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深入浅出移动互联网  影印版  英文
深入浅出移动互联网  影印版  英文

深入浅出移动互联网 影印版 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)加德纳,(美)克莱格斯著
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787564134143
  • 页数:442 页
《深入浅出移动互联网 影印版 英文》目录

Table of Contents(Summary) 1

1 Getting Started on the Mobile Web:Responsive Web Design 1

2 Responsible Responsiveness:Mobile-first Responsive Web Design 43

3 A Separate Mobile Website:Facing less-than-awesome circumstances 91

4 Deciding Whom to Support:What devices should we support? 137

5 Device Databases and Classes:Get with the group 151

6 Build a Mobile Web App Using a Framework:The Tartanator 217

7 MobileWebAppsintheRealWorld:Supermobileweb apps 267

8 Build Hybrid Mobile Apps with PhoneGap:Tartan Hunt:Going native 313

9 HowtoBeFutureFriendly:Make(some)sense ofthe chaos 357

i Leftovers:Thetop sixthings(we didn't cover) 373

ii Set Up Your Web Server Environment:Gotta start somewhere 387

iii InstallWURFL:Sniffing outdevices 397

iv InstalltheAndroid SDK andTools:Take careofthe environment 403
