工程电磁场 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:海特编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787302204077
- 页数:504 页
CHAPTER1 Vector Analysis 1
1.1 Scalars and Vectors 1
1.2 Vector Algebra 2
1.3 The Rectangular Coordinate System 4
1.4 Vector Components and Unit Vectors 5
1.5 The Vector Field 8
1.6 The Dot Product 9
1.7 The Cross Product 12
1.8 Other Coordinate Systems:Circular Cylindrical Coordinates 14
1.9 The Spherical Coordinate System 19
References 22
CHAPTER1 Problems 23
CHAPTER2 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity 26
2.1 The Experimental Law of Coulomb 27
2.2 Electric Field Intensity 30
2.3 Field Due to a Continuous Volume Charge Distribution 34
2.4 Field of a Line Charge 37
2.5 Field of a Sheet of Charge 43
2.6 Streamlines and Sketches of Fields 45
References 48
CHAPTER2 Problems 48
CHAPTER3 Electric Flux Density,Gauss’s Law,and Divergence 51
3.1 Electric Flux Density 51
3.2 Gauss’s Law 55
3.3 Application of Gauss’s Law:Some Symmetrical Charge Distributions 59
3.4 Application of Gauss’s Law:Differential Volume Element 64
3.5 Divergence 67
3.6 Maxwell’s First Equation(Electrostatics) 70
3.7 The Vector Operator ? and the Divergence Theorem 72
References 75
CHAPTER3 Problems 76
CHAPTER4 Energy and Potential 80
4.1 Energy Expended in Moving a Point Charge in an Electric Field 81
4.2 The Line Integral 82
4.3 Definition of Potential Difference and Potential 87
4.4 The Potential Field of a Point Charge 89
4.5 The Potential Field of a System of Charges:Conservative Property 91
4.6 Potential Gradient 95
4.7 The Dipole 101
4.8 Energy Density in the Electrostatic Field 106
References 110
CHAPTER4 Problems 110
CHAPTER5 Current and Conductors 114
5.1 Current and Current Density 114
5.2 Continuity of Current 116
5.3 Metallic Conductors 118
5.4 Conductor Properties and Boundary Conditions 123
5.5 The Method of Images 128
5.6 Semiconductors 130
References 132
CHAPTER5 Problems 132
CHAPTER6 Dielectrics and Capacitance 136
6.1 The Nature of Dielectric Materials 137
6.2 Boundary Conditions for Perfect Dielectric Materials 143
6.3 Capacitance 149
6.4 Several Capacitance Examples 152
6.5 Capacitance of a Two-Wire Line 155
6.6 Using Field Sketches to Estimate Capacitance in Two-Dimensional Problems 160
6.7 Current Analogies 165
References 167
CHAPTER6 Problems 167
CHAPTER7 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations 172
7.1 Derivation of Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations 173
7.2 Uniqueness Theorem 175
7.3 Examples of the Solution of Laplace’s Equation 177
7.4 Example of the Solution of Poisson’s Equation 184
7.5 Product Solution of Laplace’s Equation 188
7.6 Solving Laplace’s Equation Through Numerical Iteration 196
References 202
CHAPTER7 Problems 203
CHAPTER8 The Steady Magnetic Field 210
8.1 Biot-Savart Law 210
8.2 Ampère’s Circuital Law 218
8.3 Curl 225
8.4 Stokes’Theorem 232
8.5 Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density 237
8.6 The Scalar and Vector Magnetic Potentials 240
8.7 Derivation of the Steady-Magnetic-Field Laws 247
References 253
CHAPTER8 Problems 253
CHAPTER9 Magnetic Forces,Materials,and Inductance 259
9.1 Force on a Moving Charge 260
9.2 Force on a Differential Current Element 261
9.3 Force Between Differential Current Elements 265
9.4 Force and Torque on a Closed Circuit 267
9.5 The Nature of Magnetic Materials 273
9.6 Magnetization and Permeability 276
9.7 Magnetic Boundary Conditions 281
9.8 The Magnetic Circuit 284
9.9 Potential Energy and Forces on Magnetic Materials 290
9.10 Inductance and Mutual Inductance 292
References 299
CHAPTER9 Problems 299
CHAPTER10 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations 306
10.1 Faraday’s Law 306
10.2 Displacement Current 313
10.3 Maxwell’s Equations in Point Form 317
10.4 Maxwell’s Equations in Integral Form 319
10.5 The Retarded Potentials 321
References 325
CHAPTER10 Problems 325
CHAPTER12 The Uniform Plane Wave 332
12.1 Wave Propagation in Free Space 332
12.2 Wave Propagation in Dielectrics 340
12.3 Poynting’s Theorem and Wave Power 349
12.4 Propagation in Good Conductors:Skin Effect 352
12.5 Wave Polarization 359
References 366
CHAPTER12 Problems 366
CHAPTER13 Plane Wave Reflection and Dispersion 370
13.1 Reflection of Uniform Plane Waves at Normal Incidence 370
13.2 Standing Wave Ratio 377
13.3 Wave Reflection from Multiple Interfaces 381
13.4 Plane Wave Propagation in General Directions 389
13.5 Plane Wave Reflection at Oblique Incidence Angles 392
13.6 Total Reflection and Total Transmission of Obliquely Incident Waves 398
13.7 Wave Propagation in Dispersive Media 401
13.8 Pulse Broadening in Dispersive Media 407
References 411
CHAPTER13 Problems 412
CHAPTER14 Guided Waves and Radiation 416
14.1 Transmission Line Fields and Primary Constants 417
14.2 Basic Waveguide Operation 426
14.3 Plane Wave Analysis of the Parallel-Plate Waveguide 430
14.4 Parallel-Plate Guide Analysis Using the Wave Equation 439
14.5 Rectangular Waveguides 442
14.6 Planar Dielectric Waveguides 447
14.7 Optical Fiber 453
14.8 Basic Antenna Principles 463
References 473
CHAPTER14 Problems 473
Appendix A Vector Analysis 478
A.1 General Curvilinear Coordinates 478
A.2 Divergence,Gradient,and Curl in General Curvilinear Coordinates 479
A.3 Vector Identities 481
Appendix B Units 482
Appendix C Material Constants 487
Appendix D Origins of the Complex Permittivity 490
Appendix E Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 497
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