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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:耿运琪主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787310039098
  • 页数:644 页

上篇 慢病毒分子生物学 3

篇首语 3

第一章 慢病毒基因组的结构和功能、基因表达调控机制 7

1.耿运琪,纪永刚,陈荷新,刘淑红,杨丽珠,梁栋,马明,陈启民,秦贞奎,赵祥平,侯艳梅,曾毅,1994.从我国进口奶牛及其后代中发现牛免疫缺陷病毒(BIV)的自发感染,病毒学报10:322-326. 9

2.刘淑红,陈荷新,陈家童,陈启民,耿运琪,C.Wood,秦贞奎,赵祥平,侯艳梅,曾毅.1997.牛免疫缺陷病毒(BIV)92044毒株的分离及鉴定,病毒学报13:357-364. 14

3.梁臣,耿运琪.1995.牛免疫缺陷病毒反式激活因子作用机理的研究.病毒学报11:327-335. 22

4.Deng, G., Y.Su, J.Mu, R.Sha, Y.Geng, W.Qiao, and Q.Chen.2008.Molecular basis of the internalization of bovine immunodeficiency virus Tat protein.Virus Genes 36:85-94. 31

5.Liu, Z., H.Yin, G.Deng, Y.Yuan, J.Wang, Y.Geng, and Q.Chen.2003.On the structure of AP-4 responsive element in the LTR of Jembrana disease virus.Chinese Science Bulletin 48:1247-1250. 41

6.邓刚,莎日娜,母俊杰,乔文涛,耿运琪,陈启民.2004.JDV Tat反式激活LTR与HIV-1 Tat采用类似的细胞因子,中国病毒学19:576-581. 45

7.尹红艳,邓刚,莎日娜,乔文涛,耿运琪,陈启民.2004.JDV与三种牛反转录病毒相互关系的研究.中国病毒学19:471-475. 51

8.邓刚,苏旸,母俊杰,李悦,乔文涛,耿运琪,陈启民.2006.RNA结合域决定JDVTat具有较强的激活能力.中国病毒学21:142-147. 56

9.Deng, G., W.Qiao, Y.Su, R.Sha, Y.Geng, and Q.Chen.2006.Internalization of Jembrana disease virus Tat: Possible pathway and implication.Virus Research 121:122-133. 62

10.Su, Y., G.Deng, Y.Gai, Y.Li, Y.Gao, J.Du, Y.Geng, Q.Chen, and W.Qiao.2009. Comparative functional analysis of Jembrana disease virus Tat protein on lentivirus long terminal repeat promoters: evidence for flexibility at its N-terminus.Virol J 6:179-192. 74

11.Yuan, Y., C.Bi, J.Li, X.Wang, Y.Geng, and Q.Chen.2004.Cytotoxicity of HIV-gp41 segments expressed in E.coli.Chinese Science Bulletin 49:668-671. 88

第二章 其他病毒超感染对慢病毒复制的影响 93

1.Geng, Y., F.Kashanchi, and C.Wood.1992.Activation of Bovine Immunodeficiency-like Virus Expression by Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 .Virology 187:832-836. 95

2.梁臣,耿运琪,C.Wood.1995.牛疱疹病毒Ⅰ型前早期基因BICPO的表达对牛免疫缺陷病毒LTR的反式激活作用.病毒学报11:144-150. 100

3.Wood, C., H.Minocha, and Y.Geng.1996.Molecular Studies on BIV Infection and its Interaction with Other Bovine Viruses.In: P.W.Lynch eds.Jembrana Disease and the Bovine Lentiviruses (ACIAR Proceedings No 75).Brisbane: Watson Ferguson&Co. 107

4.Diao, L., W.Qiao, Q.Chen, C.Wang, and Y.Geng.2005.BICPO and its RING finger domain act as ubiquitin E3 ligases in vitro.Chinese Science Bulletin 50:636-640. 113

5.Diao, L., B.Zhang, J.Fan, X.Gao, S.Sun, K.Yang, D.Xin, N.Jin, Y.Geng, and C.Wang. 2005.Herpes virus proteins ICPO and BICPO can activate NF-KB by catalyzing IKBa ubiquitination.Cellular Signalling 17:217-229. 118

6.Diao, L., B.Zhang, C.Xuan, S.Sun, K.Yang, Y.Tang, W.Qiao, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and C. Wang.2005.Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK) pathway by HSV-1 immediate early protein ICPO.Experimental Cell Research 308:196-210. 131

7.Geng, Y., B.Chandran, S.Josephs, and C.Wood.1992.Identification and Characterization of a Human Herpesvirus 6 Gene Segment That trans Activates the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Promoter.J Virol 66:1564-1570. 146

8.魏莘,王岱,张莉,刘淑红,陈启民,耿运琪.1998.反式激活HIV-1 LTR的人疱疹病毒6型(H HV-6)基因片段的初步研究.病毒学报14:370-373. 153

9.刘淑红,陈启民,耿运琪,C.Wood.1997.牛病毒性腹泄病毒(BVDV)对牛免疫缺陷病毒(BIV)的激活作用.病毒学报13:229-234. 157

10.刘佳建,刘淑红,陈启民,耿运琪.1999.牛泡沫病毒(BSV)对牛免疫缺陷病毒(BIV)的激活作用.中国病毒学14:249-254. 163

第三章 慢病毒与宿主的相互作用 169

1.刘畅,乔文涛,王琛,耿运琪.2006.类泛素蛋白ISG15及其在先天免疫中的作用.生物化学与生物物理进展33:1023-1029. 171

2.Liu, C., Y.Shi, C.Xuan, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2008.Establishment of an in vitro Protein Modification System with Antiserum Against Ubiquitin-like Modifier bISG15.Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 24:30-34. 178

3.Liu, C., R.Chang, X.Yao, W.Qiao, and Y.Geng.2009.ISG15 expression in response to double-stranded RNA or LPS in cultured Fetal Bovine Lung (FBL) cells.Vet Res Commun 33:723-733. 183

4.Liu, C., X.Li, X.Yao, X.Kong, W.Qiao, and Y.Geng.2010.Bovine ISG15: an antiviral and inducible protein in BIV infected fetal bovine lung cells.Virol J 7:134-138. 194

5.Lui, C., X.Kong, W.Qiao, and Y.Geng.2011.Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Protein blCPO Represses the Transcription of blSG15 in Fetal Bovine Lung Cells.Virol Sin 26:403-408. 199

6.Mu, J., X.Yao, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2007.MicroRNAs and their role in viral infection.Frontiers of Biology in China 2:15-20. 205

7.Liu, L., J.Li, Y.Xu, W.Qiao, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2009.RNA Silencing Suppressor p19 Regulates the Expressions of Cell Cycle Related Genes.Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 36:541-548. 211

8.Xuan, C., W.Qiao, J.Li, G.Peng, M.Liu, Q.Chen, J.Zhou, and Y.Geng.2008.BTat, a trans-acting regulatory protein, contributes to bovine immunodeficiency virus-induced apoptosis.Cell Microbiol 10:31-40. 219

9.Xuan, C., W.Qiao, J.Gao, M.Liu, X.Zhang, Y.Cao, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and J.Zhou.2007. Regulation of Microtubule Assembly and Stability by the Transactivator of Transcription Protein of Jembrana Disease Virus.J Biol Chem 282:28800-288006. 229

10.Su, Y., W.Qiao, T.Guo, J.Tan, Z.Li, Y.Chen, X.Li, Y.Li, J.Zhou, and Q.Chen.2010. Microtubule-dependent retrograde transport of bovine immunodeficiency virus.Cell Microbiol 12:1098-1107. 236

11.Huo, L., D.Li, X.Sun, X.Shi, P.Karna,W.Yang, M.Liu, W.Qiao, R.Aneja, and J.Zhou.2011. Regulation of Tat acetylation and transactivation activity by the microtubule-associated deacetylase HDAC6.J Biol Chem 286:9280-9286. 246

第四章 与慢病毒感染相关的其他病毒 253

1.王世珍,刘淑红,耿运琪.1999.一种新的人类疱疹病毒:Kaposis肉瘤相关病毒(KSHV).中国病毒学14:1-6. 255

2.腾智平,冯加武,王爱霞,王自春,余红,徐连芝,C.Wood,耿运琪,曾毅.1998.在AIDS病人和非AIDS的卡波西肉瘤病人中检测HHV-8基因和抗体.中华实验和临床病毒学杂志12:87转73页. 261

3.Wang, S., S.Liu, M.Wu, Y.Geng, and C.Wood.2001 .Identification of a Cellular Protein That Interacts and Synergizes with the RTA (ORF50) Protein of Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Transcriptional Activation.J Virol 75:11961-11973. 263

4.Wang, S., S.Liu, M.Wu, Y.Geng, and C.Wood.2001 .Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirushuman herpesvirus-8 ORF50 gene product contains a potent C-terminal activation domain which activates gene expression via a specific target sequence.Archives of Virology 146:1415-1426. 276

5.Duan, W., S.Wang, S.Liu, and C.Wood.2001 .Characterization of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirushuman herpesvirus-8 ORF57 promoter.Archives of Virology 146:403-413. 288

6.Wang, J., J.Zhang, L.Zhang, W.Harrington, Jr., J.West, and C.Wood.2005.Modulation of Human Herpesvirus 8Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Replication and Transcription Activator Transactivation by Interferon Regulatory Factor 7.J Virol 79:2420-2431. 299

7.Zhang, J., J.Wang, C.Wood, D.Xu, and L.Zhang.2005.Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated HerpesvirusHuman Herpesvirus 8 Replication and Transcription Activator Regulates Viral and Cellular Genes via Interferon-Stimulated Response Elements.J Virol 79:5640-5652. 311

8.Liu, X., Y.Liu, X.Shi, Y.Wang, Y.Geng, and J.Wang.2010.Number of and distance between response elements in Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus ORF57 promoter influence its activation by replication and transcription activator and its repression by interferon regulatory factor 7.Arch Virol 155:361-366. 324

第五章 抗慢病毒药物及疫苗相关研究 331

1.Wang, D., S.Liu, Q.Chen, Y.Geng,W.Xu, and Y.Wei.1997.An Experimental Model for Screening Anti-AIDS Drugs with Bovine Immunodefiency Virus.Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 6:32-36. 333

2.Ooi, L.M., T.Ng, Y.Geng, and V.Ooi.2000.Lectins from bulbs of the Chinese daffodil Narcissus tazetta(family Amaryllidaceae).Biochem Cell Biol 78:463-468. 338

3.Yao, X., S.Fang,W.Qiao, Y.Geng, and Y.Shen.2010.Crystal structures of catalytic core domain of BIV integrase: implications for the interaction between integrase and target DNA. Protein Cell 1:363-370. 344

4.Yao, X., H.Guo, C.Liu, X.Xu, J.Du, H.Liang, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.A Quantitative Assay for Measuring of Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus Using a Luciferase-based Indicator Cell Line.Virol Sin 25:137-144. 352

5.Yao, X., Y.Su, C.Liu, J.Tan, L.Liu, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.Establishment of an indicator cell line for monitoring bovine immunodeficiency virus infection and inhibitor susceptibility.J Virol Methods 163:25-30. 360

6.Jiang, Y., T.Ng, C.Wang, D.Zhang, Z.Cheng, Z.Liu, W.Qiao, Y.Geng, N.Li, and F.Liu. 2010.Inhibitors from Natural Products to HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase, Protease and Integrase.Mini Rev Med Chem 10:1331-1344. 366

7.Jiang, Y., J.Wong, M.Fu, T.Ng, Z.Liu, C.Wang, N.Li, W.Qiao, T.Wen, and F.Liu.2011. Isolation of adenosine, iso-sinensetin and dimethylguanosine with antioxidant and HIV-1 protease inhibiting activities from fruiting bodies of Cordyceps militaris.Phytomedicine 18:189-193. 380

8.Wang, C., T.Ng, L.Li, J.Fang, Y.Jiang, T.Wen, W.Qiao, N.Li, and F.Liu.2011 .Isolation of a polysaccharide with anti proliferative, hypoglycemic, antioxidant and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activities from the fruiting bodies of the abalone mushroom Pleurotus abalonus.J Pharm Pharmacol 63:825-832. 385

9.Zhang, S., C.Wood, W.Xue, S.Krukenberg, Q.Chen, and H.Minocha.1997.Immune Suppression in Calves with Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus.Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 4:232-235. 393

10.Chen, G., S.Wang, K.Xiong, J.Wang, T.Ye, W.Dong, Q.Wang, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, C. Wood, and Y.Zeng.2002.Construction and Characterization of a Chimeric Virus(BIVHIV-1) Carrying the Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus gag-pol Gene.AIDS 16:123-125. 397

11.Zhu, Y., C.Liu, X.Liu, W.Qiao, Q.Chen, Y.Zeng, and Y.Geng.2005.Construction and characterization of chimeric BHIV(BIVHIV-1)viruses carring the bovine immunodeficiency virus gag gene.World Journal of Gastroenterology 11:2609-2615 400

12.吴颖运,洪坤学,耿运琪,邵一鸣.2004.SHIV减毒株在AIDS疫苗研究中的应用.中国病毒学19:187-191. 407

13.Wu, Y., K.Hong, P.Chen, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and Y.Shao.2004.Generation of Full-genome SHIV-KB9 Clone .and Its Replication in Human and Monkey Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells.Virol Sin 19:114-119. 412

14.Wu, Y., K.Hong, A.Chenine, J.Whitney, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, R.Ruprecht, and Y.Shao.2005. Molecular cloning and in vitro evaluation of an infections simian-human immunodeficiency virus containing env of a primary Chinese HIV-1 subtype C isolate.J Med Primatology 34:101-107. 418

15.朱义鑫,刘畅,乔文涛,陈启民,耿运琪,曾毅.2005.替换HIV-1衣壳蛋白基因SHIV的构建及其活性测定.中国病毒学20:346-351. 425

16.Li, Y., G.Yang, Q.Chen, Q.Liu, Z.Meng, Y.Geng,W.Qiao, and Y.Shao.2009.Construction and characterization of a new simianhuman immunodeficiency viruses clone carrying an env gene derived from a CRF07_BC strain.Chin Med J 122:2874-2879. 431

下篇 泡沫病毒分子生物学 439

篇首语 439

第六章 泡沫病毒的复制 443

1.刘淑红,陈荷新,陈家童,梁栋,陈启民,耿运琪,C.Wood.1997.牛泡沫病毒(BSV)3026毒株的分离及生物学鉴定.病毒学报13:140-145. 445

2.余荭,孔晓红,李汀,马永刚,陈启民,耿运琪.2003.牛泡沫病毒BFV3026细胞感染性的确立及包装细胞系的建立.病毒学报19:330-335. 451

3.Yu, H., X.Kong, C.Xuan, J.Wang, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2003.The Study on the Infection of Rabbits with Bovine Foamy Virus 3026.Virol Sin 18:566-570. 457

4.Kong, X., H.Yu, C.Xuan, J.Wang, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2005.The requirements and mechanism for capsid assembly and budding of bovine foamy virus.Archives of Virology 150:1677-1684. 462

5.Ma, Z., W.Qiao, C.Xuan, J.Xie, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2007.Detection and analysis of bovine foamy virus infection by an indicator cell line.Acta Pharmacol Sin 28:994-1000. 470

6.Ma, Z., P.Hao, X.Yao, C.Liu, J.Tan, L.Liu, R.Yang, Y.Geng, Q.Chen, and W.Qiao.2008. Establishment of an indicator cell line to quantify Bovine Foamy Virus infection.J Basic Microbiol 48:278-283. 477

7.Guo, H., Z.Liang, Y.Li, J.Tan, Q.Chen, and W.Qiao.2011.A New Indicator Cell Line Established to Monitor Bovine Foamy Virus Infection.Virol Sin 26:315-323. 483

第七章 泡沫病毒基因组的结构和功能、基因表达调控机制 493

1.刘淑红,耿运琪.1999.泡沫病毒基因组结构及其调节蛋白的功能.病毒学报15:84-91. 495

2.Liu, J., S.Liu, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.1999.Borf-1 protein identified as a transcriptional trans-activator of bovine foamy virus.Chinese Science Bulletin 44:1017-1020. 503

3.刘佳建,王世珍,张莉,乔文涛,陈启民,耿运琪.2000.牛泡沫病毒调节蛋白功能及其在LTR上应答元件的研究.病毒学报16:141-149. 507

4.张莉,王世珍,刘佳建,刘淑红,陈启民,耿运琪.2000.牛泡沫病毒内部启动子的克隆及功能分析.病毒学报16:227-231. 516

5.张莉,乔文涛,刘淑红,王金忠,陈启民,耿运琪.2000.牛泡沫病毒反式激活因子在内部启动子上应答元件的研究.病毒学报16:232-237. 521

6.王世珍,张莉,刘佳建,刘淑红,陈启民,耿运琪.2000.牛泡沫病毒两类启动子活性的比较和机制探讨.中国病毒学15:93-96. 527

7.郭春光,乔文涛,胡文治,王金忠,陈启民,耿运琪.2002.牛泡沫病毒长末端重复序列在大肠杆菌中的启动子功能.病毒学报18:181-184. 531

8.乔文涛,郭春光,王书晖,王金忠,陈启民,耿运琪.2002.牛泡沫病毒内部启动子上顺式作用元件具有增强子特性.科学通报47:535-539. 535

9.孔晓红,余荭,宣成昊,辛丹,王金忠,陈启民,耿运琪.2004.RU5区对BFV3026基因表达的调控.中国病毒学19:129-132. 540

10.Yu, H., T.Li, W.Qiao, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2007.Guanine tetrad and palindromic sequence play critical roles in the RNA dimerization of bovine foamy virus.Archives of Virology 152:2159-2167. 544

11.Tan, J., W.Qiao, F.Xu, H.Han, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2008.Dimerization of BTas is required for the transactivational activity of bovine foamy virus.Virology 376:236-241. 553

12.Tan, J., P.Hao, R.Jia, W.Yang, R.Liu, J.Wang, Z.Xi, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010. Identification and functional characterization of BTas transactivator as a DNA-binding protein. Virology 405:408-413. 559

13.Wang, W., J.Tan, J.Wang, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.Analysis of bovine foamy virus btas mRNA transcripts during persistent infection.Virus Genes 40:84-93. 565

14.Chang, R., J.Tan, F.Xu, H.Han, Y.Geng, Y.Li, and W.Qiao.2011.Lysine acetylation sites in bovine foamy virus transactivator BTas are important for its DNA binding activity.Virology 418:21-26. 575

第八章 泡沫病毒与宿主的相互作用 581

1.Ma, Y., H.Yu, J.Wang, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2006.Membrane-spanning domain of bovine foamy virus transmembrane protein having cytotoxicity.Frontiers of Biology in China 4:353-356. 583

2.Tan, J., W.Qiao, J.Wang, F.Xu, Y.Li, J.Zhou, Q.Chen, and Y.Geng.2008.IFP35 Is Involved in the Antiviral Function of Interferon by Association with the Viral Tas Transactivator of Bovine Foamy Virus.J Virol 82:4275-4283. 587

3.Tan, J., K.Wu, R.Chang, Q.Chen, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2008.Subcellular Localization Analysis of Bovine Foamy Virus Borf1 Protein.Virol Sin 23:37-42. 596

4.Wang, J., H.Guo, R.Jia, X.Xu, J.Tan, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.Preparation of BFV Gag Antiserum and Preliminary Study on Cellular Distribution of BFV.Virol Sin 25:115-122. 602

5.Wang, J., J.Tan, H.Guo, Q.Zhang, R.Jia, X.Xu, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.Bovine Foamy Virus Transactivator BTas Interacts with Cellular ReIB to Enhance Viral Transcription. J Virol 84:11888-11897. 610

6.Wang, J., J.Tan, X.Zhang, H.Guo, Q.Zhang, T.Guo, Y.Geng, and W.Qiao.2010.BFV activates the NF-KB pathway through its transactivator (BTas) to enhance viral transcription. Virology 400:215-223. 620

7.Wu, Y., J.Tan, Y.Su, W.Qiao, Y.Geng, and Q.Chen.2010.Transcription factor AP1 modulates the internal promoter activity of bovine foamy virus.Virus Res 147:139-144. 629

8.Xu, F., J.Tan, R.Liu, D.Xu, Y.Li, Y.Geng, C.Liang, and W.Qiao.2011.Tetherin inhibits prototypic foamy virus release.Virol J 8:198-207. 635
