国际贸易与竞争 战略与管理案例与要点 英文版 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:戴维·B.约夫(DavidB.Yoffie),(美)本杰明·戈梅斯-卡瑟雷斯(BenjaminGomes-Casseres)著
- 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社;McGraw-Hill出版公司
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7810444654
- 页数:574 页
Theories of International Trade 1
1. Note on Comparative Advantage 3
2. Note on Sources of Comparative Advantage 9
3. "New" Theories of lnternational Wade 15
Comparative Advantage and Industry Structure 33
4. The Japanese Facsimile Industry in 1990 33
5. The Global Semiconductor lndustry, 1987 55
6. The Global Computer Industry 78
Comparative Advantage and 105
Corporate Strategy 105
7. B-W Footware 107
8. Lotus Development CorPoration:Entering lnternational Markets 125
9. Hoechst and the German Chemical Industry 141
1O. Hoechst in the United States (A) 159
Intermediation and lnternational Trade 179
11. Japan's Sogoshosha 181
12. General Electric Trading Company, 1985 198
13. Note on Wade Finance 216
Alliances in International Competition 237
14. Swissairl's Alliances 239
15. Xerox and Fuji Xerox 264
16. Mips Computer Systems (A) 291
17. The FS'X Project 313
The Political Economy of Trade Policy 335
18. Textiles and the Multi-Fiber Arrangement 337
19. Note on Free Trade and Protectionism 353
20. Europe 1992 361
21. North American Free Trade Argeement: Free for Whom? 384
22. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 414
Trade Policy and Corporate Strategy 423
23. Searching for Trade Remedies: The U.S. Machine Tool Industry, 1983 425
24. United States bede Law 439
25. The Semiconductor Industry Association and the Trade Dispute with Japan (A) 457
26. Canada Packers and the Canada U.S. Free Trade Agreement 474
Industrial Policy and International Competition 495
27. Motorola and Japan (A) 497
28. Collision Course in Commercial Aircraft: Boeing-Airbus-Mc Donnell Douglas 1991 (A) 510
29. Zenith and High Definition Television, 199O 530
30. Fusion Systems Corporation in Japan(A) 544
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