Single-solitons for the b-equation 80
2006年 96
Global Regular Solutions for Landau-Lifshitz Equation 96
Existence of Weak Solutions and Trajectory Attractors for the Moist Atmospheric Equations in Geophysics 121
New Numerical Algorithms for the Nonlinear Diffusion Model of Image Denoising and Segmentation 145
Multiple Periodic Solutions for Two-dimensional Lattice Dynamic Systems 156
The Global Attractor of the Damped,Forced Generalized Korteweg de Vries-Benjamin-Ono Equation in L2 167
Almost Conservation Law and Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear Davey-Stewartson Equation 185
Isometric Decomposition Operators,Function Spaces Eλp,q and Applications to Nonlinear Evolution Equations 198
Time Periodic Solution of the Viscous Camassa-Holm Equation 231
2007年 241
Attractors of the Derivative Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation in Unbounded Domains 241
Strong Instability of Standing Waves for a Nonlocal Schr?dinger Equation 268
Sharp Global Existence and Blowing up Results for Inhomogeneous Schr?dinger Equations 280
The Global Attractor of the Damped Forced Ostrovsky Equation 293
Blow up Solutions for One Class of System of Pekar-Choquard Type Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation 309
Blow-up Solutions for N Coupled Schr?dinger Equations 320
Periodic Weak Solutions for a Classical One-dimensional Isotropic Biquadratic Heisenberg Spin Chain 329
Dynamical Behavior for the Three-dimensional Generalized Hasegawa-Mima Equations 339
Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Equations 350
随机广义Ginzburg-Landau方程的吸引子 374
后记 385
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