第五届创新和可持续土木工程结构国际学术研讨会论文集 1 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李惠等编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7560341354
- 页数:540 页
Multi-metric Model-based Fatigue-life Monitoring of Bridges&Hongki Jo,B.F.Spencer Jr. 3
Wind and Wave Hazards on Coastal Structures&C.S.Cai,Fang Pan,G.J.Xu,Aaron Henry,S.R.Chen,Y.Han,J.X.Hu 12
Impact Analysis and Damage Assessment and Mitigation of Bridge Piers Subjected to Barge Impact Loads&Hong Hao,Yanyan Sha 23
Noncontact Laser Sensing for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring&Hoon Sohn 40
Analysis on Overall Stability and Seismic Damage Evaluation for Diagrid Tube Structures&Jun Teng,Zuohua Li,Haixia Lv,Wei Lu 48
Evaluation of Wind Turbine Probabilistic Extreme Response:Controlled Monte Carlo Simulation and Statistical Extrapolation&Xinzhong Chen,Jie Ding,Kuangmin Gong 58
Characterization of Traffic Loads on Buried Pipeline for Life-cycle Management of Municipal Distribution System&Suzhen Li,Xinliang Li 73
Diffusion of the Aggressive Ions in the Crack of Concrete&X.Liu,W.Q.Liu,S.G.Wang,F.Xu,J.D.Han 83
Durability-based Service Life Prediction of Concrete Bridges&Yiqiang Xiang,Dongmei Guo 91
Influence of the Corrosion on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of RC Beams&Guofu Qiao,Jinping Ou 99
Steel Bar Corrosion of RC Members Subjected to Combination Attack of Pre-existed Chloride and Concrete Carbonation&Xin Xue,Yu Song,Hiroshi Seki 106
The Coupled Effects of Chloride Diffusion and Scouring on Concrete&Hui Li,Huigang Xiao,Xinchun Guan,Zetao Wang,Lei Yu 114
A MATLAB-based Evaluation Tool for Seismic Retrofitting Schemes of an Existing Building Using Structural Control Systems&Lin Liu,Xiqing Li,Wei Tian 123
Analysis Method for Seismic Response of High-rise Structure Based on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Platform&Jun Teng,Hongyu Li,Zuohua Li 131
Genetic Algorithm for Seismic Optimization Design of Water Distribution Network Based on Automatic Generation&Hongwei Yuan,Wei Liu 139
Investigation on Freezing Process Characteristics of Daily-temperature Seasonally Freezing Silty Clay&Haolin Yu,Xueyan Xu,Jian Chen 146
New Parameters for Frequency Content Characterization of Near-fault Ground Motions&Dixiong Yang,Haifeng Long,Wei Wang 153
Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Buried Pipeline&Weiwei Wang,Wei Liu 162
Performance of Earthquake Simulation Three Bi-axial Shaking Tables&F.Y.Huang,Z.M.Fang,Y.Q.Lin,Q.X.Wu 169
Research on Seismic Responses and Damage of Base Isolated Structure Impacted by Spectral Characteristics of Earthquake Ground Motion&Dongsheng Du,Weiqing Liu,Shuguang Wang,Weiwei Li 176
Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Moment Frames Designed Using Multiple Lateral Force Distributions:A Case Study&Jiulin Bai,Jinping Ou 187
Seismic Reliability Analysis of Buried Gas Pipes&Y.J.Lin,W.Liu,J.Li 196
Simulation of Spatial Variation of Seismic Ground Motions and Its Engineering Applications&Ding Wang,Yongbo Peng,Jie Li 202
Study on Design and Construction of Reaction Mass of Earthquake Simulation Triple Shaking Tables at Fuzhou University&Ziming Fang,Fuyun Huang,Baochun Chen,Zhouhong zong 209
An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Sandstone-like Material with Preset Filling Joints&Xinyu Liu,Aihua Liu,Bangbiao Wu 219
Benefit Analysis of Green Building&Wenxiang Ding,Yuhong Zhao,Xu Ji 227
Effects of Additives on Crack Control and Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Exposed to High Temperatures&H.Y.Zhang.S.L.Qi 234
Mechanical Properties of Waste Rubber Powder Modified Wood-plastic Composite Formwork&Jianlin Luo,Qiuyi Li,Shuai Zhang,Shengwei Sun,Yang Su 241
Modeling of Fatigue Life of FRP-concrete Interface&Ahmed M.Sayed,Xin Wang,Zhishen Wu 245
Origin of Sensing Property of Self-monitoring CNT Cementitious Composite&Shengwei Sun,Baoguo Han,Jinping Ou 255
Pushover Analysis of Masonry Infilled RC Frame with and without CFRP Strengthening&Z.Y.Wang.X.L.Pan 260
Strength of Partially Encased Composite Columns Subjected Eccentric Compression&Gentian Zhao,Minzhen Qin,Liaoyang Wang 268
Test and FEM Simulation on Shear Transfer Behavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete&Chang Sun,Jianzhuang Xiao,He Xie 273
The Piezoelectric Properties in PbZrxTi1-xO3 Ferroelectric Thin Film&Yizhen Wang,Jiayi Huang,Xiaoyan Lu 280
The Research and Application of Innovative Fiber Composite Structures in Civil Engineering&W.Q.Liu,H Fang,Y.Fang,J.Wang,Y.J.Qi,L.Wan 286
The Experimental and Numerical Snow-melting Investigation of Pavement with Embedded CNF&PTF as High-efficiency Thermal Source&Qiangqiang Zhang,Hui Li,Yikang Yu,Yanchao Zhou,Weizhe Chen,Tao Chen 295
A New Approach in Numerical Modeling of ETFE Cushions Based on Interaction Theory&Peng Li,Qingshan Yang 305
An Experimental Study on a Reinforced Concrete Frame Retrofitted with Buckling-restrained Brace and Steel Caging&Jiaguang Zhang,Bin Wu,Yang Mei 311
Analysis on Gravity Second-order Effects and Overall Stability of High-rise Diagrid Tube Structures&Jun Teng,Haixia Lv,Zuohua Li,Linfei Hao 318
Analysis on High Strength Concrete Frame Joint at Elevated Temperatures&Zhiwei Li,Jianzhuang Xiao,Yizhao Hou 327
Application of Stereovision-based Crack Detection Technique in Concrete Surface Evaluation&Baohua Shan 334
Aseismic Performances of Chinese Ancient Tenon-mortise Structures Strengthened by Different Methods&Qian Zhou,Weiming Yan 342
Coupling Effects between the Caisson-quay Wall and Backfilled Soil&Lizhe Jia,Mengge Wang,Qianqian Su,Xiaolin Jia 353
Ductility Evaluation Formula for Thin-walled Steel Structures Made of High Strength Structural Steel SM570&Hanbin Ge,Lan Kang,Rikuya Maruyama 359
Effect of Anchorage Exposed to Fire on Thermal and Structural Response of Prestressed Anchorage Systems&Xiaomeng Hou,Hongyu Sun,Wenzhong Zheng 365
Effect of Cooling Technique of Slag on the Behavior of Cement Bricks at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures&D.M.Sadek 373
Experiment Study on Influence of Initial Stress in Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Latticed Columns under Axial Load&Guan Yu,Fuyun Huang,Baochun Chen,Jianzhong Li 382
Field Measurement on Bending Stress of the Large-diameter Main Cable&Kun Yah,Ruili Shen,Maolin Tang 392
Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened With Basalt FRP Grids&Ahmed Yehia,Xin Wang,Zhishen Wu 399
Full Scale Surface Blast Test for Steel Blast Cubicles&Qiuhong Zhao,Sarah B.Janney,Zhongxian Li,Edwin G.Burdette,James E.Waller 408
Influence of Rigid Central Buckles on Dynamic Characteristics of a Super-long-span Triple-tower Suspension Bridge&Huaiyu Cheng,Hao Wang,Keguan Zou,Tianyou Tao,Tong Guo,Aiqun Li 421
Investigation on Dynamic Temperature Gradients of Concrete Component with Holes&Peisong Gong,Bo Chen,Shenglin Zhao,Wei Chen 430
Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Residual Stresses on the Mechanical Properties of Weld Thick Steel Plates&Fan Bai,Chao Su,Xiaofeng Wang,Na Yang 436
Numerical Investigation on Hot Spot Stress Concentration Factors of Welded Square Diamond Bird Beak T-joints Under in-plane Bending&Boris Combeau,Lewei Tong 441
Numerical Simulation of RC Frame Based on ABAQUS Beam Element&Yeshu Zhang,Xianling Gao,Jie Li 448
Numerical Simulation on Moment-rotation Behavior for Unbonded Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Beam-column Connections&Jianping Han,Jun Chen 458
Numerical Study of RC Frame Structure Subjected to Inside Blast&Xiaodan Ren 464
Parametric Studies on the Fire Resistance of Concrete-filled RHS Columns Exposed to 3-sided Fire&Faqi Liu,Hua Yang,Sumei Zhang 469
Parametric Study on LJF of Completely Overlapped Tubular Joint under Lap Brace In-plane Bending&Fei Gao,Biao Hu 474
Performances of Prior Damaged RC Columns in Seismic-induced Fire&B.Wu,W.Xiong 482
Simulation Based Stochastic Analysis of a Dynamic System&Wonhee Kang,Chunwei Zhang,Yah Yu 490
Strain Localization in Elastoplastic Damage Solids&Jianying Wu,Miguel Cervera 497
Study on the Key Technology of Membrane Roof Structure of Expo Axis in 2010 Shanghai World Expo&Hao Song,Hongbo Zhu 506
The Dynamic Performance of R.C.Frame-bent Main Building in Large-scale Thermal Power Plants including Roof System&Lizhe Jia,Deshen Chen 513
The Numerical Simulation and Simplified Model of Typical Bracket Sets in Yingxian Wood Pagoda under Vertical Loads&Lu Dai,Na Yang 519
Vibration Characteristics and Aseismic Performances of Shen-wu Gate in the Forbidden City&Qian Zhou,Weiming Yan 526
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Responses for the Tunnel Lining During Metro Operation&Xianyan Hu,Hongping Zhu,Dansheng Wang,Jinqiang Song 533
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