

- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张金哲主编
- 出 版 社:南宁:广西科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7806193723
- 页数:411 页
第一章 小儿外科手术基本技术 张金哲 1
第一节 小儿手术基本操作特点 1
1-1 切口(incision) 1
1-2 止血(hemostasis) 2
1-3 缝皮(suture of skin) 2
1-4 针线选择(choice of sutures) 3
1-5 开颅切口(incisions for craniotomy) 3
1-7脊柱切口(incisions on spine) 4
1-6开胸切口(incisions for thoracotomy) 4
1-8开腹切口(incisions for laparotomy) 5
1-9 尾路切口(incisions on sacral region) 6
1-10 四肢切口(incisions on limbs) 7
1-11 稳定技术(stable techniques) 7
1-12 器械操作(manipulation of instruments) 8
1-13 合作配合(cooperation of operator with assistants) 8
1-14 头灯、台上望远镜、冷光源牵开器(head light,operating glasses and retractor with cold light) 9
第二节 小儿手术基本问题 9
1-15 手术的决定-9分法手术评价(consideration of operation/nine score evaluation) 9
1-16 新生儿手术打击评定(estimation of the severity of surgical stress in newborns) 10
1-18 麻醉(anesthesia) 11
1-17 心理因素(psychological factors) 11
1-19 体位固定与保暖通风(position and immobilization;air conditions and ventilation) 12
1-20 开放静脉(intravenous cannulation) 14
1-21 紧急抢救手术(operations for resuscitation) 15
1-22 无菌措施(aseptic technique) 17
1-23伤口包扎(wound dressing) 17
第一节 食管闭锁手术 18
Ⅱ-1 Ⅲ型食管闭锁——期吻合术(esophageal atresia,type Ⅲ/primary anastomosis) 18
第二章 新生儿手术 陈永卫 18
Ⅱ-2 食管闭锁-延期吻合术(esophageal atresia/delayed anastomosis) 21
Ⅱ-3 食管闭锁-交替选择手术(esophageal atresia/alternative operations) 24
Ⅱ-4 食管闭锁-颈部食管造瘘(esophageal atresia/cervical esophagostomy) 25
第二节 胃肠道梗阻手术 27
Ⅱ-5 婴儿肥厚性幽门狭窄-环脐切口幽门肌切开(infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis/pyloromyotomy th 27
Ⅱ-6 环形胰腺-菱形吻合(annular pancreas/diamod duodenoduodenostomy) 28
Ⅱ-7 肠旋转不良-Ladd手术(malrotation/Ladd procedure) 31
Ⅱ-8 十二指肠闭锁-隔切除(duodenal atresia/resection of septum) 33
Ⅱ-9 空肠闭锁-斜吻合(jejunal atresia/oblique jejunojejunostomy) 35
Ⅱ-10 回肠闭锁-端吻合(ileal atresia/end to end anastomosis) 37
Ⅱ-11 回肠闭锁-倒丁字吻合〔ileal atresia/invertednastomosis(Bishop-Koop enterostomy)〕 38
第三节 肛门直肠畸形手术 40
Ⅱ-12 先天性低位无肛(男婴无瘘)-十字切开(low anorectal atresia without fistula in male/crucial inc 40
Ⅱ-13 低位女婴瘘-二期肛门成形(后切与“H”手术)〔low anorectal atresis with fistula in female/two-s 41
Ⅱ-14 低位无肛尿道瘘-第一期会阴切开(low anorectal atresia with urethral fistula/primary perineal in 44
Ⅱ-15中位无肛尿道瘘-结肠造瘘(intermediate anorectal atresia with urethral fistula/colostomy) 45
Ⅱ-16 中位无肛尿道瘘-Penㄊ质酰ǜ侥虻览┱牛玻╥ntermediate anorectal atresia with urethral fistula/ 47
Ⅱ-17 中位无肛尿道瘘-关肠瘘(intermediate anorectal atresia with urethral fistula/colostomy close) 50
Ⅱ-18 高位无肛膀胱瘘-腹会阴手术(high anorectal anomaly with vesicorectal fistula/abdominoperineal a 52
Ⅱ-19 高位无肛尿道瘘-延期手术(high anorectal atresia with vesicorectal fistula/ delayed anoplasty) 56
Ⅱ-20 新生儿巨结肠-环钳法(张氏法)〔megacolon in newborn/ring clamp crushing anastomosis(Zhang t 57
Ⅱ-21 全结肠巨结肠-木村法(total colon aganglionosis/Kimura procedure) 62
第四节 腹壁腹膜手术 64
Ⅱ-22 新生儿腹股沟斜疝-Marcy-Bassini手术(inguinal hernia in newborn/Marcy-Bassini procedure) 64
Ⅱ-23 脐膨出-一期缝合手术(脐成形术)〔omphalocele/one-stage repair(omphaloplasty)〕 65
Ⅱ-24 巨型脐膨出-二期手术(1)(皮肤缝合)〔huge omphalocele/two-stage operation(1)(closure of skin 67
Ⅱ-25 巨型脐膨出-二期手术(2)(腹肌缝合)〔huge omphalocele/two-stage operation(2)(closure of abdo 68
Ⅱ-26 胎粪性腹膜炎-肠穿孔肠造瘘(meconium peritonitis/exteriorization of perforated intestine) 69
Ⅱ-27 胎粪性腹膜炎-关瘘(meconiun peritonitis/enterostomy close) 71
Ⅱ-28 胎粪性腹膜炎-广泛粘连肠梗阻短路吻合(meconium peritonitis/bypass operation for extensive adhes 72
Ⅱ-29 胆道闭锁-肝门肠吻合(biliary atresia/Kasai procedure) 72
Ⅱ-30 胆道闭锁-胃管吻合(biliary atresia/porto-gastric-tube anastomosis) 76
Ⅱ-31 胆道闭锁-空肠弧代胆道(biliary atresia/jejunal loop replacement) 78
Ⅱ-32 胰岛母细胞增生症-次全胰切除(nesiedioblastosis/subtotal pancreate-ctomy) 79
第三章 外科急症手术 孙琳 82
第一节 软组织损伤手术 82
Ⅲ-1 头皮撕脱伤-清创缝合(laceration of scalp/debridement) 82
Ⅲ-2 面部皮肤小裂伤-清创缝合(minor laceration of facial skin/debridement) 83
Ⅲ-3 四肢皮肤碾挫伤-植皮(crushing injury of limb and avulsion of skin/skin-grafting) 84
Ⅲ-4 臀部软组织异物-异物摘除(foreign body in buttock/enucleation of foreign body) 86
第二节 骨折手术 87
Ⅲ-5 肱骨外髁骨折-钢针内固定(fracture of external condyle of humerus/internal fixation of fracture 87
Ⅲ-6 尺骨鹰嘴骨折-切开复位内固定(fracture of olecranon/internal fixation with wire) 89
Ⅲ-7 胫骨开放骨折-钢板内固定(open fracture of tibia/internal fixation with plate) 91
Ⅲ-8 胫骨髁间嵴骨折-钢丝内固定(intercondylar fracture of tibia/internal fixation with wire) 92
第三节 颌面损伤手术 93
Ⅲ-9 下颌骨折-气管切开(mandibular fracture/tracheotomy) 93
第四节 颅脑损伤手术 95
Ⅲ-11 硬膜下血肿-钻孔引流(extradural hematoma/triphine and drainage) 95
Ⅲ-10下颌骨折-颌固定(madibular fracture/madibular fixation) 95
Ⅲ-12 颅内血肿-左颞下减压(intracranial hematoma/subtemporal decom-pression) 96
Ⅲ-13 颅骨凹陷骨折-切开整复(depression cranial fracture/open reduction) 97
第五节 胸部损伤手术 98
Ⅲ-14 纵隔气肿与支气管断裂-纵隔引流、胸腔引流及开胸支气管吻合(emphysema of mediastinum and rupture o 98
第六节 腹部损伤手术 101
Ⅲ-15 肝脾破裂-开腹探查、脾切除、肝缝合〔rupture of liver and spleen/exploratory laparotomy,splenect 101
Ⅲ-16 肠损伤-肠外置(injury of bowel/exteriorization) 103
Ⅲ-17 十二指肠损伤-切除吻合(duodenal injury/excision and anastomosis) 104
Ⅲ-18 十二指肠损伤-十二指肠旷置引流(duodenal injury/bypass anastomosis and drainage) 106
Ⅲ-19 肝内胆道出血-肝固有动脉结扎(hemorrhage of intrahepatic biliary tract/ligation of hepatic prop 107
Ⅲ-20 急性坏死性胰腺炎-袋形缝合引流(acute necrotic panceatitis/marsupia-lization) 109
Ⅲ-21 直肠会阴撕裂伤-结肠造瘘、尾骨切除引流(laceration of rectum and perineum/colostomy,coccygectom 110
第七节 尿道损伤手术 112
Ⅲ-22 尿道断裂-尿道修复术和膀胱造瘘(rupture of urethra/primary anastomosis and cystostomy) 112
Ⅲ-23 尿道断裂、会阴撕伤-尿道造口(laceration of perineum and rupture of urethra/urethrostomy) 114
第八节 急腹症手术 116
Ⅲ-24 阑尾炎-阑尾切除(appendicitis/appendectomy) 116
Ⅲ-25 肠套叠-手法整复(intussusception/surgical reduction) 117
Ⅲ-26 肠套叠-延期吻合(intussusception/delayed anastomosis) 118
Ⅲ-27 回盲部肠重复畸形-回盲部切除吻合(intestinal duaplication/ileocecal resection) 119
Ⅲ-28 急性完全性粘连性肠梗阻-粘连松解(acute adhesive complete intestinal obstruction/fibrolysis) 120
Ⅲ-29 慢性部分性肠梗阻急性发作-局部松解(chronic partial intestinal obstruction with acute attack/lo 121
Ⅲ-30 内疝(盲肠后窝)-整复切除〔internal hernia(retrocecal fossa)/reduction and excision〕 123
Ⅲ-31 粪石梗阻-开腹排石(intestinal obstruction due to fecalith/surgical removal of fecalith) 125
Ⅲ-32 卵巢瘤扭转-卵巢切除术(torsion of ovarian tumor/excision of ovary) 127
Ⅲ-33 弥漫性腹膜炎-腹腔探查引流(diffuse peritonitis/exploratory lapar-otomy and drainage) 127
Ⅲ-34 胃肠道急性大出血-分段探查造瘘(acute profused hemorrhage from gastrointestinal tract/segmental 128
Ⅳ-1 门诊手术条件(criteria for day surgery) 131
Ⅳ-2 局麻浸润法(local infiltration anesthesia) 131
第一节 门诊外科基本技术 131
第四章 小儿门诊外科手术 张金哲 131
Ⅳ-3 固定体位(position and immobilization) 132
第二节 疝与阴囊手术 133
Ⅳ-4 腹股沟斜疝-修复术(indirect inguinal hernia/repair of hernia) 133
Ⅳ-5 阴囊精索水囊肿-结扎术(hydrocele tunica vaginalis/ligation of process vaginalis) 136
Ⅳ-6 隐睾-固定术(undescendant testis/orchiopexy) 137
Ⅳ-7 输精管切断吻合术(repair of the injured vas deferens) 139
Ⅳ-8 脐疝修补术(umbilical hernia/repair of umbilical hernia) 139
Ⅳ-9 脐疝皮下环扎(umbilical hernia/subcutaneous ligation) 141
第三节 阴茎与肛门手术 143
Ⅳ-10 典型包皮环切(typical circumcision) 143
Ⅳ-11 非典型包皮环切(modified circumcision) 144
Ⅳ-12 隐匿性阴茎-重型成形术(buried penis/plastic operation for severe type) 145
Ⅳ-13 轻型隐匿阴茎-皮瓣交叉方法(buried penis/skin flap transference) 146
Ⅳ-14 肛瘘-挂线〔anal fistula/threading procedure of anal fistula(rubber band trratment of anal fis 147
Ⅳ-15 女婴后天性前庭瘘-“H”手术〔acquired anovestibular fistula/push-back procedure of fistula(“H 148
Ⅳ-17 脱肛-环扎术(prolapse of rectum/Thiersch operation) 149
Ⅳ-16 女婴后天性外阴肛门裂-“H”手术(acquired defect of perineum/“H”operation) 149
第四节 头颈手术 150
Ⅳ-18 甲状舌管囊肿-切除术(thyroglossal cyst/excision) 150
Ⅳ-19 鳃瘘-切除术(branchial fistula/excision) 151
Ⅳ-20 颈静脉扩张-切除结扎术(jugular vein dilatation/excision and ligation) 152
Ⅳ-21 肌性斜颈-胸锁乳突肌切断术(torticollis/section of sternocleidoma-stoid muscle) 153
Ⅳ-22 小婴儿唇裂-“Z”成形旋转推进法(cleft lip in young infants/Brown and Blair procedure) 154
Ⅳ-23 婴幼儿唇裂-三角插入法(cleft lip in infants/Tennison procedure) 155
Ⅳ-24 唇裂术后缺陷-小修(minor defects of repaired cleft lip/repair) 156
第五节 其他手术 157
Ⅳ-26 青春期腋臭-“Z”成形手术(axillary bromidrosis in puberty/“Z”plastic operation ) 157
Ⅳ-25 眉弓囊肿(皮样囊肿)-切除术(dermoid cyst of eyebrow/excision) 157
Ⅳ-27 乳腺瘤-切除(乳后切除)〔mammary tumor/excision of mammary tumor(retromammary excision)〕 158
Ⅳ-28 弹响指-松解术(trigger thumb/stenotic tendovaginotomy) 159
Ⅳ-29 ?生指-切除术(supranumeral finger/excision of supranumeral finger) 160
Ⅳ-30 淋巴结增大-淋巴结切除活检(lymphadenopatby/excision biopsy of lymph node) 161
Ⅳ-31 实性肿物-部分切除活检(solid mass/partial excisional biopsy) 161
Ⅳ-32 婴儿颌下脓肿-切开(infantle submaxillary abscess/incision and drai-nage) 162
第五章 腹部外科手术 王燕霞 魏临琪 张金哲 163
第一节 膈与食管手术 163
Ⅴ-1 右侧膈疝-经腹手术(right diaphragmatic hernia/repair of the diaphragma-tic hernia through lapar 163
Ⅴ-2 左侧膈疝-经胸手术(left diaphragmatic hernia/repair of the diaphragmatic hernia through thoraco 165
Ⅴ-3 裂孔疝食管返流-Thal加矩形瓣手术(gastroesophageal reflux due to hiatal hernia/Thal procedure 166
Ⅴ-4 单纯胃食管返流-经腹胃食管折叠术〔(Nissen)idopathic gastroesophageal reflux/Nissen operation 167
Ⅴ-6 食管长段狭窄-胸骨后结肠代食管(long esophageal stenosis/retrosternal colon substitution for eso 169
Ⅴ-7 胸骨前回盲肠代食管(right colon substitution for esophagus) 173
Ⅴ-8 胃管代食管(gastric tube substitution for esophagus) 176
Ⅴ-9 皮管代食管(cutaneous tube substitution for esophagus) 177
第二节 胃肠道手术 178
Ⅴ-10 幽门梗阻-胃空肠吻合(cicatricial pyloric obstruction/gastrojejunostomy) 178
Ⅴ-11 美克尔憩室-肠切除吻合(Meckel diverticulum/intestinal resection and anastomosis) 179
Ⅴ-12 先天性巨结肠-环钳吻合术(congenital megacolon/ring clamp crushing anastomosis) 181
Ⅴ-13 儿童短段巨结肠-Soave 手术(childhood short segment aganglionosis/Soave procedure) 190
Ⅴ-14 儿童巨结肠-Ikeda钉合法(childhood megacolon/Ikeda stapler procedure) 192
Ⅴ-15 超短段巨结肠-直肠环肌后切〔extrashort segment aganglionosis/posterior rectal myectomy(Thomas 193
Ⅴ-16 继发巨结肠巨大粪石-阑尾造口(Malone手术)(secondary megacolon/removal of fecalith and Malone 194
Ⅴ-17 巨结肠术后直肠闭锁-气囊扩张法(postoperative rectal atresia/balloon dilatation) 196
Ⅴ-18 术后直肠肛门假性憩室-切除缝合(postoperative anorectal pseudodiver-ticulum/excision) 197
第三节 肛门手术 198
Ⅴ-19 先天性无肛直肠前庭瘘-尾路肛门成形术(imperforate anus with recto-vestibular fistula/anoplasty 198
Ⅴ-20 男孩肛门术后尿道瘘-第二期手术(postoperative fistula after anorectal operation in male/the sec 201
Ⅴ-21 一穴肛-腹会阴肛门及尿道阴道成形术(persistent cloaca/one-stage abdominoperineal total repair) 202
Ⅴ-22 低位一穴肛-会阴肛门及尿道阴道成形术(lower persistent cloaca/one-stage perineal total repair) 205
Ⅴ-23 肛门皮肤成形手术-皮瓣转移〔skin plastic surgery of anal opening(skin flap transfer)〕 207
Ⅴ-24 肛门疤痕狭窄成形手术(皮瓣插入)〔anoplasty for cicatricial anal steno-sis(triangular flap pu 208
Ⅴ-25 会阴缺损-成形手术(肌皮瓣转移)〔perineal defect/plastic operation for perineal defect(muscul 210
Ⅴ-27 肛门括约肌成形手术(股薄肌转移)〔plastic operation of anal sphincter (gracilias transfer) 211
Ⅴ-26 肛门括约肌成形手术(臀大肌瓣转移)〔plastic operation of anal sphincter(gluteus maximum trans 211
Ⅴ-28 大小便失禁(提肛肌麻痹)-髂腰肌转移〔fecal and urinary incontinence(due fo paralysis of levat 212
Ⅴ-29 女孩尿失禁-尿道延长及尿道后隧道成形术(urinary incontinence in female/extension to urethra and 214
Ⅴ-30 无肛术后多发尿瘘-尿道改道手术(postoperative multiple urethral fistulas/ reconstruction of ure 215
第四节 肝胆脾胰手术 217
Ⅴ-31 先天性胆总管囊肿-囊肿切除空肠间置代胆道加矩形瓣术(congenital choledochocyst/excision and jeju 217
Ⅴ-32 先天性胆总管柱状扩张-肝总管十二指肠吻合术(congenital colomnar dilated choledochus/hepaticod o 223
Ⅴ-33 胆胰汇合畸形-胆管移植(anomalous pancreatobiliary junction/tran-splanttion of common bile duct 225
Ⅴ-34胆总管囊肿十二指肠吻合术后二期改建-Poux-Y吻合术(redo of chole dochocystodeuodnostomy by Roux-Y 226
Ⅴ-35 胆囊结石继发胆囊炎-胆囊切除(cholelithiasis with cholecystitis/cholecystectomy) 228
Ⅴ-36 肝母细胞瘤-肝叶切除(hepatoblastoma/hepatolobectomy) 230
Ⅴ-37 小型肝肿瘤-肝部分切除(止血带法)〔small hepatic tumor/partial hepatectomy(tourniquet method 231
Ⅴ-38 门脉压高(肝前型)-脾肾静脉分流〔portal hypertention(extrahepatictype)/splenorenal shunt〕 232
Ⅷ-10 先天性马蹄内翻足-足外侧缩短术(TEV/lateral correction of foot) 234
Ⅴ-39 门脉压高-下腔静脉肠系膜上静脉分流(portal hypertention/mesocaval shunt) 235
Ⅴ-40 门脉压高-经腹贲门离断术(portal hypertention/division of stomach cardiaby abdominal approach) 236
Ⅴ-41 脾功能亢进-脾切除(hypersplenism/splenectomy) 238
Ⅴ-42 巨脾-脾动脉结扎(huge spleen/ligation of splenic artery) 239
Ⅴ-43 门脉压高-脾肺固定(portal hypertention/intrathoracic splenopexy) 240
第五节 腹部肿物手术 241
Ⅴ-44 胰腺假囊肿-囊胃吻合(pancreatic pseudocyst/gastrocystostomy) 241
Ⅴ-45 大网膜囊肿(淋巴管瘤)-大网膜切除术〔omentocele(lymphangioma in greater omentum)/excision of 242
Ⅴ-46 后腹膜淋巴管瘤-去盖手术(rctroperitoneal lymphagioma/decortication of lymphagioma 242
Ⅴ-47 腹膜后畸胎瘤-?腹联合切除术(retroperitoneal teratoma/abdomino-thoracion excision) 243
Ⅴ-48 骶尾畸胎瘤-腹会阴切除术(sacrococcygeal teratoma/abdonimal-perineal excision) 245
Ⅵ-1 肾母细胞瘤-切除(Wilms?rumor/excision of Wilmsumor) 247
第一节 肾手术 247
第六章 泌尿外科手术 张潍平 247
Ⅵ-2 重肾-上半肾切除(duplication of kidney/upper pole heminephrectomy) 251
Ⅵ-3 肾盂输尿管交界处梗阻-离断性肾盂成形术(PUJ obstruction/dismem-bered pyeloplasty) 253
Ⅵ-4腔静脉后输尿管-离断性输尿管成形术(retricavao ureter/dismembered ureteroplasty) 256
第二节 输尿管手术 257
Ⅵ-5 输尿管皮肤造口术(cutaneous ureterostomy) 257
Ⅵ-6 抗返流输尿管膀胱再植术〔ureteral reimplantation(Cohen operation)〕 258
第三节 膀胱手术 260
Ⅵ-7 膀胱造口术(cystostomy) 260
Ⅵ-8 新生儿膀胱外翻缝合术(closure of extrophy of bladder in newborns) 261
Ⅵ-9 膀胱外翻修复术(髂骨截骨术) 〔closure of extrophy of bladder(iliac osteotomy)〕 265
Ⅵ-10 二期尿道上裂修复术(two-stage repair of epispadias) 265
Ⅵ-11膀胱憩室切除术(excision of vesical diverticulum) 267
Ⅵ-12 尿失禁-膀胱颈重建术(urinary incontinence/bladder neck reconstruc-tion) 268
Ⅵ-13 尿道下裂-尿道口前移阴茎成形术(hypospadias/Magpi procedure) 271
第四节 尿道手术 271
Ⅵ-14 尿道下裂-尿道口基底皮瓣翻转尿道成形术(hypospadias/Mathieu procedure) 272
Ⅵ-15 尿道下裂-横截带蒂岛状包皮瓣尿道成形术(hypospadias/Duckett procedure) 273
Ⅵ-16 尿道下裂-横截岛状包皮加会阴皮管尿道成形术(hypospadias/Duckett-Duplay procedure) 275
Ⅵ-17 尿道下裂-改良皮条埋藏法尿道成形术(hypospadias/Dennis-Browne procedure) 275
Ⅵ-18 尿道下裂-尿道瘘修补术(Y-V修补术) 〔(repair of urethra fistula)(Y-Vplasty)〕 276
Ⅵ-19 尿道下裂-尿道修补术(Thiersch皮管法) 〔repair of urethra fistula (Thiersch cutaneous tube met 277
Ⅵ-20 后尿道瓣膜-经尿道镜切开术(posterior urethral valve/urethroscopic valvotomy) 278
Ⅵ-21 前尿道瓣膜-经尿道镜切开术(anterior urethral valve/urethroscopic valvotomy) 279
Ⅵ-22 开放性前尿道瓣膜切除术 (open valvectomy of urethra) 279
Ⅵ-23 外伤性尿道狭窄-经尿道镜狭窄切开术(traumatic urethral stricture/urethorscopic stricturotomy) 280
Ⅵ-24 经会阴切口尿道吻合术(perineal urethral anastomosis) 281
Ⅵ-25 经耻骨会阴联合入路尿道修补术(combined transpubic and perineal repair of urethra) 283
Ⅵ-26 外伤性尿道闭锁-经会阴尿道造瘘(traumatic urethral atresia/perineal urethrostomy) 284
第五节 阴茎手术 285
Ⅵ-27 嵌顿包茎-松解术(paraphimosis/reduction of paraphimosis) 285
Ⅵ-28 阴茎阴囊转位-整复术(scroto-penial transposition/repair) 286
第六节 女性外阴手术 286
Ⅵ-29 阴蒂缩短成形术(plastic operaxion of clitoris) 286
Ⅵ-30 女性尿道粘膜脱垂-环切术(female urethral prolapse/excision) 287
第七章 心胸外科手术 高国庆 贺延儒 289
第一节 先天性心脏血管疾病外科手术 289
Ⅶ-1 先天性主动脉缩窄-主动脉成形术(coarctation of aorta/repair) 289
Ⅶ-2 法鲁四联症-根治手术(tetralogy of Fellot/redical operation) 291
Ⅶ-3 动脉导管未闭-切断缝合术(patent ductus arteriosus/duviding and suturing) 294
Ⅶ-4 室间隔缺损-修补术(ventricular septal defect/repair) 296
Ⅶ-5房间隔缺损-修补术(atrial septal defect/repair) 300
Ⅶ-6先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄-经皮球囊扩张术(congenital stenosis of pulmonary valves/trascutaneous balloon 304
第二节 普胸手术 307
Ⅶ-7 小儿脓胸-胸腔穿刺(empyema/thoracentesis) 307
Ⅶ-8 张力气胸-引流(tension pneumothorax/drainage) 308
Ⅶ-9 先天性漏斗胸-胸骨肋骨“V”形截骨(congenital pectus excavatum/osteo-chondritomy) 309
Ⅶ-10 鸡胸-胸骨肋骨截骨和沉降术(pectus carinatum/osteochondrotomy and depressive repair) 313
Ⅶ-11 先天性食管裂孔疝-改良Bclsey-MarkⅣ手术(congenital biatal hernia/modified Belsey-Mark Ⅳ proc 315
Ⅶ-12 先天性贲门痉挛症-贲门肌层切开(Heller手术)和膈肌瓣成形术(congenital cardiac achalasia/Heller 317
Ⅶ-13 小儿食管良性狭窄-截除吻合术(benign esophagcal stenosis/resection and anastomois) 319
第一节 先天性颈和上肢畸形矫治手术 322
Ⅷ-1 先天性肌性斜颈-胸锁乳突肌延长术(congenital torticollis/lengthening of sternoclirdomastoid muscl 322
第八章 矫形外科手术 张建立 322
Ⅷ-2 先天性高肩胛症-矫正术〔congenital high scapula /correction(Woodward operation)〕 323
Ⅷ-3先天性拇指狭窄性腱鞘炎-松解术(congenital stenosing tenosynovitis of thumb/lysis) 325
第二节 先天性髋关节脱位手术 326
Ⅷ-4 先天性髋关节脱位-内侧入路切开复位〔congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH)/open reduction throu 326
Ⅷ-5 先天性髋关节脱位-前外侧入路切开复位(CDH/open reduction through anteriolateral approach) 327
Ⅷ-6 先天性髋关节脱位-Salter截骨术(髂骨截骨术)(CDH/Salter iliac osteotomy) 328
Ⅷ-7 先天性髋关节脱位-Pemberton髂骨截骨术(CDH/Pemberton iliac osteotomy) 329
Ⅷ-8 先天性髋关节脱位-Chiari骨盆内移截骨术(CDH/Chiari osteotomy) 330
第三节 先天性畸形足手术 332
Ⅷ-9先天性马蹄内翻足-矫正术〔congenital talipes equinovarus(TEV) / correction〕 332
Ⅷ-11 先天性垂直距骨-矫正术(congenital vertical talus/correction) 335
Ⅷ-12 先天性小趾内翻-矫正术(congenital fifth varus phalanx/correction) 336
第四节 骨病手术 337
Ⅷ-13 股骨头变形-股骨大转子下移和外移术(deformity of femoral head/inferiolateral transplantation of 337
Ⅷ-14 骨软骨瘤(骨疣)切除(osteochondroma /excision) 339
Ⅷ-15 单房性骨囊肿-刮除植骨术(bone cyst/oesteal curettage and grafting) 340
Ⅷ-16胫内翻(Blount病)-截骨术〔inversion of tibia(Blount disease)/osteotomy of tibia〕 341
Ⅷ-17 发育性髋内翻-股骨粗隆间截骨术(developmental coxavarus/femoral intertrochanterostcotomy) 342
Ⅷ-18 肘内翻-髁上截骨术(cubitus varus/supracondylar osteotomy) 343
第五节 关节疾病手术 344
Ⅷ-19 屡发性髌骨脱位-Green股四头肌成形术(recurrent dislocation of the patella/Green plastic operat 344
Ⅷ-20 腘窝囊肿-切除术(popliteal cyst/excision) 345
Ⅷ-21 膝关节盘状软骨-切除术(discoid meniscus/excision) 346
Ⅷ-22 脑瘫-内收拇指肌“Z”形延长术(cerebral palsy/adductor pollicis“Z”lengthening) 348
第六节 脑瘫后遗症的矫治手术 348
Ⅷ-23 脑瘫-内收拇指肌挛缩松解术(cerebral palsy/adductor pollicis lysis) 349
Ⅷ-24 脑瘫-前臂指腕屈肌分段延长术(cerebral palsy/lengthening of flexor dilitorum) 350
Ⅷ-25 脑瘫-股内收肌切断和闭孔神经前支切断术(crerbral palsy/division of femoral adductor and anterior 351
Ⅷ-26 脑瘫-腓肠肌的胫神经截断术(cerebral palsy/neurectomy of gastro-cnemius) 352
Ⅷ-27 脑瘫-腓肠肌延长术(Pulpius)〔cerebral palsy/lengthening of gastro-cnemius(Palpiusperation)〕 353
Ⅷ-28 脑瘫-腘绳肌分段延长术(cerehral palsy/lengthening of the hamstring muscles) 353
Ⅷ-29 脑瘫-跟腱延长术(cerehral palsy/lengthening of achilles tendon) 355
Ⅷ-30 脑瘫-神经外科疗法(选择性后根切断术) 〔cerchral palsy/neurcosur-gical therapy(selective posteri 356
第七节 脊髓灰质炎后遗症手术 359
Ⅷ-31 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-背阔肌转移代肘屈肌〔sequela of poliomyelitis (SP)/reconstruction of elbow fle 359
Ⅷ-32 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-髂腰肌转移代髋外展肌(SP/iliopsoas transference for reconstruction of abductor 360
Ⅷ-33 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-背伸肌和阔筋膜代臀肌(SP/transference of tensor dorsi and-fascia lata for reco 362
Ⅷ-34 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-腘绳肌代股四头肌(SP/transference of hamstring muscles for reconstruction of f 362
Ⅷ-35 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-距骨下关节外关节融合术(Grice法) 〔SP/extra-articular subtalar arthrodesis(Gri 363
Ⅷ-36 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-胫后肌经骨间膜前移(SP/transinterosteoseptum anterior transference of posterio 364
Ⅷ-37 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-腓骨长肌前移至第2跖骨基底(SP/transference of peroneus longus to the base of t 366
Ⅷ-38 脊髓灰质炎后遗症-三关节融合固定术(SP/triple arthrodesis) 367
Ⅷ-39 下肢不等长-胫骨近端骺固定(unequal length of lower limbs/proximal tibia epiphyseopexy) 369
第八节 下肢不等长手术 369
Ⅷ-40 下肢不等长-Ilizarov技术(unequal Iength of lower limbs/Ilizarov technique) 370
第九章 神经外科手术 牛文英 371
第一节 颅脑手术 371
Ⅸ-1 脑积水-脑室-腹腔分流术(hydrocephalus/venticulo-peritoneal drainage) 371
Ⅸ-2后颅窝肿瘤-切除术(rumor of posterior cranial fossa/removal) 374
Ⅸ-3 颞叶胶质瘤-切除术(temporal glioma/excision) 375
Ⅸ-4 鼻根脑膜膨出-两期修补术(nasofrontal meningocele/two-stage repair) 378
第二节 脊髓手术 381
Ⅸ-5 脊膜膨出-修补术(myelomenigocele/repair) 381
Ⅸ-6 椎管内髓外皮肤异位性囊肿-切除术(intraspinal dermoid/excision) 383
第十章 连体儿手术 张金哲 386
第一节 对称连体儿手术 386
Ⅹ-1 剑突连体儿-肝桥分离术〔xiphopagus/separation(liver bridgc)〕 386
Ⅹ-2 臀部连体儿-一期肛门分离术〔ischiopagus/separation(common anus)〕 389
第二节 不对称连体儿手术 392
Ⅹ-3 骶尾胎中胎-尾路切除术(sacrococcygeal fetus in fetu/excision) 392
Ⅹ-4 三下肢畸形-多肢矫形术(three-leg deformity/excision of extra leg) 394
手术索引 王义 398
中文手术名称索引(按首字笔画排列) 398
英文手术名称索引(按字母排列) 405
- 《少儿电子琴入门教程 双色图解版》灌木文化 2019
- 《乳腺手术图谱》Diethelm Wallwiener Seven Becker Umberto Verones 2019
- 《全国学前教育专业(新课程标准)“十三五”规划教材 硬笔楷书书写训练 图解版》梅军 2019
- 《台球进阶技巧图解》庞卫国著 2020
- 《脊柱手术技术精要》LangstonT.Holly,JeffreyC.Wang 2019
- 《图解轻武器史 剑、矛和锤》(美)大卫·苏德(David Soud)著;刘恒沙译 2017
- 《新高考英语词汇必背图解分类速记》蔡波主编;周波澜副主编 2019
- 《外科实习医师十讲》张金哲编著 1955
- 《图解面诊消百病一学就会》于雅婷,高海波主编 2019
- 《神奇图解 小学英语阅读100篇 人物篇》龚明霞 2018
- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《Prometheus技术秘笈》百里燊 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《药剂学实验操作技术》刘芳,高森主编 2019
- 《林下养蜂技术》罗文华,黄勇,刘佳霖主编 2017
- 《脱硝运行技术1000问》朱国宇编 2019
- 《催化剂制备过程技术》韩勇责任编辑;(中国)张继光 2019
- 《信息系统安全技术管理策略 信息安全经济学视角》赵柳榕著 2020