郭柏灵论文集 第10卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭柏灵著
- 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787562339588
- 页数:502 页
2011年 1
Diffusion Limit of Small Mean Free Path of Transfer Equation in R3 1
Compressible Limit of the Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation with Different-degree Small Parameter Nonlinearities 26
Some Traveling Wave Solitons of the Green-Naghdi System 44
Travelling Wave Solutions of a Generalized Camassa-Holm-Degasperis-Procesi Equation 57
Dynamics of Stochastic Klein-Gordon-Schr?dinger Equations in Unbounded Domains 79
Random Attractors for a Stochastic Hydrodynamical Equation in Heisenberg Paramagnet 103
Regularity of the Attractor for 3-D Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation 115
Sharp Constant of an Improved Gagliardo-Nirenberg Inequality and Its Application 129
Blow-up Solutions to a Viscoelastic Fluid System and a Coupled Navier-Stokes/Phase-field System in R2 143
Convergence of a Nonlinear Finite Difference Scheme for the Kuramoto-Tsuzuki Equation 149
Orbital Stability of Solitary Waves for the Compound KdV Equation 159
Existence of the Universal Attractor for the 3-D Viscous Primitive Equations of Large-scale Moist Atmosphere 177
Optimal Lower Bound Estimates for the Blow-up Rate for the Zakharov System in a Nonhomogeneous Medium 208
Well-posedness of the Cauchy Problem for the Magnetic Zakharov Type System 231
The Fractional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation and the Heat Flow of Harmonic Maps 254
Smooth Solutions for a Stochastic Hydrodynamical Equation in Heisenberg Paramagnet 272
Analysis of Some Finite Difference Schemes for Two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Equation 286
Global Well-posedness of the Stochastic 2D Boussinesq Equations with Partial Viscosity 307
Classical Solutions of Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Atomic Fermi Gases Near the BCS-BEC Crossover 324
Momentum Estimates and Ergodicity for the 3D Stochastic Cubic Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Degenerate Noise 337
Blow-up Phenomena of the Vector Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equations with Magnetic Fields 363
Existence of Weak Solution for Quantum Zakharov Equations for Plasmas Model 377
Global Strong Solutions of a Simplified Two-fluid Model in Plasma 384
Virial Type Blow-up Solutions for the Zakharov System with Magnetic Field in a Cold Plasma 402
Rogue Wave,Breathers and Bright-dark-rogue Solutions for the Coupled Schr?dinger Equations 419
Low Mach Number Limit of the Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Zero Thermal Conductivity Coefficient 426
Random Attractor for a Stochastic Hydrodynamical Equation in Heisenberg Paramagnet on an Unbounded Domain 436
Vanishing Viscosity Limit for a Coupled Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System 451
一维非线性Schr?dinger方程的两个无条件收敛的守恒紧致差分格式 469
非线性Schr?dinger方程(Ⅰ):Bose-Einstein凝聚和怪波现象 496
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