- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李鹏飞等编
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:750533025X
- 页数:268 页
Content 1
Lesson 1 1
Text A The Magic of Microelectronics 1
Text B Preface to the Book Electronics and Telecommunications 6
Text C Television:The Modern Wonder of Electronics 9
Lesson 2 12
Text A A Journey to Driverless Reality 12
Text B Multiplexing and Modulation 19
Text C The Workings of Base-Two Arithematic 24
Lesson 3 27
Text A Synergetics 27
Text B Introduction to Multichannel TV Sound* 33
Text C The Dolby System 36
Writing (Ⅰ)How to Write an Outline for a Scientific Paper? 39
Lesson 4 43
Text A Expert Systems and Their Actual applications 43
Text B Data Communications 48
Text C Artificial Intelligence Background 52
Lesson 5 56
Text A A Trap to Harness the Sun 56
Text B The Hubble Space Telescope 63
Text C Hope for the Future 68
Writing (Ⅱ)How to Write an Abstract for a Paper(1) 70
Lesson 6 75
Text A Fiber Optical Communications 75
Text B Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing 81
Text C Building a CIM Framework 87
Lesson 7 91
Text A Dynamic Data 91
Text B How to Predict a Profit 96
Text C Digital Control System Analysis and Design 101
Lesson 8 104
Text A Automation and Robotics 104
Text B Introduction and Linearized Dynamic Models 110
Text C Integrated Enhanced Epitaxy of Opto-electronic Materials.. 115
Writing (Ⅲ)How to Write an Abstract(2) 118
Lesson 9 125
Text A Human Intelligence Versus Artificial Intelligence 125
Text B Speech Recognition Based on Pattern Rccognition Approaches 131
Text C Message Communication and Its Advantages 136
Lesson 10 139
Text A Programming Linguistics:Goals and Methods 139
Text B Adventure Games in the Clssroom:a Far Cry from a Says Apple 145
Text C The Evolution of Robotic Technology 153
Lesson 11 156
Text A A Parallel System:Divide and Conquer(1) 156
Text B A Parallel System:Divide and Conquer(2) 163
Text C John Bardeen and the Discovery of Transistor Effect 171
Writing(Ⅳ)How to Write an Abstract for a Paper?(3) 173
Lesson 12 184
Text A The Verbum Book of Scanned Imagery* 184
Text B Programmable Logic Controller 191
Text C W.H.Brattain and His Investigations on Semiconductors and the Discovery of Transistor Effect 197
Text D How Radar Works? 199
Writing(Ⅴ)How to Write and Introduction to a Research Paper? 201
Lesson 13 206
Text A Types and Uses of Automatic Test Equipment 206
Text B Classes of Dialogue Theory for the Learning Process:A Commentary 211
Text C Electronic Publishing and the Production Process 218
Lesson 14 221
Text A Balancing Competing Interests 221
Text B Streamlining Information Science Research and Education 227
Text C Advantages and Future of Satellite Communications 233
Writing(Ⅵ)How to Write a Conclusion or a Discussion of Results of a Science Pa-per? 235
Lesson 15 239
Text A The Information Environment:Types and Ways of Information Processing 239
Text B Field Robots for the Next Century 247
Text C What Is Electronic Mail? 254
Apendix 1:Word List (by Lessons and Texts) 258
Appendix 2:Key to comprehension Excercises 266
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