贝氏体与贝氏体钢 纪念康沫狂先生九十华诞论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:康沫狂著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787030251985
- 页数:601 页
一、贝氏体相变动力学(含预贝氏体相变)及组织形貌学 1
1.On the prebainitic phenomenon in some alloys (1994) 3
2.Formation of carbon-poor regions during pre-bainitic transformation (1995) 9
3.The time-temperature-transformation diagram within the medium temperature range in some alloy steels(1992) 13
4.Kinetics and morphology of isothermal transformations at intermediate temperature in 15CrMnMoV steel (2009) 24
5.CCT-diagrams of Si-Mn-Mo bainitic steels (1993) 31
6.Growth kinetics and high-temperature TEM in situ observation of bainite in a CuZn alloy (1994) 36
7.High-temperature TEM in situ study of growth kinetics of bainite in β brass (1992) 36
8.The nature of lower bainite midrib (1992) 47
9.High-temperature transmission electron microscopy in situ study of lower bainite carbide precipitation (1990) 55
10.硅在低碳合金钢中作用的研究(Ⅰ)——硅对过冷奥氏体转变动力学的影响(1992) 61
11.15CrMoV钢奥氏体连续冷却转变图的测定及应用(1984) 66
12.金属合金等温相变的体激活能及相变机制I.钢的中温(贝氏体)等温相变(2009) 73
13.关于Cu-Zn-Al贝氏体相变的阶段性——I.TTT图(1995) 80
14.钢中贝氏体形貌学探讨(1991) 85
15.低合金高强度结构钢中的(M-A)组织(1979) 92
16.40CrMnSiMoVA钢下贝氏体转变研究(1990) 111
17.含Si钢下贝氏体转变初期碳原子的调幅分解(1994) 121
18.含硅钢下贝氏体中台阶及残余奥氏体层错的透射电镜观察(1994) 125
19.9CrSi钢下贝氏体/奥氏体界面位错研究(1996) 128
20.粒状贝氏体转变的表面浮凸效应和组织分析(1990) 132
21.钢中回火马氏体碳化物析出形态(1994) 142
22.Cu-Zn-Al贝氏体及贝氏体/母相界面的精细结构(1994) 146
二、贝氏体晶体学(含铁素体的过饱和度测定) 153
23.Substructural and crystallographic features of lower bainite (1991) 155
24.Crystallographic features of bainitic carbides from different sources (1992) 159
25.Comparative study of several interphase boundaries in β brass(1992) 165
26.Lattice-parameter variation with carbon content of martensite.I.X-rag-diffra- ction experimental study (1995) 171
27.准贝氏体界面错配位错的TEM观察(1997) 180
28.硅合金钢贝氏体铁素体碳量确定(2008) 184
三、贝氏体(含马氏体)相变热力学 193
29.A regular thermodynamic model for interstitial iron-carbon solutions (1994) 195
30.Character of carbon-depleted regions in undercooled austenite and thermodyanmics of bainitic transformation (1991) 199
31.Thermodynamic analyses of bainitic transformation in Fe-C alloys at the initial stage (1992) 206
32.Thermodynamics of bainitic transformations in Fe-C∑i multiple-element systems (1992) 212
33.Thermodynamics of bainitic formation in carbon-depleted region in Fe-C alloys (1994) 218
34.Displacive mechanism of bainitic formation in carbon-depleted region of austenite (1994) 222
35.Thermodynamics of the iron martensitic transformation and theMstemperature of iron (1991) 227
36.钢中贝氏体转变的开始温度Bs与转变驱动力(1988) 232
37.Cu-Zn合金贝氏体切变相变热力学分析(1994) 239
四、贝氏体相变机制 243
38.Mechanism of bainite nucleation in steel, iron and copper alloys (2005) 245
39.In situ observation of bainite growth during isothermal holding (2006) 253
40.Monte carlo simulation of lamellar products at middle temperature range (1992) 262
41.TEM study of transformation units and the growth mechanism of bainite (1998) 268
42.Composition change during bainite transformation in Cu-based shape memory alloys (1993) 272
43.The formation mechanism of plate in beta Cu-Zn and Cu-Zn-Al alloys (1994) 277
44.钢中贝氏体形核初期微观形貌及精细结构的TEM观察(1997) 285
45.Fe-C合金贝氏体在奥氏体贫碳区切变相变机制的价电子理论分析(1995) 290
46.硅钢中的贝氏体及其转变模型(1996) 296
47.Cu-Zn-Al合金溶质原子贫化区贝氏体切变形核的原位观察(1993) 303
五、贝氏体(含一些奥氏体、马氏体)的性能 309
48.Mechanism of tempered bainite embrittlement in some structural steels(1991) 311
49.Microstructure and fracture of isothermally quenched 40CrMnSiMoV steel 318
50.Fatigue behaviour of granular bainite structure (1989) 325
51.Overload effect of different microstructures in an ultra-high strength steel (1991) 330
52.Meta-bainitic heat-treatment in steel (1998) 334
53.Fatigue crack growth rate under full yielding condition for 15CDV6 steel(1983) 341
54.The fatigue strength of an ultra-high strength steel (1992) 348
55.淬火合金钢中的奥氏体稳定化(2005) 353
56.硅合金钢淬火组织中残留奥氏体的力学稳定性与力学性能(2005) 360
57.粒状贝氏体中残余奥氏体机械稳定性与强韧性关系(1993) 366
58.关于一些钢的Mc点探讨(1996) 372
59.等温淬火组织中残余奥氏体回火转变的研究——兼论贝氏体回火脆性(1982) 381
60.回火对40CrMnSiMoV钢贝氏体等温淬火后残余奥氏体稳定性的影响(1985) 392
61.15CrMoVA钢粒状贝氏体回火脆性的研究(1985) 401
62.准贝氏体组织的强化特征(1991) 407
63.冷却速度对低碳贝氏体钢组织性能的影响(1989) 411
64.18Cr2Ni4WA钢不同冷速下的组织和性能——兼论获得良好综合性能的淬火方法(1984) 416
65.等强度下不同显微组织对18Cr2Ni4WA钢疲劳性能的影响(1990) 430
66.Si对低碳贝氏体钢组织和性能的影响(1993) 443
67.超高强度钢准贝氏体和马氏体冲击值的意义探讨(1990) 448
68.低碳贝氏体钢的缺口敏感性(1990) 457
69.40CrMnSiMoVA钢准贝氏体的疲劳性能(1991) 463
70.残余奥氏体在疲劳裂纹尖端的应变诱发相变(1992) 469
71.超高强度钢准贝氏体的应变疲劳特性(1990) 473
72.超高强度钢中准贝氏体的冲击疲劳特性(1990) 482
73.低碳贝氏体钢显微组织对腐蚀疲劳性能的影响(1996) 494
74.30CrMnSiNi2A钢的回火马氏体脆性——兼论其回火温度的选择(1984) 504
75.工具钢分级淬火和马氏体等温淬火的研究(1996) 518
六、贝氏体钢和新型准贝氏体钢及其特性 527
76.冷却速度及回火温度对18Mn2CrMoBA钢组织和性能的影响(1977) 529
77.高强度贝氏体型钢——18Mn2CrMoBA冲击疲劳寿命与显微组织间的关系(1984) 539
78.New type high strength low alloy meta bainitic steel (1995) 549
79.Si-Mn-Mo系低碳贝氏体钢的力学性能与化学成分的关系(1992) 554
80.低成本超高强度Si-Mn-Mo系贝氏体钢筋(1994) 560
81.准贝氏体组织及新型系列准贝氏体钢(1999) 565
82.低碳贝氏体钢焊接热影响区过热带的组织分析(1990) 568
83.准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及磨损性能研究(1998) 575
84.准贝氏体渗碳钢与含Ni渗碳钢的比较研究(1999) 579
85.采煤机链轨架准贝氏体铸钢的研制(1999) 582
康沫狂教授发表的教材、专著及论文 584
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