现代数控机床原理与结构 中英双语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郁元正编;鲁聪达审
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787111424031
- 页数:171 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 The development of CNC machine tools 1
1.1.2 Definition of CNC machine tools 2
1.2 Construction and working principle of CNC machine tools 3
1.2.1 Construction of CNC machine tools 3
1.2.2 Work principle of CNC machine tools 5
1.3 Classifications and features of CNC machine tools 7
1.3.1 Classifications of CNC machine tools 7
1.3.2 Features of CNC machine tools 11
1.4 Future development 12
1.4.1 Development tendencies of CNC machine tools 12
1.4.2 Modern manufacturing system 12
Glossary 14
Exercises 14
Chapter 2 Motions and Coordinate System of Machine Tools 16
2.1 Motions of machine tools 16
2.1.1 Purpose of motions 16
2.1.2 Surface forming motion 16
2.1.3 Assistant motion 17
2.2 Machine tool drive 18
2.2.1 Transmission connection 18
2.2.2 Transmission chain 18
2.2.3 Transmission diagram 19
2.2.4 Transmission system diagram 20
2.3 Coordinate system for CNC machine tools 21
2.3.1 Standard coordinate system and direction 21
2.3.2 Coordinate systems of machine tools 23
2.3.3 Workpiece coordinate system 24
Glossary 25
Exercises 25
Chapter 3 Typical Components of CNC Machine Tools 26
3.1 Spindle system of CNC machine tools 26
3.1.1 The requirements of the spindle system 26
3.1.2 Transmission mode of CNC machine tools 27
3.1.3 Spindle components 30
3.1.4 Spindle orientation 33
3.1.5 Lubrication and sealing of spindle 36
3.2 Feeding system 38
3.2.1 The requirements of feeding system 38
3.2.2Gear drive 39
3.2.3 Couplings 43
3.2.4 Ball screw-nut system 44
3.3 Ways 49
3.3.1 The requirements of ways 49
3.3.2 Ways for CNC machine tools 50
3.3.3 Lubrication and protection for ways 55
3.4 Position sensors of CNC machine tools 56
3.4.1 The requirements of a satisfactory position sensor 57
3.4.2 Types of position detecting devices 57
3.4.3 Position sensors and their working principles 58
3.5 Automatic chip remover 63
3.5.1 Necessities of automatic chip removers 63
3.5.2 Typical automatic chip removers 64
Glossary 66
Exercises 67
Chapter 4 CNC Lathe 69
4.1 Introduction of CNC lathes 69
4.1.1 Capabilities of CNC lathes 69
4.1.2 Classifications of CNC lathes 69
4.1.3 Construction and features of CNC lathes 71
4.1.4 Layout of CNC lathes 73
4.2 Transmission of CNC lathe 76
4.2.1 Primary transmission 76
4.2.2 Feeding transmission 80
4.2.3 Tailstock 83
4.2.4 High speed dynamic chuck 84
4.3 Introduction of turning center 84
4.4 Rotary tool rest 88
4.4.1 Configurations of rotary tool rest 88
4.4.2 Tool changing procedure of rotary tool rest 89
4.4.3 Principle of tool rest indexing 90
Glossary 91
Exercises 92
Chapter 5 CNC Milling Machine 93
5.1 Introduction of CNC milling machines 93
5.1.1 Machining capabilities of CNC milling machines 93
5.1.2 Main functions of CNC milling machines 94
5.2 Layouts and types 95
5.2.1 Layouts determined by weight and dimension of workpieces 95
5.2.2 Motion distribution and components layout 95
5.2.3 Types of CNC milling machines 96
5.3 Transmissions and typical mechanical constructions 98
5.3.1 Basic constructions and specifications of XK5040A 98
5.3.2 Transmission of CNC milling machines 99
5.3.3 Main mechanical components of CNC milling machines 100
Glossary 109
Exercises 110
Chapter 6 Machining Center 111
6.1 Introduction of machining centers 111
6.1.1 Highlights of machining centers 111
6.1.2 Types of machining centers 112
6.1.3 Development tendency of machining center 115
6.2 Automatic tool changer 116
6.2.1 Rotary turret 116
6.2.2 Manipulator automatic tool changer 118
6.2.3 Magazine 119
6.2.4 Manipulators 124
6.3 An introduction of JCS-018A VMC 127
6.3.1 Functions,features and parameters of JCS-018A VMC 127
6.3.2 Transmissions of JCS-018A 128
6.3.3 Typical components of the JCS-018A 130
Glossary 139
Exercises 140
Chapter 7 EDM Machine Tools 141
7.1 Sinker EDM machine 141
7.1.1 Work principle of sinker EDM 141
7.1.2 Features of EDM 142
7.1.3 Application of sinker EDM in mold manufacturing 144
7.1.4 Basic construction of a sinker EDM machine 145
7.1.5 Accessories of EDM machines 149
7.1.6 Machining quality effectings 153
7.2 Wire EDM machine 155
7.2.1 Basis of wire EDM 155
7.2.2 Basic construction of wire EDM machines 159
7.2.3 Factors affecting wire EDM quality 168
Glossary 169
Exercises 170
References 171
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