疯狂英语 如何听懂英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡得钢,责任编辑
- 出 版 社:广州外语音像出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7884822245
- 页数:202 页
第一部分:听懂英语技巧篇 2
1.听力与词汇的互动作用 2
2.听力与语音的互动作用 18
3.听力与口语的互动作用 23
4.听力与阅读的互动作用 40
5.听力与书写的互动作用 42
6.各类听力题材特点 46
7.如何选择听力材料 48
8.听力方法推荐 49
9.精听与泛听的互动作用 55
10.听力现状及问题解答 57
11.听力突破考试 60
第二部分:听懂英语实战篇 63
VOA英语简介 63
第一章:听懂慢速英语 78
1.IN THE NEWS-North Korean Nuclear Crisis 78
2.SCIENCE REPORT: Color of the Universe 81
3. EDUCATION REPORT Teacher Certification 83
4. THIS IS AMERICA:Winter Olympic Games 85
6. AGRICULTURE REPORT Trade in Genetically Engineered Crops 94
7. THE MAKING OF A NATION: Great Depression/Arts&Culture 96
9. HEALTH REPORT-Tea May Help Fight Infection 105
10. EXPLORATIONS-Wiley Post 107
11.PEOPLE IN AMERICA-Crazy Horse 114
第二章:听懂标准英语 121
1.Investigation Reveals Corruption In New York Racing Association 121
2. Former Jails Head Faces New Corruption Allegations 122
3. Bush and the G-8 123
4. Burma Rights 126
5.Science&Tech:NASA’s Latest Mars Mission to Look For Signs of Life on Mars 129
6. Health&Medicine:US Monkeypox Outbreak Leads to Changes in Govern- ment Health Policy 131
7. Health&Medicine: Botox Helps Americans Gain More Youthful Appearance 134
第三章:听懂现场英语 145
1.媒介精英 145
James V. Kimsey-Founder, America Online 145
James Cameron-Master Filmmaker 146
Francis Ford Coppola-Filmmaker, Producer&Screenwriter 148
Robert Zemeckis-Motion Picture Production 150
Dan Rather-Broadcast Journalist 151
Mike Wallace-CBS News Correspondent 154
Larry King-Broadcasters’Hall of Fame 155
Sam Donaldson-ABC News Correspondent 157
2.体坛精英 159
Tenley Albright,M.D.-Olympic Gold Medal Figure Skater 159
Susan Butcher-Champion Dog-Sled Racer 160
Julius Erving-Basketball Legend 161
Suzanne Farrell-Ballerina Extraordinaire 161
Scott Hamilton-Olympic Hall of Fame 162
Dorothy Hamill-Olympic Hall of Fame 164
Sir Roger Bannister-Track and Field Legend 165
3.文坛精英 167
Stephen E. Ambrose,Ph.D.-Biographer and Historian 167
David McCullough-Two Pulitzer Prizes for Biography 169
Rita Dove-Former Poet Laureate of the United States 172
John Grisham-Best-Selling Author 173
Doris Kearns Goodwin, Ph.D.-Pulitzer Prize for History 174
4.政坛精英 175
Colin L. Powell-Secretary of State, United States of America 175
Benazir Bhutto-Former Prime Minister of Pakistan 176
Willie L. Brown. Jr.-Mayor of San Francisco 178
5.科技精英 179
Leon Lederman,Ph.D.-NobelPrize inPhysics 179
John D. Gearhart,Ph.D.-Stem Cell Research 180
Judah Folkman,M.D.-Cancer Research 181
Benjamin S. Carson,M.D.-Pediatric Neurosurgeon 183
Francis S. Collins,M.D.-Director, Human Genome Proiect 185
Denton A. Cooley,M.D.-Pioneer of Heart Transplants 187
Gertrude B.Elion-NobelPrize in Medicine 188
David Ho,M.D.-AIDS Research 190
6.娱坛风采 191
Johnny Cash-Country Music Legend 191
Jeremy Irons-Oscar Winner for Best Actor 192
Quincy Jones-MusicImpresario 193
7.教育巨匠 194
Johnnetta B.Cole,Ph.D.-Past President of Spelman College 194
8.商界精英 195
Lawrence J.Ellison-Founder, Oracle Corporation 195
9.探险 197
Sylvia Earie,Ph.D.-Undersea Explorer 197
Daniel S. Goldin-Space Exploration 198
Donald C. Johanson,Ph.D.-Discoverer of Lucy 199
Robert D. Ballard,Ph.D.-Discoverer of theTitanic 200
10.艺术大师 202
Chuck Jones-Animation Pioneer 202
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