- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭冬玲等编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787307068599
- 页数:407 页
Day One 3
1.Mother Duck's Miracle 3
2.Teacher's Lesson 7
3.Who You Are Makes a Difference 11
4.Finders Keepers 15
5.The Board Meeting 20
6.The Carriage 23
7.Kyle 28
8.Her Name Was Rose 32
9.A Thanksgiving Story 36
10.Letter in the Wallet 40
Day Two 49
1.The Night God Came to Dinner 49
2.Low-Fat and Happy 54
3.Information Please 60
4.Bobby's Dime 65
5.Late for School 69
6.The Plum Pretty Sister 75
7.Whistling Pete 81
8.Gifts of the Heart 85
9.A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy 89
10.The Football Game 95
Day Three 101
1.Mother 101
2.Coffee Shop Kindness 105
3.Love Letters 109
4.The Rich Family 113
5.A Friend on the Line 118
6.The Legacy 124
7.Don't Hope,Friend...Decide! 128
8.The Flat Tire 132
9.Hungry for Your Love 137
10.More Than One Way to the Square 143
Day Four 151
1.There Are No Vans 151
2.A Letter to Heaven 156
3.All Good Things 161
4.A Seven Dollar Dream 167
5.The Thorns 173
6.Working Christmas Day 180
7.The Tablecloth 185
8.The Spirit of Santa Doesn't Wear A Red Suit 190
9.The Ticket 195
10.Roger Maris and Me 199
Day Five 209
1.My Perfect Mate 209
2.Help for the Helper 214
3.Oscar,the Garbage-Can Kitty 220
4.Ronny's Book 224
5.Encouraging Kelly 229
6.Is There Really a Prince Charming? 235
7.Sunshine 242
8.The Last Tape 249
9.A Gift for Mother's Day 254
10.The Filling Station 258
Day Six 269
1.Enormous Debt 269
2.Christmas Spirit 272
3.Father and Son 277
4.The Last Straw 282
5.Writer's in Prison 295
6.The Baggy Yellow Shirt 302
7.The Mitzvah 311
8.Broken Promises 316
9.The Praetical Joke 321
10A Hard Day in the Kitchen 326
Day Seven 335
1.The Magic Bat 335
2.Eyes of a Father 341
3.Help from an Unexpected Source 347
4.The Man on the Train 353
5.The Gift of Understanding 359
6.Something for Stevie 366
7.In Affection and Esteem 373
8.Linked for Life 379
9.The Cure 387
10.Paris by Moonlight 397
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