- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社编
- 出 版 社:深圳:海天出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7806975950
- 页数:211 页
目录 1
1 The Roar of the Mountain 山的声音 1
2 The Fake Frog Doctor 冒充医生的青蛙 5
3 The Lark's House-moving 百灵鸟搬家 10
4 The Donkey and the Lapdog 驴子和哈巴狗 14
5 The Grinder,the Son and the Donkey 磨工、儿子和驴子 19
6 The Dog in the Stable 马棚里的狗 23
7 The Miser 守财奴 26
8 The Oak Tree and the Reed 橡树和芦苇 30
9 The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑 35
10 The Crow and the Water Jug 乌鸦喝水 45
11 The Bee and the Dove 蜜蜂和鸽子 49
12 The Dog and His Reflection 狗和自己的倒影 54
13 The Hunter and the Snake 捕鸟人与蛇 58
14 The Fox and the Stork 狐狸请客 61
15 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 狼来了 66
16 The Mouse and the Lion 老鼠救狮子 71
17 The Donkey and the Sack of Salt 驮盐的驴 75
18 The Monkey and the Dolphin 猴子和海豚 79
19 Two Soldiers and a Robber 兵士和强盗 82
20 The Boy in a Whirlpool 洗澡的小孩 85
21 The Prince and the Lion Painting 王子和画狮 88
22 The Stork and His Friends 农夫和白鹳 91
23 The Stubborn Goats 互不相让的山羊 95
24 The Great Jumper 自夸的旅人 99
25 The Milkmaid 挤牛奶的女工 102
26 The Rooster and the Diamond 公鸡和钻石 105
27 The Camel That Danced 骆驼跳舞 108
28 The Cat and the Rooster 花猫无理取闹 112
29 The Travellers and the Bear 两个好朋友和大熊 117
30 The Two Sacks 两个袋子 122
31 The Fox and the Wolf 狐狸和狼 126
32 The Monkey and the Fisherman 猴子和渔夫 132
33 The Fox and the Woodcutter 狐狸和樵夫 137
34 The Donkey and the Wolf 聪明的驴子 142
35 The Wolf with a Grudge 狼的下场 146
36 Brother and Sister 兄和妹 151
37 Who Will Bell the Cat? 谁将铃系在猫的颈上? 155
38 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 乡下老鼠入城记 165
39 The Lion and the Bulls 狮子挑拨离间 172
40 The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs 杀鹅取卵 180
41 The Farmer and His Sons 三兄弟寻宝藏 188
42 The Mosquito and the Lion 狮子和蚊子 195
43 The Sick Lion 狮子生病了 199
44 The Clown and the Country Folk 小丑和乡下人 206
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