燃煤烟气汞排放控制 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴江等著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787313141101
- 页数:160 页
1 Mercury and Its Effectson Environment and Human's Health 1
1.1 Mercury Emission Sources 1
1.2 Mercury Speciation and Its Transportation 3
1.3 The Effect of Mercury on Environment and Human's Health 4
References 13
2 The Status of Mercury Emission from Coal Combustion Power Station 19
2.1 Flue Gas Mercury Emission and Its Speciation 20
2.2 The Status of Mercury Emission in the USA 23
2.3 The Status of Mercury Emission in China 24
2.4 The Status of Global Mercury Emission 26
References 29
3 Coal-Fired-Derived Flue Gas Mercury Measurement 31
3.1 Ontario Hydro Method(OHM) 32
3.1.1 Introduction of OHM 32
3.1.2 Procedure and QA/QC of OHM 32
3.2 Semicontinuous Emission Monitor(SCEM) 34
3.2.1 Introduction of SCEM 34
3.2.2 Comparison Between Different SCEM Methods 36
3.3 Appendix K(Sorbent Trap Method) 43
3.4 Comparison Between Different Mercury Emission Measurement Methods 43
3.4.1 Comparison Between SCEM and OHM 43
3.4.2 Comparison Between OHM,SCEM,and Appendix K 47
3.5 The Effects of Mercury Measurements on Mercury Speciation 50
References 52
4 The Influence Factors on Mercury Speciation 55
4.1 The Effect of Halogen on Mercury Speciation 57
4.1.1 The Effect of Chlorine and Chloride on Mercury Speciation 58
4.1.2 The Effect of Other Halogen on Mercury Speciation 61
4.1.3 Addition of Hydrogen Bromide(HBr) 62
4.1.4 Addition of Hydrogen Iodine(HI) 63
4.1.5 Comparison of Impacts on Hg(0)Oxidation by Different Halogen Additives 64
4.2 The Effect of SO2,NOx,and Other Constitutes on Mercury Speciation 68
4.2.1 The Effect of SOx on Mercury Speciation 68
4.2.2 The Effect of NOx on Mercury Speciation 70
4.2.3 The Effect of NO and SO2 on Mercury Oxidation by HCl 71
4.2.4 The Effect of H2O on Mercury Speciation 72
4.2.5 The Effect of Fly Ash on Mercury Speciation 73
References 74
5 Coal-Fired Flue-Gas Mercury Control Technologies 77
5.1 The Co-benefit of Existing Air Pollution Control Devices(APCDs) 79
5.2 Sorbent Development and Its Mercury Emission Removal Efficiency 84
5.2.1 Activated Carbon(AC)and Powdered Activated Carbon(PAC) 85
5.2.2 Modified Powdered Activated Carbon 88
5.2.3 Fly Ash 95
5.2.4 Novel Sorbent 100
5.3 Evaluation of the Effect of Sorbent Injection on Mercury Removal 111
5.4 Additives into the Coal Combustion 125
5.5 Multi-poilution Emission Control Technology 129
5.6 The Developing Trend of Coal-Fired Flue-Gas Mercury Emission Controls 146
5.6.1 Fuel/Raw Material Pretreatment 146
5.6.2 Existing Air Pollution Control Devices(APCDs) 147
5.6.3 Mercury Adsorption 147
5.6.4 Mercury Oxidation 149
References 153
Index 159
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