第五届国际非线性力学会议论文集 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:39 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长等主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7811181649
- 页数:1667 页
Ⅰ.Invited lectures 1
Deformation instabilities and pattern formation:from terrascales to nanoscales&Elias Aifantis 1
Quasistaticity Stuart S.Antman 1
Surface tension in biology&John W.M.Bush 4
Nonlinear vibration of axially moving materials:some new progresses&Li-qun Chen 5
Nano mechanics and multi-scale problems&Ken P.Chong 13
Deasity waves in traffic flows&Shi-qiang Dai,Hong-xia Ge,Li-yun Dong 19
Solitary waves in variable medium&Roger Grimshaw 21
Pseudo-oscillator approach to analyzing periodic solutions of nonlinear time-delay systems&Hai-yan Hu,Zai-hua Wang 26
Two bifurcation processes for onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in a floating half zone&Wen-rui Hu 33
Nonlinear waves—review of techniques and applications&Alan Jeffrey 34
Response and modeling of emerging materials&Akhtar S.Khan 45
Nonlinear reciprocity relations in configurational mechanics&R.Kienzler 46
Flows in precessing sphere&Shigeo Kida 51
Breakup of radially expanding liquid sheet&Zhi-liang Wang,S.P.Lin 55
Biothermomechanics of Skin Tissue&Tian-jian Lu 59
Estimating geometric dislocation densities in polycrystalline materials from orientation imaging microscopy&Chi-Sing Man,Xiang Gao,Scott Godefroy,Edward A.Kenik 59
Localization of solitons over a rough seabed&Chiang C.Mei,Yile Li,Alam Mohammad-Reza 60
Experimental study on lateral forced surface waves in a circular cylindrical container&Huai-wu Peng,Hui-jing Yuan,Cun-biao Li 67
Nonlinear analysis of composite and FGM shells using tensor-based finite elements&J.N.Reddy,R.A.Arciniega 75
Nonlinear dynamics of sagged cables:a summary of recent theoretical and experimental research&Giuseppe Rega 91
Global existence and stability results for viscoelastic shear flows&Michael Renardy 99
Simulating nonlinear behavior of nanotubes&Wei Yang 102
Modeling and simulation of nonlinear cyclic response and fatigue failure of fiber reinforced ductile composites&Jun-qian Zhang,Fang Wang 102
Carbon nanotube based nanoelectromechanical systems&Quan-shui Zheng,Zhi-ping Xu,Guan-hua Chen,Qing Jiang 109
Analytical structural mechanics and FEM&Wan-xie Zhong 110
Ⅱ.Solid mechanics 123
Ⅱ.1 The theory of finite deformation,constitutive models,the theory of elasticity and plasticity 123
On equations of motion for macrocontinuous bodies (Ⅰ)—results and remarks&Tian-min Dai 123
On equations of motion for macrocontinuous bodies (Ⅱ)—unified equations&Tian-min Dai 129
On equations of motion for macrocontinuous bodies (Ⅲ) —rigid body and coupling theory&Tian-min Dai 135
On Mullins effect for helical shear deformations&D.De Tommasi,D.Ferri,M.D.Piccioni,G.Puglisi 140
Behavior of a shape memory spherical shell subjected to uniform external pressure&Zhi-qiang Fan,Guan-suo Dui,Zi-mao Zhang 147
A new analytical model for stress concentration around hard spherical particles in metal matrix composites&X-L Gao,M.W.Harris 153
Effect of heterogeneous dual-phase microstructure on tensile response of nickel-base superalloy&Yun-qiang Guo,Ke-shi Zhang,Xiao-liang Geng,Qin Liu 161
A nonlinear mathematical model for large deflection of incompressible saturated poroelastic plates with in-plane diffusion&Lu-wu He,Xiao Yang 167
Estimation of yield function for anisotropic aggregate of FCC crystallites&Mo-jia Huang,Meng-cheng Chen 173
An elastic-plastic constitutive framework for micropolar continua&Zhu-ping Huang,Geng-kai Hu,Hong-wu Zhang 177
Constitutive modeling of cyclic hardening and nonproportional hardening of polycrystalline copper&Yan-yao Jiang,Ji-xi Zhang 184
Generalized quasi-variational principles in nonlinear non-conservative elasto-dynamics and its application&Li-fu Liang,Tao Fan,Yi-hui Xing 190
A nonlinear model of thin films made of martensitic materials&Christian Licht,Med Lamine Leghmizi,Gérard Michaille 195
Unsplit transport method based on Youngs'interface reconstruction algorithm in Eulerian method&Chun Liu,Tian-bao Ma,Jian-guo Ning 199
Capillary adhesion of micro-beams:finite and infinitesimal deformation analysis&Jian-lin Liu,Xi-qiao Feng 204
Moisture induced vapor pressure and weakened interfacial strength in CSP packages&Zhi-gangLi,Xiao-yan Niu,Li-qing Meng,Xue-feng Shu 212
Analytic solutions of finite deformations of a class of incompressible hyper-elastic spherical structures&Jia-na Meng,You Zhang,Zheng-you Zhu 216
Incremental damage laws applied to design of combustion chambers&Stéphane Otin,Rodrigue Desmorat,Bruno Dambrine 221
An investigation to the pseudoelastic behavior ofNiTi SMAs subjected to tensile and shear deformation&Xiang-he Peng,Wen-li Pi,Xue-song Long 228
Constitutive modeling of finite deformation behavior of shape memory polymers&H.Jerry Qi,Francisco Castro 234
Effect of temperature on dynamical formation of cavity for thermo-hyperelastic materials&Jiu-shengRen,Lu-wuHe,Chang-junCheng 235
Numerical analysis for cavitated bifurcation in comprecation hyperelastic materials&Xin-chun Shang,Chang-jun Cheng 241
Mathematical modeling of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour for concrete under elevated temperature&Xin-pu Shen,Guo-xiao Shen,Zhou Lin,Ji-hang Liu 245
Deformations of carbon nanotubes&Dong-li Shi 253
T-σ-ε model for numerical analysis of adiabatic shearing localization&Shun-cheng Song,Ting-hui Wang,Hong-nian Cai,Fu-chi Wang 258
Application of continuum constitutive model for fracture analysis of metallic foam with element-free Galerkin method&Shi-yong Sun,Hao-ran Chen 262
Finite difference approach for concurrent multiscale computations in solids&Shao-qiang Tang 267
Analysis on the cyclic finite deformations of linear compressible elastic materials&Zhi-qiao Wang,Guan-suo Dui 272
Mesoscopic investigation on moduli prediction in visco-elastic particle reinforced composites&Bao-lai Wang,Yang Liu,Jun Liang,Shan-yi Du 277
Nonlinear homogenization of hyperelastic composites using an enhanced meshfree method&Dong-dong Wang,Jiun-Shyan Chen 281
Micromechanical analysis of high-cycle fatigue intrusion for single crystals with geometry change influence&Dong-dong Wang,Tung-hua Lin 287
Nonlinear tensile deformation of single-walled carbon nanotubes with different radius and chirality&Yu Wang,Dai-ning Fang,Bin Liu 292
Study on micromechanical behavior in Ni-based single crystals superalloys&Wen-ping Wu,Ya-fang Guo,Guan-suo Dui,Yue-sheng Wang 296
A structural micromechanical approach for modeling large deformation behavior of red blood cells&Long Xiao,H.Jerry Qi 302
Accurate computation of microscale energy transfer in thin film using phonon Boltzmann transport equation&Jaw-yen Yang,T.Y.Hsieh,I.J.Lin,Ching-hua Wang 303
Investigation on large deformation constitutive model based on solid cylinder torsion test&Li-hong Yang,Yun-zeng He,Jia Qu 309
Large deflection of a cantilever incompressible poroelastic beam&Xiao Yang,Lu-wu He 313
Advances in investigations of effects of heating rate on materials properties&Yi-hui Yin,Chi-bin Guo 318
Controllability conditions of nonlinearly periodic oscillations of incompressible hyper-elastic spherical shells&Xue-gang Yuan,Zheng-you Zhu,Chang-jun Cheng 324
Damage constitutive model for concrete based on ideal undamaged state&Jian-hua Wu,Hai-xiang Yu,Qiang Li 330
Approximate analysis and experimental investigation for contact problem of rubber-like sphere compressed between two rigid plates&Li-li Zhang,Xin-chun Shang 336
A one-dimension coupled hysteresis model for giant magnetostrictive materials&Xiao-jing Zheng,Le Sun 341
A nonlinear constitutive model for soft ferromagnetic rods&Hao-miao Zhou,You-he Zhou 347
Effects of grain-boundary on elastic modulus of nanocrystalline materials&Lin-li Zhu,Xiao-jing Zheng 353
Ⅱ.2 The nonlinear theory of plates and shells 359
On effects of end boundary conditions for phase transitions in slender elastic cylinder&Zong-xi Cai,Hui-hui Dai 359
Numerical analysis of cast tubular K-joints and formula of static strength&Jing-lin Chen,Wen-juan Yao 365
Numerical study for load-carrying capacity of beam-column members having different Young's moduli in tension and compression&Tong Chen,Zhi-ming Ye,Wen-juan Yao,Huan-ran Yu 371
Study on penetration damage of target plate through nonlinear finite element simulation&Yan Chen,Qun-xing Su,Xi-wei Guo 377
Analysis on nonlinear wind-induced vibration of guyed masts&Hong-zhou Deng,Hai-wei Zhu,Xiao-yi Hu 383
Elastic-plastic analysis of strengthening for reinforced concrete frame structures&Si-hua Deng,Han-liang Wu,Li-li Liu 388
Analysis of creep postbuckling for damaged viscoelastic laminated plates under the varied temperature field&Yi-ming Fu,Ke-ke Tang,Xiao-xian Xu 391
Casing stress analysis with effects of temperature on material properties&Bao-kui Gao 397
Dynamic buckling of plastic column impacted by rigid body&Zhi-jun Han,Shan-yuan Zhang 403
Generalized thermoelastic coupled problem of rod subjected to moving heat source&Tian-hu He,Li Cao 407
Nonlinear analysis on rockfill dam with asphalt concrete core&Yun-long He,Wen-zheng Liu,Juan Wang 415
Topology optimization of geometrically and materially nonlinear structures&Xiao-dong Huang,Yi-min Xie,Guo-xing Lu 421
EFGM for nonlinear mechanical behaviors of single pile and pile groups&Yu-jia Hu,Chang-jun Cheng 429
Nonlinear opto-mechanical behavior in photochromic liquid crystal elastomers&Li-hua Jin,Yan Yan,Yong-zhong Huo 438
Justifying obstacle problem in case of shallow shell&Alain Léger,Bernadette Miara 445
Free vibration of functionally graded circular plates with/without thermal post-buckling deformation&Shi-rong Li,Liang-liang Fan 447
Influences of micro forces on manufacturing and packaging of micro inertial devices&Hai-peng Liu,Shi-qiao Gao,Lei Jin 455
Modeling and nonlinear vibration analysis of composite laminated shell with embedded shape memory alloy wires&Qin Liu,Jian-ting Ren,Yun-qiang Guo 461
Method for consolidation degree calculation considering nonlinearity of consolidation index of soft soil improved with sand piles&Da-wei Lii,Lin-rong Xu 467
Effects of surface energy on stress concentration around a nanosized spheroidal cavity&Zhi-ying Ou,Lian-sheng Ma 473
Size effect in cleavage cracking in polycrystalline thin films&Yu Qiao,Jin Chen,Lance A.Operhall,Venkata K.Punyamurtula 481
Honeycomb structure enhanced by nanoporous material functionalized liquid&Yu Qiao,Lance A.Operhall,Venkata K.Punyamurtula 482
A nonlinear quasi-continuum model for ultra-thin plate-type nano-materials&Jia Shen,Guo-hua Nie 484
Perforation mechanism in stiffened plates&Wei-dong Song,Jian-guo Ning 488
Influence of Karst cave's position on wall rock long-term stability of tunnel&Zhi-hong Tan,Chun-an Tang,Wu-an Cao,Tian-hong Yang 493
A variational modeling of magneto-thermo-elasticity for nonlinear ferromagnetic plates&Xing-zhe Wang 498
Analytical study of time-varying axisymmetric problem of viscoelasticity&Hua-ning Wang 503
Modeling instability of carbon nanotubes:from continuum mechanics to molecular dynamics&Q.Wang,W.H.Duan,K.M.Liew,X.Q.He 509
Stress wave induced buckling of elastic bar and dynamical post-buckling behavior&Rui Wang,Tie-feng Wang,Shan-yuan Zhang 516
Design of environmentally responsive hydrogel based sensors and actuators&Kristofer Westbrook,H.Jerry Qi 521
Study on ductile fracture of semi-elliptical surface cracks&Wei Xie,Qi-qing Huang,Masanori Kikuchi 522
Electrostatic-structural coupling simulation of shuffle micro electro mechanical system by scratch drive actuator&Jing-jing Xu,Xue-feng Li,Xiao-jing Wang,Xiu-rong Wang 526
Strain analysis of a gradient elastic nanofiber in tension&Kai-yu Xu,E.C.Aifantis 532
Modeling on gravity stiffness of suspension bridges by finite element method of geometric nonlinearity&De-can Yang 537
FEM analysis on the moving of the laser spot during laser welding process of the steel shell&Yi-xia Yan,Zhi-ming Hao 542
Analysis of non-linear stability of large cylindrical shell structure&W.J.Yao,Xiang Wang,X.F.Jiang 546
On buckling critical state of a circular plate subjected to united heat and lateral pressure&Yi-hui Yin,Yuan-zhang Zhang 552
Improved simple fixed-point iteration method for stress evaluation in nonlinear hybrid finite elements&Can-hui Zhang,Dong-dong Wang,Jian-lin Zhang 557
Multiseale simulation for nanomechanical behavior of gene chips in label-free biodetection&Neng-hui Zhang,Jing-jing Xing,Jin-ying Shan 562
Effect of Peierls-Nabarro force on dynamic responses of semi-infinite bar&Guang-hui Zhao,Nian-mei Zhang,Gui-tong Yang,Zheng Liang 566
Nonlinear response of FGM circular plates subjected to periodic surface thermal loadings&Yong-gang Zhao,Shi-rong Li,Lian-sheng Ma 571
Nonlinear analysis of second-order effect of reinforced concrete compressed members&Jie-jiang Zhu,Qiong Zheng 578
Transversal inertial effect on one-dimensional dynamic viscoelastic constitutive relation&Jue Zhu,Yong-hui Cao,Jian-kang Chen 584
Large deformation analysis of piles with elastic joints&Yuan-yuan Zhu,Yu-jia Hu,Fusanori Miura 588
Ⅱ.3 Nonlinear mechanics of structures 596
On existence of interface waves in two dissimilar smoothly contact piezoelectric solids in presence of local separation&Yu-zhu Bai,Yue-sheng Wang,Gui-lan Yu 596
Periodic and chaotic oscillations out of plane for viscoelastic axially moving beam&Li-hua Chen,Feng-hong Yang,Wei Zhang 601
Effects of complex load on nonlinear vibration characteristics of circular sandwich plate&Guo-jun Du,Jian-qing Ma,Yu-da Hu 605
Nonlinear dynamical behaviors of an axially moving viscoelastic beam&Guo-min Fan,Wei Zhang,Li-hua Chen 611
Nonlinear oscillations of the orthotropic FGM rectangular plates with simply supported edges based on the third-order shear deformation plate theory&Yu-xin Hao,Wei Zhang,Li-hua Chen 616
Collapse of spherical shell subjected to external pressure&Xi-cheng Huang,Yu-ze Chen,Jian-shi Zhu 624
Nonlinear magnetoelastic vibration analysis of current-conducting thin plate in magnetic field&Yu-da Hu,Guo-jun Du,JingLi 631
Nonlinear flexural wave equation and exact traveling solutions in beams&Zhi-fang Liu,Tie-feng Wang,Shan-yuan Zhang 637
Three-dimensional nonlinear vibrations of an axially moving viscoelastic belt with integral constitutive law&Yan-qi Liu,Wei Zhang,Li-hua Chen,Hong-xing Zhang 644
Research on free vibration of wrinkled membranes&Yun-liang Li,Chang-gou Wang,Hui-feng Tan 649
Numerical study of coupling problem:interaction between pipe and peak pressure&Jerzy Malachowski 655
Dynamical analysis for viscoelastic beam-columns with damage&Dong-fa Sheng,Yuan-yuan Zhu,De-ru Chi,Shao-feng Zeng,Cong-ling Zhu 660
A novel MEMS optical gyroscope&Bo-hua Sun,Bo Zhang 666
A model for a 3D spinning rigid electrodynamic tether&Qi-guo Sun,Gert van der Heijden 672
Buckling conducting wires and instabilities of electrodynamic space tethers&G.H.M.van der Heijden,J.Valverde 679
Three dimensional simulation for dynamic failure of aluminum foam sandwich structure under ballistic impact&Can Wang,Yu-xin Wang,Hao-ran Chen 686
The free-core-nutation of triaxial Earth&Wen-jun Wang,Han-wei Zhang,Wen-bin Shen 691
Nonlinear dynamic characters of shallow reticulated spherical shells under the static and the dynamic loads&Xin-zhi Wang,Lei Li,Gang Wang,Ming-jun Han,Xiao-mei Gu 698
Magnetic-elasticity buckling of thin current plate&Zhi-ren Wang,Ping Wang,Xiang-zhong Bai 702
Mode analysis and control of smart Timoshenko beam&Ji-chen Yang,Qi-shao Lu,Jia-kun Song 708
Complex nonlinear dynamics analysis of thin spinning discs&Xiao-li Yang,Wei Zhang,Li-hua Chen 715
Periodic and chaotic oscillations of laminated composite iezoelectric rectangular plate with 1:2:3 internal resonances&Z.G.Yao,W.Zhang,L.H.Chen 720
Influence of steel rope elasticity to dynamic properties of bridge crane's bridge structure&Chun Zeng,Chang-sheng Xu 726
Global dynamics for non-autonomous buckled plate with parametrically and externally Excitations&Jun-hua Zhang,Wei Zhang,Min-hui Yao 730
Study on propagation properties of nonlinear torsional wave in non-circular cross-sectional Rod&Shan-yuan Zhang,Zhi-fang Liu 735
Singular-pulse orbits and chaotic dynamics in a six-dimensional viscoelastic moving belt&Mei-juan Gao,Wei Zhang,Ming-hui Yao 740
Nonlinear identification in dynamic response of wedged-ring joint structure&Rong-guo Zhao,Zhong-fu Chen 744
Critical velocity of moving body on infinite beam with elastic foundation&Bin Zhen,Jian Xu 752
Numerical simulation for nonlinear dynamic and control characteristics of giant magnetostrictive smart laminated beams&Hao-miao Zhou,You-he Zhou 754
Electrodynamics of ion channel of biological cell&Shu-ang Zhou 760
Ⅱ.4 Experimental solid mechanics 768
Investigation and validation on Johnson-Cook fracture parameters of 45 steel&Gang Chen,Zhong-fu Chen,Jun-lin Tao,Yong-mei Chen,Wei-fang Xu,Xi-cheng Huang 768
Mechanical behavior of coated membrane materials under bi-axial tensile loads&Shou-hui Chen,Hong-lei Yi,Xin Ding,R.Fangueiro,Jing Ni 773
Constitutive equation of fabric reinforced viscous resin composite material&Guo-chang Lin,Zhi-min Wan,Xing-wen Du 777
Measurements and determinations of matrix micro-properties in tungsten alloy&Xiao-ling Liu,Shun-cheng Song,Wei Hang,Hong-gang Shi 783
Determination of constitutive parameters for viscous medium&Yan Liu,Zhong-jin Wang,Jian-guang Liu,Hui Song 789
Research on skin precision model for cold rolling mill&Zhi-liang Liu,Wen-zhi Zhang,Ying-jie Wang 794
Experimental investigation on dynamic properties of steel reinforced concrete subjected to shock loading&Jing-han Lu,Jian-guo Ning 798
Comparative study of models for nonlinear viscoelastic creep of polycarbonate&Wen-bo Luo,Xin Tang,Said Jazouli,Toan Vu-Khanh,Yoshihiro Tomita 804
Saddle-supported pipe:investigation of plastic deformations&Jerzy Malachowski,Piotr Szurgott 810
Evolution law of hysteresis curve and deformation characteristic of PVC membrane materials under cyclic biaxial loads&Jing Ni,Ren-an Luo,You-liang Chen,Shou-hui Chen 817
Numerical simulation for determining mechanical properties of single crystal from nanoindentation&Xiao-yan Niu,Jiang Lin,Xiao-mei Zhang,Xue-feng Shu 823
Hygro-thermal mechanical analysis of flip chip package by finite element method&Xiao-yan Niu,Zhi-gang Li,Guo-zheng Yuan,Xue-feng Shu 829
Nonlinear deformation of natural rubber:experiments and modeling&Xing Huang,Jiu-sheng Ren 833
Failure mechanics of nanocomposite materials with discontinuous reinforcements&L.Roy Xu,Arun Krishnan,Charles M.Lukehart 837
Hyper-surface for combined size,rate and temperature effects on material properties of pristine diamond&Lu-ming Shen,Zhen Chen 842
Fracture behavior 91% tungsten alloys&Hai-yan Liu,Wei-dong Song,Jian-guo Ning 850
Application of MATLAB on Moiré image processing&Yan-qi Song Chun-yan Gao 854
Engine structure analysis with simulation and measurement&S.Wang,R.Maucher 857
Experimental study and FEM analysis of CFRP confined concrete columns&Lin-chun Wei,Ren-an Luo,Jing Ni,Ping Zheng 864
Experimental investigations of dynamic counterintuitive behaviors of circular plates subjected to impact loading&Gui-ying Wu,Yong-gang Zhao,Gui-tong Yang 870
Effect of triaxial stress constraint on ratcheting behavior and low cycle fatigue life of polypropylene&Yan-xia Wu,Wei-yi Chen 873
Numerical simulation and experimental study on dynamic splitting tensile behaviour of concrete&Xiao-peng Yan,Li-jun Zhang,Hong-wei Ma,Gui-tong Yang 877
Experiment on the average modulus of ettringite&Ming-hua Zhang,Jiang-ying Chen,Jue Zhu,Jian-kang Chen 885
Nonlinear behaviour of sand reinforced with denti-inclusions&S.L.Zhang,M.X.Zhang,A.A.Javadi 890
Experimental researches on magneto-thermo-mechanical characterization of Terfenol-D&X.J.Zheng,Y.R.Liang 896
Experimental research on compressive property of carbon fiber reinforced composite material structure&Wei-zhou Zhong,Qing-ping Zhang,Xi-cheng Huang,Si-zhong Li 903
Anisotropic and nonlinear properties of living pig cornea under biaxial loads&Huai-liang Zhu,Lei Yu,Chun-ling Hu,Si-hui Liang 907
Analysis on dynamic constitutive relationship of cement mortar specimens in sulphate erosion using SHPB&Jue Zhu,Yong-hui Cao,Jiang-ying Chen 912
Ⅲ.Fluid mechanics 916
Study on two-dimensional mixed traffic flow problem with cellular automaton method&Ning-guo Chen,Liu Zhang,Xue Yu 916
Approximate solutions for boundary layer flow on moving surface in power law non-Newtonian fluids&Xue-hui Chen,Lian-cun Zheng,Xin-xin Zhang 921
Experiments of shear viscosity and interfacial tension of Orimulsion-400&Yun Chen,Ping Liang,Xin-feng Long 926
Retrieval theory on GPS dropsonde wind-fimding system&Han-xian Fang,Si-xun Huang,Zhao-bo Shun 933
Two velocity difference effect in car following model&Hong-xia Ge,Hui-bing Zhu,Shi-qiang Dai 940
Three-dimensional numerical study of flow structures and mixing effect of impinging jets in different Y typed micro-mixers&Hui Guan,Chui-jie Wu,Shan-tung Tu 944
Relaxation and stationary vortex patterns for two dimensional channel flows&D.Gurarie,L.P.Yip,K.W.Chow,D.H.Zhang 951
A modified coupled map car-following model based on application of intelligent transportation system and control of traffic congestion&Xiang-lin Han,Chang-yuan Jiang,Xing-li Li,Shi-qiang Dai,Li-yun Dong 959
Numerical simulation of explosive shock waves&Hao Li,Jian-guo Ning 964
Crowd turbulence:the physics of crowd disasters&Dirk Helbing,Anders Johansson,HE Habib Z.Al-Abideen 967
Numerical simulation of typhoon Shanshan and typhoon wind field decomposition with variational method&Si-xun Huang,Qi-fa Cai,Jie Xiang 970
Direct numerical simulation of Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard flows in binary fluids with Soret effect&Jun Hu,Xie-yuan Yin 976
Analysis and control of traffic flow on elevated road near on-ramp&Lei Li,Li-yun Dong,Hong-xia Ge,Shi-qiang Dai 985
High-order compact projection method for solving unsteady Navier-Stokes/Boussinesq equations&Xian Liang,Zhen-fu Tian 990
Can nth-order nonlinear differential equation be replaced by infinite number of kth-order linear differential equations with n≠k?&Shi-jun Liao 996
Airfoil motion in subsonic flow with hysteresis nonlinear restoring force&Dao-chun Li,Jin-wu Xiang 1003
Discussion on lattice Boltzmann models for incompressible flows in porous media&Pei-chao Li,De-tang Lu,Xiang-yan Kong 1010
Dual variational principles for 3-D Navier-Stokes equations&Gao-lian Liu 1014
Transonic hovering rotor aeroacoustic predictions using Navier-Stokes/Kirchhoff method&Jin-huaLiu,Ai-ming Yang,Pei-fen Weng 1020
Calculation of the turbulent two-phase flow in direct-injection diesel engine&Yong-feng Liu,You-tong Zhang,Hong-seng Tian,Jian-jun Qin 1026
Analysis of turbulent counter gradient transport in stably stratified flow using empirical mode decomposition&Yu-lu Liu,Xiang Qiu,Yong-xiang Huang,Zhi-ming Lu 1032
Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction for the wind pressure distribution of membrane structures located horizontally&Zhen-hua Liu,Qi-lin Zhang,He Li 1038
Numerical simulation for fluid-structure interaction on the flutter behavior of membranes in a wind tunnel&Zhen-hua Liu,Qi-lin Zhang,Shao-xia Sun 1044
Stochastic master-equation approach to traffic breakdown caused by reduction of highway lanes&Xing-li Li,Jian-ping Meng,Xiang-lin Han,Shi-qiang Dai 1049
Interfacial capillary-gravity waves due to a Stokeslet&Dong-qiang Lu,Chiu-On Ng 1055
Interactions of flame balls&Zhan-bin Lu 1060
Similarity solutions of decaying shearless turbulence mixing layer&Zhi-ming Lu,Su-mei Tian,Yu-lu Liu 1061
A simple stochastic car-following model for traffic flow&Jian-ping Meng,Li-yun Dong 1067
Asymptotic behavior of turbulence statistics&J.Qian 1071
New Sedov-type solution of isotropic turbulence&Zheng Ran 1077
Multiple look-ahead optimal velocity models with multi-velocity difference&Wei Shi,Ye-liu Mo,Yu Xue 1082
Instability of electric field induced pattern formation in thin liquid films&Emily M.Tian 1086
Computational analysis of fluid-structure interaction in moving mechanical valves&De-cheng Wan 1092
Review of stagnation flows—exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations&Chang-yi Wang 1097
Mesoscopic modeling and predictions of effective dielectric permittivity of multiphase micro porous media&Mo-ran Wang,Ning Pan,Shi-yi Chen 1104
Evolution of an interfacial soliton past a submerged barrier floating in a two-layer fluid&Gang Wei,Xiao-bing Su,Yun-xiang You 1112
Numerical analysis of active flow control around airfoil by synthetic jet technology in low Reynolds number&Pei-fen Weng,Ai-ming Yang,Jue Ding,Xin Zhou,Tiao-ling Ge 1119
Numerical investigation of aerodynamics of micro air vehicle&Jie Liu,Pei-fen Weng 1125
Asymptotic solution of a wide cluster in Kühne's higher-order traffic flow model&Chun-xiu Wu,Peng Zhang,Shi-qiang Dai,S.C.Wong 1132
A novel numerical method and its application in complex flow fields&Kai-teng Wu,Cheng Wang,Lian-ming Mu 1137
Viscous force and added mass for complex configuration with an implicit dual time method&Li-hong Wu,Xi-sheng Feng,Pei-liang Gong,Zhong Jin 1144
Spatial dynamics of some classical open shear flows&Xi-lin Xie,Wei-wei Ma,Hui-liang Zhou 1149
Multi-particle statistics—lines,shapes,and volumes in high Reynolds number turbulence&Hai-tao Xu,Nicholas T.Ouellette,Eberhard Bodenschatz 1155
Numerical research on traveling wave locomotion for large amplitude elongated-body swimming micro-mechanism&Jing-jing Xu,Chao-dong Li,Zhi-wei Zhang,Xue-feng Li,Xiu-rong Wang 1162
PDA measurement of mean and turbulence properties for particle-laden open channel flow&Song-li Xu,Jing-yu Fan,Dao-zeng Wang 1168
Numerical assessment of effects of inflow distortion on performance of wind tunnel axial flow fan&Zhi-gang Yang,Jing Ma 1174
Effect of solidity on wind tunnel comer vane losses&Zhi-gang Yang,Ning Ma,Qi-liang Li,Lan-ping Zhao 1180
On hemodynamics mechanism of edema formation&Wei Yao,Guang-hong Ding 1187
The characteristic of the boundary layer in power law fluid&Hao Zhang,Xin-xin Zhang,Lian-cun Zheng 1189
Numerical experiments about growth of disturbance energy of potential vorticity equation withinfinitetimescope&Liang Zhang,Si-xun Huang,Li-feng Zhang 1195
Singular perturbation problem of laminar flow in channel with porous uniformly accelerating rigid walls in the presence of transverse magnetic field&Na Zhao,Lian-cun Zheng,Xin-xin Zhang 1201
Flow passing carbon nanotube arrays&Ji-jie Zhou,M.Gharib,Xiao Huang 1205
New cellular automaton traffic model with density-dependent randomization&Hui-bing Zhu,Shi-qiang Dai 1210
Ⅳ.Nonlinear dynamics 1215
Introduction to systems biology&Luo-nan Chen,Zeng-rong Liu 1215
Study of finite elements for nonlinear Hamilton system&Chuan-miao Chen,Qiong Tang 1221
Synchronization types of oscillators suspended on elastic structure&K.Czolczy?ski,A.Stefa?ski,P.Perlikowski,T.Kapitaniak 1226
A numerical investigation into nonlinear models for transverse vibration of strings&Hu Ding,Li-qun Chen 1230
Experimental research on turbine rotor vibration of nonlinear mechanics based on fractal box counting dimension&Fu-mei Fan,Ping Liang 1234
Chaotic and non-chaotic responses in a class of stochastic Hamiltonian systems&Chun-biao Gan,Xiao-yin Cheng 1240
Responses of a nonlinear MEMS structural system loaded by a non-stationary stochastic excitation&Shi-qiao Gao,Lei Jin,Hai-peng Liu,Ming-hui Li,M.Kasperski 1255
Nonlinear hysteresis of magnetic force-gap in magnetic levitation systems with high-Tc superconductor&Xiao-fan Gou,Xiao-jing Zheng,You-he Zhou,Guo-rong Chen 1262
Nonlinear dynamic modeling and simulation of vibratory roller system&Guan Di,Le-sheng Chen 1267
Complicated nonlinear dynamical behavior of single-layer shallow conical shells&Ming-jun Han,Xin-zhi Wang,Gang Wang,Xue-xing Ding 1273
Research on dynamic transmission error for 2K-V-type drive based on non-linear dynamics&Lin-shan Han,Yun-wen Shen,Hai-jun Dong,Zhen-xu Zhu 1278
Global stability for shunting inhibitory CNNs with time-varying delays&Yu-sheng Jia,Yi-ping Lin 1286
Dynamic characterization of micro scale samples using the Hopkinson tensile technique&Ming Yan Leung,Xin-long Dong,T.X.Yu 1292
Experimental research on turbine rotor vibration fault diagnosis based on fractal correlation dimension&Ping Liang,Xin-feng Long,Fu-mei Fan 1299
Identification for fault plane by GPR and study with Kolmogolov entropy theory of nonlinear dynamics&Chuan-xiao Liu 1305
Large amplitude vibration of functionally graded circular plate&Lian-sheng Ma,Zhi-ying Ou,Fan Yang 1311
Global exponential synchronization of a class of chaotic neural networks based on LMI approach&Zong-min Qiao,Jia-xing Cheng 1317
Periodic motion and bifurcation in self-excited oscillation system due to dry friction&Huan-huan Qi,Jian Xu 1323
Grazing bifurcations and asymmetry transitions in an impact oscillator with symmetric stops&Zhi-ying Qin,Qi-shao Lu 1328
Influence of delayed position feedback on safe basins in a parametrically excited system&Hui-li Shang,Jian Xu 1335
Single homoclinic orbit of(3+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schr?dinger equation&Shou-feng Shen,Jun Zhang 1340
Stick-slip oscillations induced by dry friction in an automotive disc brake system&Ji Wang,Feng-hong Yang,Wei Zhang 1342
Energy function and energy evolution on neuronal population&Ru-bin Wang,Zhi-kang Zhang,En-hua Shen 1349
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of mooring cables&Xiang Wang,Guang-dong Wang,Xiao-qian Ning 1355
Effect of material properties on deep drawing of steel beverage can&Xiu-mei Wang,Xiao-qiang Li,Yi-min Wu 1358
Nonlinear analysis of in-plane vibration for high-speed train-track coupled system&Fan Wu,Ning Tan,Wei Zhang,Man-li He,Li-hua Chen 1363
Nonlinear characteristics of vibration isolating system for magneto-rheological damper&Zhao-wang Xia,Xian-dong Li,Shao-pu Yang,Ying-chun Shah 1367
Simulation of nonlinear stiffness in semi-active variable stiffness-tuned mass damper&An-zhi Yan,Jun Teng,Zhi-xiong Lu 1373
Bifurcation of limit cycles for a perturbed polynomial system with 2n+1 degree&Chen-xi Yang,Min-ying Tang 1380
Nonlinear dynamic study of a two-stage gear train with multi-factor coupling&Zhen Yang,San-min Wang,Ye-sen Fan 1385
Multi-pulse homoclinic orbits with Melnikov method and chaotic dynamics in the motion of parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt&Ming-hui Yao,Wei Zhang 1398
Bifurcations of traveling wave solutions in the N-coupled nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations&Si-sheng Yao,Yu-guang Xu 1403
Nonlinear analysis for helicopter ground resonance using multiscale method&Wei-long Yin,Jin-wu Xiang 1410
Dynamical behaviors of spiral waves driven by complex signals&Guo-yong Yuan,Shi-ping Yang,Shi-gang Chen 1415
Advanced aerodynamic stability analysis of long-span suspension bridges&Xin-jun Zhang 1420
Stability and bifurcations in multi-degree-of-freedom vibratory system with gap&Yan-long Zhang,Guan-wei Luo,Li Ma 1426
Second order multi-scale micropolar model for microsystem interconnections&Yan Zhang,Johan Liu,Jing-yu Fan,Ragnar Larsson 1434
Jump phenomena in electrodynamic loudspeaker&Zhi-liang Zhang,Chang-jun Cheng 1440
Forecasting corrosion depth based on maximum Lyapunov exponent&Ming Zhao,Ping Liang,Xin-feng Long 1444
Vibration suppression in a two-degree of freedom vibration system using delayed feedback control&Yan-ying Zhao,Jian Xu 1452
Motion and nucleation of steps along phase boundary&Yu-bao Zhen,Anna Vainehtein 1457
A wavelet multi-resolution collocation method for nonlinear vibration of MDOF systems&Jun Zhou,You-he Zhou 1464
Global synchronization in complex delayed dynamical networks&Jin Zhou,Lan Xiang 1472
High-order subharmonic parametric resonance in comb-drive microbeam arrays&J.Zhu,C.Q.Ru,A.Mioduchowski 1478
Influence of subharmonic resonance on bubble driven by intensive sound during stable cavitation&Feng-de Zong,Zhi-liang Zhang,Yang Yang,Liu-de Zheng 1483
Ⅴ.Mathematics 1487
Synthetical appraisement applied in fuzzy interface calculation&Long-wei Chen,Yan-gang Miao,Xu-guang Wang 1487
Use of inverse methods in atmospheric sounding problems&Hua-dong Du,Si-xun Huang 1494
On global attractors for nonhyperbolic systems&Xin-chu Fu,Jin-qiao Duan 1499
Application of variational method to inversion of cloud drift winds&Ming-yuan He,Hua-dong Du,Ji-ping Guan 1499
One kind of image positioning method based on surface characteristics&Ming-yuan He,Sheng Zheng,Ji-ping Guan 1504
The tendency to steady state of random networks with bistable unite&Jing Huang,Ning Tan,Wei Zhang,Feng-hong Yang 1511
Solitons for modified form of Camassa-Holm equation&Ali Mohammed Kayed,Zheng-rong Liu 1515
Calderón approximation of conductivity in multicircular ring domain&Jian-zhang Li,De-hua Chen,Chao-chun Qu 1520
Limit cycles for a cubic Hamiltonian system with lower perturbations&Zheng-rong Liu,Shao-yong Li 1526
Traveling wave solutions of generalized PC equation&Zheng-rong Liu,Ming Song 1530
Classification of phase portraits of planar quintic Hamiltonian vector field with Z2-equivariant property&Yan-mei Li 1534
Lagrange-type function-valued Padé-type approximation using for solution of Fredholm integral equations&Bao-zhen Pan,Chuan-qing Gu 1539
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of modified Navier-Stokes equations in R3&Jia-qing Pan 1545
Qualitative analysis of FHN model&Ping-xing Sheng,Xi-bo Duan 1551
Classification of graphs for quartic algebraic curve with three parameters&Quan-di Wang 1558
Sensitivity analysis of statistical-dynamic model by adjoint method&Jie Xiang,Xi-jun Zhang,Yi Luan 1563
Multiscale algorithm of coupling discrete and finite element methods and its validation&Rui Zhang,Zhi-ping Tang 1568
Ⅵ.Mini-symposium on instability,metastability and stability in phase transitions 1572
On the effects of end boundary conditions for phase transitions in a slender elastic cylinder&Zong-xi Cai 1572
The analytical descriptions for the shear band formation in a strip composed of a phase-transforming material&Hui-hui Dai 1572
Solid liquid phase changes with different densities&M.Fremond 1572
Continuum modeling on macroscopic domain patterns during stress induced phase transition in Niti tubes&Yong-jun He 1572
Nucleation and growth in martensitic transformations&Yong-zhong Huo 1572
Ferroelectric ceramics:experiments,constitutive modeling and finite element simulation&Marc Kamlah,Da-yu Zhou,Bernd Laskewitz 1572
Rate-dependent model for phase transitions in perovskite type single crystals&Sang-Joo Kim 1577
Global structure stability of impact-induced tensile waves in a rubber-like material&De-xing Kong 1584
An investigation to the pseudoelastic behavior ofNiTi SMAs subjected to tensile and sear deformation&Xiang-he Peng 1584
Models of martensitic transformation in shape-memory alloys&Tomá? Roubi?ek 1584
Ⅶ.Mini-symposium on the mechanics of electromagnetic materials and structures 1592
Piezoelectric AIN thin films synthesized by midfrequency dualtarget magnetron sputtering&Pu Chen,Qi-cai Peng,Bin-guang Zhao,Lun Zeng,Ke-qiang Deng,Hui-zhong Deng,De-wu Yao 1592
Potential theory method for penny-shaped crack with electric saturation&W.Q.Chen 1597
Study of electric-field-induced crack growth in ferroelectric single crystal&Ye-jiang Jiang,Dai-ning Fang 1602
Research on voltage sensitivity of vibration accelerometer based on 1-3 piezocomposites&Wei-jun Ju,Deng-hua Li,Mei-juan Jia,Yong-cheng Ma 1606
Monitoring cell adhesion and characterizing cell viscoelasticity by using thickness shear mode acoustic wave sensors&Fang Li,James H.C.Wang,Qing-ming Wan 1611
The magnetostriction in Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 alloys under two types of magnetomechanical loading&Yong-mao Pei,Dai-ning Fang 1611
Perturbed magnetic fields induced by mechanical stress&Fei Qin,Dong-mei Yan 1615
Nonlinear dynamic deflection and sound level in functionally graded piezoelectric actuators under AC electric fields&Yasuhide Shindo,Fumio Narita,Jun Nakagawa 1628
2D theory for analysis of surface acoustic waves coupled with extensional mode in finite elastic solids&Ji Wang,Ren-jie Yao,Jian-ke Du,Zheng Zhong 1633
Thermal effect of two-layer metal electrodes on thickness-shear vibrations of quartz crystal plates&Ji Wang,Zhen Wu,Jian-keDu,Xun Gong 1639
Coupled optimization on improved piezoelectric harvester for feeble vibration source&Huan Xue,Yuan-tai Hu 1645
Piezoelectricity research in IEEE UFFC-S(in memory of R.D.Mindlin)&Jia-shi Yang 1649
H.F.Tiersten and continuum electrodynamics&Jia-shi Yang 1656
On the coupling of TSH modes and one class of unwanted modes in Z-length,AT-cut quartz strip resonators&Wei-ping Zhang 1662
Calculation of strain energy density and relative strain energy in QWR nanostructures using bimaterial BEM formulation&Y.Zhang,E.Pan,P.W.Chung 1662
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
- 《零基础学会素描》王金著 2019
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- 《李公朴文集》方仲伯编 1987
- 《流体力学》张扬军,彭杰,诸葛伟林编著 2019
- 《工程静力学》王科盛主编 2019
- 《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》编辑组 2019
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- 《凯恩斯文集 第13卷 社会、政治和文学论集》严忠志译 2018
- 《线性代数简明教程》刘国庆,赵剑,石玮编著 2019
- 《断陷湖盆比较沉积学与油气储层》赵永胜等著 1996
- 《高考快速作文指导》张吉武,鲍志伸主编 2002
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 16》王强主编 2017
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《黄遵宪集 4》陈铮主编 2019
- 《孙诒让集 1》丁进主编 2016
- 《近代世界史文献丛编 19》王强主编 2017
- 《激光加工实训技能指导理实一体化教程 下》王秀军,徐永红主编;刘波,刘克生副主编 2017