国内外最新继电保护及控制技术研究 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国电机工程学会继电保护专业委员会编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7517041801
- 页数:499 页
(1)New Development and Application of Protection 2
A Distinguish Method of Overload and Transmission Line Fault Based on Ucos?in Voltage Plane&Huangzhang Liu,Zexin Zhou,Xingguo Wang 2
A New Digital Relay Protection Device Using Single CPU&Wanfang Xu,Gang Xu,Qiurong Chen,Feng Gao 6
A UHV Transmission Line Protection Based on the Multi-frequency Information&Wei Li,Xingguo Wang,Zhongqing Li,Xiao Li,Xianguo Jiang 10
Adaptive Line Current Differential Relay for Two-Phase Transmission Line&Xiaochun Xu,Geming Liu,Qingchun Zhao,Xiaotong Zhu 16
Advanced Arc Protection Relay as the Main Busbar Protection in the MV Switchboards of the Substation&Lin Zhou,Xinzhi Ding,and Yue Yan 21
Coordinated Backup Protection Scheme for Smart Substation&Lin Liu,Jinghan He,Tony Yip 27
Design of Regional Integrated Protection Hardware Platform and Software Platform&Zhanfeng Fan,Shenyi Bai,Zhiqian Bo,Guobing Song and Shengming Ge 32
Development of Method to Detect the Permanent Fault in Transmission System based on Transient Stability&G.H. Gwon,Y.S. Oh,S.H. Sohn,H.S. Choi,D.S. Kim,C.H. Kim,and J.J. Yang 39
High-speed and High-reliability Protection Scheme for EHV/UHV Transmission Lines in Smart Substation&Sibei Luo,Houlei Gao,Dong Wang,and Guibin Zou 43
Impact of UPFC on Transmission Line Protection&Ning Xu,Hua Xie,Xin Yi,Qingchun Zhao,Guangwu Dai,Xiaotong Zhu,Lei Pan 50
Influence of Current Reverse on Protection for Series Compensated Line&Xiaotong Zhu,Qingchun Zhao,Hua Xie,Jun Shen,and Zhong Wang 59
Operation Analysis and Solution for Mal-operations of Transformer Buchholz Protection in a Transmission Utility&Jiang Yu,Hongyang Zhou,An Wen 66
Research in the Design of Measuring and Protection Device Based on Neural Neworks&Shaoliang Zhou,Li Chen,Wei Han 69
Research of Redundancy Line-protection of Smart Substation System&Yekai Wu,Liming Su,Yuepin Zhang 75
Research on Intelligent Protection Area Network Setting&Chunjie Li,Chenliang Pan,Liqiang Gu,Xiongli Li 80
Research on the Effects of TCPS on the Distance Protection&Zhuoran Kang,Dan Liu,Wensen Wang,and Xiaoning Kang 84
Study on Fault Characteristics of Multi-send HVDC System and its Impact on Protection&Jinping Liu,Haifeng Li,Guohao Mai,Maosheng Ding,Xiaoli Wang 90
Study on LC Detuning Failure Protection for the Static Blocking Filters&Qixue Zhang,Baoli Xu,Kai Wang,Guang Wang,Jun Chen,Xicai Zhao 97
Study on the Impact of AC Protection Employed in UHV AC/DC Hybrid Power Grid&Yi Wu,Yibin Guan,Qingchun Zhao,Yandong Zhang,and Hua Xie 102
The Application of Zero-phase Digital Filter Algorithm in Transformer Differential Protection&Chao Zhu,Xinzhi Ding and Hao Chen 111
The Study of Inter-turn Protection for the SCSR's Control Winding&Jifeng Wen,and Pinhao Mo 116
(2)Substation Automation System 122
A Joint Research on the Substation of the Future between Portugal and China&Ricardo Cartaxo,Fan Chen and Fernando Matos 122
A Kind of Power Quality Modeling Methods and Practice Based on the IEC 61850&Daixin Zhang,and Quan Gu 130
A Route of the Time Stamp Data Detection of Power System Based on Intelligent Substation Communication Physical Layer&Hong Chen,Dao nong Zhang,Xin Shu,Yubo Yuan 134
A Secondary Circuit Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Probability Statistics in Smart Substation&Liqing Ge,Liu Liu,Fan Yang,Jifeng Wen 139
Application ofGeneric Interface Conversion Device in Intelligentization Reconstruction for Busbar Protection&Huan Ye,Fengguang Wang,An Wen,Hang Lv,Manyong Zhao,Xin Jin,Xiao Gong,Min Mou 144
Application of Protection Relay Information in Substation&Fuqiang Zhou,Yutao Qiu,Danlu Xu,Weihong Hou 150
Application Research about Relay Information Based on IEC 61850 Model&Shaoqian Hu,Li Li,Zhong Qi,Qing Lin,Xiaoxiang Dai 155
Enhancement on Protection Application and Automation in Distribution System&Chun Kit Lit,Chi Hang Hau,Huibo Tu 165
Evaluation of Data Flow Control Analysis and Performance for Architecture of Secondary Substation System(AS3)Design&F. Dong,and H. Li,R. Zhang 170
Fault Location and Auto-Reclose for Hybrid Lines Based on the Application of FOCT&Jun Shen,Xiaotong Zhu,LiguoXu,Geming Liu,Qingchun Zhao,Jun Zhao 175
Field Trial of Process Bus Based Line Protection Using NCIT and CIT at Each Respective End&Keigo Adachi,Masahiro Yamaguchi,Yasuyuki Tanaka,Tadatsune Sato 181
First Meralco IEC 61850 Smart Substation—Challenges and Learnings&V.V. Nicolas,A.A. Alagao,L.J.C. Maagma,R.A. Cullano,A.M. Abuel,Jr 187
IEC 61850 Engineering Process of Multivendor Intelligent Electronic Devices for Breaker Failure Protection Scheme&Mohd Noorfazly Noran,and Zainoren Shukri 198
Research of Graphical IEC 61850 Modeling and Automatic Processing&Yadong Feng,Guodong Wang,Hongjun Chen,Jifeng Wen,Quanrong Shen,Songlin Chen 204
Research on New Type of Merging Unit for Operation and Maintenance&Qian Zhao,Guoming Qian,and Fufeng Chen 209
Smart Digital Substation Deployment—Feedback on Contract Execution and In-service Experience&S.H. Richards,and A. Varghese 216
The Discussion about Scheme of IED's Data Model Management in IEC 61850 SA Project&Xiaoxiang Dai 221
The VLAN Based Configuration Principles of Network Load in Digital Substation&Yanming Ren,Xin Huang,Xi Tang,Zheng Li 224
UML and XML Applications to Protection and Control&A.P. Apostolov 228
(3)Stability Analysis and Control 236
A Study on Procedure of Selecting Reactive Power Compensator Location to Improve Transient Stability&Sungchul Hwang,Hyunwook Kim,Minhan Yoon,and Gilsoo Jang 236
An Under-voltage and Under-frequency Load Shedding Scheme Based on State Space Graph&Yuehai Yu,Yuxiang Shi,Xiaochen Cai,Fenqing Wei,Hongtao Yang,Daonong Zhang 240
Application of Stability Control System in AC-DC Hybrid Power Grid&Yang Bai,Dongxu Chang,Ke Xu,Shangxue Xia,Zuyi Ren 247
China's Power System and Relay Protection Technique in Preventing Blackout for the World&Dingzhong Meng 252
Development and Application of a Wide Area Response Based Power System Transient Stability Detection Analysis & Simulation Software&Jinquan Zhao,Yujie Zhang,Pan Zhang,Xiaoming Jin,Chao Fu,HongxinLi 261
New Frequency Estimation Solution with High Stability for Load Shedding&Jinlei Xing,Chenliang Xu,Lifan Yang and George Evans 267
Power System Stabilizer Design for Multimachine Power System Using Genetic Algorithm&Abinet Tesfaye,J.H. Zhang,D.H. Zheng,and D.N. Zhang 274
Research and Application of Low Frequency Oscillation Detection Device&Shangxue Xia,Yang Bai,Zuyi Ren,Liang Wang,Ke Xu 283
Research and Application of Power Stability Control System in Ecuadorian State Power Grid&Zuyi Ren,Nan Gao,Yang Bai,Shangxue Xia,Ke Xu,Bifeng Wang 287
Smart Load Shedding Strategy for Minimized Supply Interruption&Qiteng Hong,Andrew J. Roscoe,and Campbell D. Booth 293
Systemic Protection System of Ecuadorian Power System&Verónica Flores S.,Roberto Barba B.,Gabriel Argüello R. 300
TEPCO's Experience of Stability Problems and Development of Wide Area Special Protection Scheme without Telecommunication&T.Yasuda,Y. Suzuki,Y. Ichikawa,H. Oshida,Y. Kowada,H. Nishino 306
(4)Wide Area Monitoring,Protection and Control 316
Development of a WAMS laboratory for Assessing PDC Compliance with the IEEE C37.244 Standard&A. Nechifor,M. Albu,R. Hair,P. Dattaray,P. Wall,and V. Terzija 316
Implementation of a Wide Area Monitoring Scheme for the Indian Power System&Peter Harding,Ritesh Bharat,Graeme Lloyd,Abraham Varghese,Nilesh Raje 321
P Class Synchrophasors and Their Applications&A.P. Apostolov 331
Research on Power Oscillation Identification in PMU&Yun Wang,He Wang,Daonong Zhang,and Jian Shen 338
Synchronized Information Platform for Integrated Wide Area Protection and Control&Z.Q. Bo,Q.P. Wang,B.H. Zhang,B.M. Zhang and F.Q. Zhou 342
Wide Area Monitoring and Control for Power Grid Low Frequency Oscillation Problem&Bonian Shi,Zhichao Liu,and Daonong Zhang 347
(5)Protection and Control for Renewable Energy Generation 354
A Research on High-precision Power Forecast Method for Photovoltaic Power Station&Kai Zhao,Jingtao Han,Shenqiang Wang,Yiming Wang 354
An Integrated Monitor and Control System Proposed for PV Generation Grid-connection&Peng Gao,Dianfeng Wu 358
Analysis and Calculation of Short-circuit Current Contributed by Photovoltaic Generation&DiZheng,Jinxin Ouyang,Xiaofu Xiong,Chao Xiao,Ruimiao Wang,Jin Gao 363
Application in Power Plant for Active Power and Reactive Power Automatic Fast Control Based on Scaled small Hydropower Stations&Yong Xiao,Jinhui Wu,Shaohua Jiao,Xiankui Wen,Gang Liu,Xiaojin Chen 368
Application of AGC/AVC in Large Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Station&Wei Huang,Yanlei Jin,Hao Xu,Xiaoping Wang 374
Coordinated Voltage Control of a Doubly-fed Induction Generator-based Wind Power Plant Using a Voltage Change&G. Park,J. Kim,Y.C. Kang 378
Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation on Wind Farm Based on Changeable Weight AHP Considering Technical and Economic Factors&Xiangying Duan,Xueying Wang,Kai Chen 382
Improvement on Special Protection System Design for Sending-end Power Grid with High Penetration of Wind Power&Bonian Shi,Zhichao Liu and Daonong Zhang 387
Research on High Impedance Fault Detection in Wind Farm Collective Feeders&Jiang Ni,Bin Wang,Yuanyuan Lu,Xinzhou Dong,and Daonong Zhang 392
Stepwise Inertial Control to Prevent Over-Deceleration&D. Yang,J. Lee,and Y.C. Kang 398
System Design and Control for String PV Inverter&Yong Li,Jingxiao Wang,Yong Guo,Gaoxiang Mi,Weiqun Liu 402
The Challenges that Distributed Energy Resources Present to Protection and Control Systems&A.P. Apostolov 407
Time Function for Output Power of Photovoltaic System Based on the Influence of Micro Weather Factors&Hong Li,Zizi Zhang,Yang Zhao,and Jing Zhu 413
The research on Optimization Design of DFIG Crowbar&Jun Chen,Xiaofu Xiong,Rui Yu,Chao Xiao,Jinxin Ouyang,Yu Chen 420
(6)Protection and Control for HVDC 426
A Novel Directional Comparison Pilot Protection for Hybrid HVDC Transmission Lines Based on Fault Traveling Wave Energy&Yanting Wang,Baohui Zhang,and Fei Kong 426
A Novel Integrated Disturbance Identification Method for±800kV UHVDC Transmssion Line Protection&Fei Kong,Baohui Zhang,Yanting Wang 432
A Realization of HVDC Grid DC Transformer Based on AC/DC Converter&Peng Yang,Shicong Ma,Adapa Ram,Xu Zhang,Jing Yang and Xu Cen 437
Analysis on Grounding Mode of Multi-Terminal VSC-DC Distribution System Based on Hybrid Converters&Gang Sun,Bonian Shi,Yuming Zhao 441
Application of Multiterminal Voltage Sourced Converter in Zhoushan Project&Zhaoqing Hu,Yunlong Dong,Jie Tian,Haiying Li,Dongming Cao 449
Control and Protection Sequence of an Offshore Integrated MMC MTDC System with Master-Slave/Droop Control under Converter AC-Side Fault&Puyu Wang,Xiaoping Zhang,Na Deng,Paul F. Coventry,and Ray Zhang 454
Control and Protection System Design for Tripole HVDC Transmission System&M. Hu,W. Bao and Z.X. Shao 460
Overview of the Worid First Five-terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission Project&Peng Gao,Zhenxia Shao,Long Xu,Dianfeng Wu 467
Research on Control Strategy for MMC based DC Distribution Network&Shupeng Li,Bonian Shi,Yuming Zhao,Zhenyu Xu 473
Research on Islanding Mode of UHVDC and Its Operation Control Strategy&Jianming Wang,Jian Zhang,Chuandong Li,Dawei Ren,Yonghua Yin 479
Study on the Influence Law of AC Asymmetrical Fault on HVDC System Commutation Failure&Yanting Wang,and Baohui Zhang 484
Summary of UHVDC Line Fault Recovery Function and Its Practical Simulation Calculation Method&Junchuan Jia,Haijing Zhou,Ji Luan,Jingzhe Tu,Qiang Yu,and Lei Yun 491
(7)System Planning,Analysis,Operation and Control 496
A New Dynamic Optimization Method of Voltage and Reactive Power Control Strategy for UHV System&Xin Wang,Shicong Ma,Jian He,Shanshan Wang,Zeng Bing,Jian Zhang 496
A New Processing Approach for Unstructured Data in Power System based on MapReduce Technology&Xiaojun Li,Shaohua Jiao,Hong Cao,Liqiang Zhang,Zhenghao Gao,Yang Yi 502
A Scheme to Apply Time Series Database in Energy Management System&Liu Liu,Jun Du,Yandong Zhang,Biyong Liu 507
A Study on Torsional Effects of Turbine-Generator Shaft System Caused by Electric Arc Fumace&J.K. Park,S.J. Chung,H.S. Choi,D.S. Kim,C.H. Kim,J.J. Yang,Z.M. Radojevic 510
A Template Definition Method for Relay Protection Based on EMS&Kuanghua Qiao,Huaning Zhang and Mingyi He 515
Analysis and Research on 500kV Bus Power Imbalance in Dispatching End UHV near Zone&Mingjun Yuan,Hao Jiang,Qiang Li,Daonong Zhang 519
Application Analysis and Improvement Measures ofthe Automatic Voltage Control System Based on the EMS Platform&Shimin Wu,Jiarong Sheng,Liqiang Gu,Zhong Wei,Qi Zhu 524
Balance Control Based on Power System Self-organized Criticality&Qing He,Jianbo Guo,shicong Ma,Qun Yu 529
City-county Unified EMS System Solutions and Comparison&Feng Zhan,Gaofeng Zhang,Zhiliang Shi,Caiyun Lu 535
Coordinated Control Strategies for SVCs of Large Capacity&YongDing,Chihan Chen,Lei Zhang,Xiaoming Li and Haiyin Li 538
Minimum Transforrner Losses Based on Transformer Economic Operation and Optimized Tie-switches Placement&Boyi Zhang,and Peter.A. Crossley 543
Multi-objective Planning of Multi-type Distributed Generation Considering Correlations&Jing Zhu,Yajing Gao,Jianpeng Liu and Zizi Zhang 550
Perspectives for the integration of distinct data sources used in automation systems&Marco A.M. Rodrigues,Luiz C. Lima,Jo?o C.C. de Oliveira,Ayru L. de Oliveira Filho,Nivaldo Lambert,Paulo Stein and Raul B. Sollero 557
Research for the Quality Assessment of Electric Power SCADA Based on the State Estimation&Xuri Song,Xiaochen Ma,Miao Wang,Lingxu Guo,Shunjiang Wang,Jun Wu 565
Research on Information Integration of Smart Dispatching System Based on Model Harmonization&Siyuan Fei,Liqiang Gu,Lin Zhang,Jian Shen,Qi Zhu and Zhe Du 569
Study of Reactive Shunt Compensation Coordination with SVC and CSR at 750kV Substation&Zhongyuan Zhao,Xiaoming Li,Qiwen Zhou,Xinbao Wang and Xicai Zhao 574
Summary on Secure Operation Coordinate Control System for Intelligent Interactive Bulk Power System&J.Y. Luo,H.F. Li,Y. Zhang,Y. F. Jiang,C.L.Xu,Y. Zou,and L. Liu 578
The Integrated Protect and Control System Based on Multiple Information Interaction&Yutao Qiu,Li Li,Yudong Fang,Yang Bai,Tiejun Hu 583
The Research of Wide-area Distributed Intelligence Alarm&Zhe Zhang,Jun Li,Jian Ning,Xu Xie,Xin Shan,Yong Zhang 588
The Study about Optimal Placement of VSC BTB HVDC Considering Fault Current Reduction and Reactive Power Compensation&Jaehyeong Lee,Changhee Han,Minhan Yoon,and Gilsoo Jang 593
Topology Error Identification Method Based on Active Power Estimation of Switch Branch&Yi Wang,Yan Li 598
Torsional Dynamics of Parallel Turbine Generators with Close Torsional Frequencies&Peng Zhang,Tianshu Bi 603
(8)Distribution Automation and Microgrid 610
A Local Power Balancing Method of Low-voltage Network Contained Distributed Generation Based on DC Interconnection&Jinxin Ouyang,Xiaofu Xiong,Tingli Hu,Xiaoyong Zhang,Ruilin Xu,Di Zheng 610
A Novel Technique for Fault Level Prediction in Active Distribution Networks&Hengxu Ha,Sankara Subramanian,Krishnakumar Venkataraman 617
An Enhanced Reactive Power Sharing and Voltage Recovering Strategy for Inverter-based Distributed Generations Connectedto a Microgfid&Y.R. Wang,J.H. Zhang,D.H. Zheng,and D.N.Zhang 622
An Improved algorithm for fault indication information using data of zero-sequence and positive sequence in DAS&H.S. Kim, J.E. Park,M.S. Choi,S.J. Lee 630
An Islanding Detection Method Based on Voltage Harmonics and Adaptive Power Disturbance&Yunkun Xu,Tony Yip,Jinghan He,Zhicheng Li and Zelong Chen 634
Construction of Protection and Control System for Active Distribution Network&Zhang Song 640
Multi-objective Optimization Schedule of Active Distribution System Based on Harmony Search Algorithm&Fuping Yan,Jiandong Duan,Kaiyu Wang,Teng Mu,Yang Lei,Lupeng Chen 644
Relay Coordination of Highly Meshed Distribution Grids in the Presence of Volatile Infeed and Power Flow Control&M. Biller and J. Jaeger 650
Research for Micro-grid Application Based on 110kV Disney Substation&Yuxiang Zheng,Senior Member,Lumin Fu,Fellow,Bangpeng Xie,Haojun Xu 656
Research on the Direction of Installed CT for Distribution Automation System&H.S. Kim,J.E. Park,M.S. Choi,S.J. Lee 661
Study on Control Strategy of Microgrid Hybrid Energy Storage System Based on Experts PI Control&D. Wei,D.H. Zheng,D.N. Zhang and W. Zhang 665
The Research and Application of Automatic Mapping in Distribution Automation System&Fangzheng Sheng,Wen Chang,Chaojie Lu,Yu Guo,Yuebin Hou 671
The Study of Supercapacitor'Transient Power Quality Improvement on Microgrid&D.H. Zheng,D.N. Zhang,W. Zhang and D. Wei 675
(9)Simulation and Testing 682
Development of a new type real-time digital simulator&Zhiyong Li,Yaping Li,Pengpeng Zhou,Wei Wang 682
Functional Testing of IEC 61850 Substations&T. Schossig 687
How Should We Isolate Multifunctional IEDs for Testing in IEC 61850 Systems&A.P. Apostolov 692
Innovative and Integrated Field Testing on Busbar Differential Protection&C. Pritchard,F. Fink,T. Hensler,and N. Ji 698
Realization and Application of RTDS?Simulator for IEC 61850 Relays in China&Y. Chen,D.S. Ouellette,E. Xu 703
Research on Practical Test Technology of Protection Device Based on RTDS-GTNET&F. Peng,H.L. Gao,S.B. Luo,and Y.Q. Liu 709
Research on the Equivalent Circuit Modeling ofTransmission Lines and Sensitivity Analysis in Electromagnetic Transient Simulation&Shicong Ma,Hua Zhang,QingHe,Yanchen Yang and Zhao Yang 714
RTDS Automated Test Scripts for IEC 61850 MMS&E. Xu,D.S. Ouellette,and Y. Chen 719
Simulation and Verification of System Commissioning Test for the Second 750kV Channel Project Interconnecting Xinjiang Grid with Northwest China Main Grid&Xuzhi Luo,Jian Zhang,Shuanbao Niu,Bin Zheng,Junchuan Jia 724
The Approximate Equivalent Method of Reactance and Its Application in Accelerating Speed of EMTP Simulation&Chuanjun Bai,Xiang Zhang 729
Whole-view Test Approach and System for Relay Protection in Smart Substation&Qiaoping Chen,Zhongyang Su,Yong Huang,Wei Lu 733
(10)Fault Recording and Fault Location 740
A Fault Location Algorithm for Series Compensated Lines Based on Two-end Information&Shien He,Xiaoning Kang,Zaibin Jiao,Long Zhao,Liang Lu,Rong Huang 740
A Novel Traveling-wave Fault Location Method for Double-circuit HVDC Transmission Lines on the Same Tower&Lvxing Guo,Haifeng Li,Yingdan Qiu,Yuansheng Liang 746
Improvement of Fault Location Method Based on Impedance Measurement&Shanshan Luo,Chenliang Xu,Libao Xu,Lifan Yang 752
Research on the Location of Phase to Ground Fault for Distribution Network Using Transient Signals&Shicong Ma,Qing He,Jun Yi,Mian Du,Yanchen Yang and Hua Zhang 761
Synchronization Method for Fault Recorders of Different Substations Based on Curve Features&Gang Duan,Dong Yang,Zhichao Liu,Gang Liu,Daonong Zhang 766
Topology-based Fault Location Method for Distribution Networks&M. M. Saha,E. Rosolowski,J. Izykowski,and P. Pierz 770
Travelling Wave Fault Location Principle Based on Differential Output of Rogowski Coil&Houlei Gao,Dong Wang,Minjiang Xiang,Guibin Zou 777
(11)Communication for Protection and Automation Purpose 784
A Smart Substation Communication Component with the Awareness Function ofthe Power Business&Feng Deng,Yiyu Xia,and Gaofeng Zhao 784
Analyses and Solution of Process-Level Network Storm in Smart Substation&Tianxiao Huang,Ping Liu,Chao Meng,Peiran Wang,Guangming Xin 791
Analysis and Testing of Model for Wireless Communications in Smart Substation&Baoyin Bian,Xin Huang 794
Application of SIMADYN D Serial Communication Protocol in Gui-Guang HVDC Project&Xiaopeng Chen,Huan Chen,Peng Zhong 799
Application Research of a Kind of Real-time Switch System Based on PTN Architecture in Smart Substation&Qiwei Du,Shuchao Fang,and Daonong Zhang 802
Bandwidth Calculation Method Research and Application on Digital Communication Network for Multimedia Businesses&Xiande Bu,Shouyong Li,Binglin Li and Wenfeng Tian 807
Overview of Development and Technical Verification of Network Switch in Smart Substations&Xin Huang,Wenmeng Li,Daonong Zhang,Yongfu Wang,Yuxiang Shi 813
Research and Analysis of Communication Networking Model in Active Distribution Power Grid&Qin Li,Junli Zong,Xiaoyang He 819
Ring Protection System Using Packet/Frame-based Communication&Ayako Fukui,Hideaki Sugiura,Takaya Shono,Tomonori Nishida,Seiichi Kohiga,Yoshiharu Ichikawa 826
Study on Business and Operation Support System for IMS Services&Binglin Li,Hongzhen Yang,Xiande Bu,Wenfeng Tian 832
The Research on Network Pressure Test Method of Relay Protection in Smart Substation&Yue Yu,Chunxia Zhou,Rongrong Zhan,Yanjun Li,and Zhihua Zhan 838
TWACS and the Methods for Active Distribution Networks&Bin Shu,Tong Zhou,Daonong Zhang,Wei Li,Lu Yin,Xuenan Li,Xin Sun 842
(12)Condition Monitoring Availabitity and Reliability 848
A Health Index Model Based on Data Input from Online Monitoring System for Power Transformer Asset Management&Tingdong Fan,Xi Tang,and Yanming Ren 848
A Novel Method for Condition Monitoring of MOA in Smart Substation&Xi Tang,Yanming Ren and Tingdong Fan 855
Application of the Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis in Comprehensive Evaluation of Thermal Power Units&Liqun Shang,Shoupeng Wang 859
Based on Comprehensive Analysis of Electro-Acoustic Multidimensional Signal Transformer Discharge Pattern Recognition&Yong Wang,Shiming Li,Xiaqin Chang,Changkai Zhang,Hengxun Su 865
Cable Fault Detection(CFD)System Employing Remote Terminals without DC Power Supply Using Digital Communication over Optical Fibers&S. Tanaka,M. Okai,H. Sugiura,T. Mori,K. Motoyama,H. Soejima,K. Iihoshi 870
Continuous Trip Coil Monitoring&Gajendiran Balakrisshnan,Xia Yang,Yongyue Ma,Hengxu Ha,Krishnakumar Venkataraman,Simon Richards 878
Improvement to Conditional Reliability Coherency by Compromising Availabilities of Primary Equipments and Relay Protections&Shaofeng Liu,Shenghu Li,Bijun Li,and Yongjie Fang 884
Research on Transformer Failure Prediction and Fault Diagnosis Based on GM-BP and PNN&Yaoye Zhu 890
Online Monitoring Information System Based on IEC 61850 Subscription and Publishing Method&Wei Wang,Xianyan Pang,Liping Wang,Xiangfei Yang,Dapeng Li 894
Operational Reliability Assessment of Protection System Based on Semi-Markov Model&Zhihui Dai,and Tianyu Zhang 898
Power Equipment Risk Management Based on Refined Meteorological Information&Xiaofu Xiong,Jian Wang,Shijie Weng,Zhe Li,and Yun Liang 902
Research of Online Protection Operation Evaluation System and Framework&Zhihui Dai,Xuan Liu,and Yanjun Jiao 907
Research on Online Secondary Circuit Monitoring for Smart Substation&Jun Chen,Yong Liu,Kaipeng Bao,Rui Yu,Yu Chen 913
Research on Secondary Equipment Monitoring and Analysis Model Based on CIM&Chao Sun,Dehe Liu Zhixue Zhang,and Wenkai Ai 918
Research on the Technology and Application of Station Level Online Monitoring of Smart Substation&Bo Li,Yu Xi,Tian Chen,Zexiang Cai 922
Study and Application about Maintenance Strategy of Power Transformer Based on Multidimensional Information&Leiyuan Wei,Zhiyong Niu,Shenqiang Wang,Jingtao Han 928
(13)Auxiliary Power Supply 934
An Intelligent Load Control Scheme Based on IEC 61850 for Auxiliary Power System of Hydropower Plant&Lingling Zhang,Wei Hou,Yong Shi,Wei Yan,Jun Chen 934
Analysis and Solutions of Low Voltage Ride Through of Power Plant Auxiliary Machines&Wenbo Chen,Li Wang,Zhonghua Mei,Bao Zhang,Jianfeng Mi 940
Analysis of an HVDC Converter Station Forced Blocking Accident and Improvement Measures&Yelu Tu,Rui Zhu,Li Wang,Xinxiang Wang 943
Analysis of Ground Fault in DC System and Exploration to the Countermeasures&Bingwei Yu,Li Wang,and Wenbo Chen 947
Analysis,Countermeasures and Improvement Measures of Battery Pack Accident in Substation or Power-plant&Dong Chen,Xianzhang Wu,Jian Chen,Jianguo Tan,Guobin Zhong 951
Overview and Application of Treatment Technology for Low Voltage Ride Through Capacity of the Coal Feeder in Thermal Power Plant&Yujun Sun,Yujun Yin,Liubao Ding 955
Reliability Evaluation of Substation DC System&Xiaoming Huang,Qingfang Si,Tao Yang,Xidong Xu 959
Research and Development of Active Ground Protection Device for DC System&Xiaoming Huang,Tao Yang,Xueyi Zou,Li Wang 962
Study on DC System Based on Intrinsic Safety Design&Li Wang,Xueyi Zou,and Wenbo Chen 968
Appendix 973
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