新东方 剑桥雅思语法精讲精练PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)DianaHopkins,(英)PaulineCullen编著;耿耿译
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787553631639
- 页数:258 页
1 Present tenses现在时态 1
present simple; present continuous; state verbs 1
Test practice: Listening Section 1 6
2 Past tenses 1过去时态1 8
past simple; past continuous; used to; would 8
Test practice: Academic Reading 14
3 Present perfect现在完成时 18
present perfect simple and continuous 18
Test practice: General Training Writing Task 1 25
4 Past tenses 2过去时态2 27
past perfect simple; past perfect continuous 27
Test practice: Academic Reading 34
5 Future 1将来时态1 38
plans, intentions and predictions: present continuous; going to; will 38
Test practice: General Training Reading 44
6 Future 2将来时态2 48
present simple; be about to; future continuous; future perfect 48
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 54
7 Countable and uncountable nouns可数名词和不可数名词 55
countable and uncountable nouns; quantity expressions(many, much, a lot of,some, any, a few, few,no) 55
Test practice: Academic Reading 60
8 Referring to nouns指称名词 64
articles; other determiners(demonstratives, possessives, inclusives: each, every, both,all, either, neither etc.) 64
Test practice: Listening Section 4 71
9 Pronouns and referencing代词及其指代 73
personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns; avoiding repetition 73
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 79
10 Adjectives and adverbs形容词和副词 80
describing things; adding information about manner, place, time, frequency and intensity 80
Test practice: General Training Reading 87
11 Comparing things比较事物 90
comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; other ways of comparing; comparing nouns and quantities 90
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 1 97
12 The noun phrase名词短语 98
noun+prepositional phrase; noun+participle clause; noun+to-infinitive clause 98
Test practice: Academic Reading 103
13 Modals 1情态动词1 107
ability; possibility; alternatives to modals 107
Test practice: Listening Section 4 113
14 Modals 2 情态动词2 114
obligation and necessity; suggestions and advice; adverbs 114
Test practice: General Training Reading Section 2 120
15 Reported speech间接引语 123
tense changes; time references; reporting questions; reporting verbs 123
Test practice: Listening Section 3 131
16 Verb+verb patterns动词+动词形式 133
verb+to-infinitive; verb+-ing; verb+preposition+-ing; verb+infinitive without to 133
Test practice: Academic Reading 140
17 Likelihood based on conditions 1基于条件的可能性1 144
zero, first and second conditionals; other ways to introduce a condition 144
Test practice: Academic Reading 150
18 Likelihood based on conditions 2基于条件的可能性2 154
third conditional; mixed conditionals; wishes and regrets; should(n’t) have 154
Test practice: Academic Reading 160
19 Prepositions介词 164
prepositions after verbs, adjectives and nouns; prepositional phrases 164
Test practice: Listening Section 2 171
20 Relative clauses关系从句 173
relative pronouns; defining and non-defining relative clauses; prepositions 173
Test practice: Academic Reading 180
21 Ways of organising texts组织文章的方式 184
subject choice; introductory it; ellipsis; organising information; it- and what-clauses 184
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 190
22 The passive被动语态 191
the passive; reporting with passive verbs; have something done; need+-ing 191
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 1 197
23 Linking ideas概念之间的连接 198
conjunctions, adverbials and prepositions; linking expressions 198
Test practice: Academic Reading 206
24 Showing your position in a text在文中表明你的立场 210
pronouns; adverbs; verbs; adjectives 210
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 215
25 Nominalisation in written English书面英语中的名词化 216
forming nouns from other parts of speech(verbs, adjectives and linking words) 216
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 1 222
Key 223
Recording scripts 240
Appendix 1: Irregular verbs 256
Appendix 2: Phrasal verbs 257
CD Tracklist 258
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