![大连理工大学生物医学工程学术论文集 第3卷](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/62/s660a13e.jpg)
![大连理工大学生物医学工程学术论文集 第3卷](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/62/s660a13e.jpg)
大连理工大学生物医学工程学术论文集 第3卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邱天爽主编;贾凌云,刘波,洪昕,苏志勋,刘惠,唐一源,钟明军,刘天庆,覃开蓉副主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787561182543
- 页数:429 页
生物力学与康复工程 3
全文收录: 3
FRET技术在应力信号转导研究中的应用&刘波,覃开蓉 3
年龄因素对人体常速步态踝关节动力学特征的影响研究&刘海斌,元文学,王杰群,曹厚文 10
Fluid-structure interaction modeling of upper airways before and after nasal surgery for ob-structive sleep apnea &WANG Ying, WANG Jie, LIU Ying-xi, et al 18
Induced pluripotent stem cells generated from human adipose-derived stem cells using a non-viral polycistronic plasmid in feeder-free conditions&QU Xin-jian, LIU Tian-qing, JIANG Li-li, GUO Wen-hua, et al 39
Transportation of dynamic biochemical signals in non-reversing oscillatory flows in blood vessels &ZHU Yong, LI Yi-zeng, QIN Kai-Rong, TANG Hong, et al 53
急性无氧功率自行车运动对颈总动脉弹性模量和局部血液动力学的影响&朱勇,侯杰,刘波,朱亚冰,邱天爽,覃开蓉 62
冠脉支架优化设计方法的研究&李红霞,王希诚 72
基于实时评测的自适应步行康复训练模式研究&朱林剑,吴海帆,包海涛,郑志超,周志阳 80
股骨内固定系统的力学分析&朱祎国,刘春晓 86
基于倾角的跌倒检测方法与系统研究&朱勇,张研,宋佳,邱天爽 93
摘要收录: 100
一种三维压电晶体测力平台静态标定方法&刘海斌,元文学,王正树,何志强 100
Enhancement of Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Differentiation in Scaffolds with IGF-I Gene Im-pregnation Under Dynamic Microenvironment&ZHU Yan-xia, LIU Tian-qing, GUO Wen-hua, JIANG Li-li, et al 101
Comparison of mesenchymal stem cells released from Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) copoly-mer film and by trypsinization &YANG Lei, LIU Tian-qing, JIANG Li-li, et al 102
胶原-壳聚糖复合支架体外三维培养神经干细胞&关水,刘天庆,葛丹,陆瑞欣,马学虎,崔占峰 103
壳聚糖-明胶-透明质酸-硫酸肝素复合支架的制备及性能评价&林小敏,关水,葛丹,刘天庆,马学虎,崔占峰 104
神经干细胞体外三维培养模型的构建&关水,葛丹,陆瑞欣,刘天庆,马学虎,崔占峰 105
耳鼻咽喉器官生物力学模型研究进展&刘迎曦,孙秀珍,于申 106
基于神经网络的人中耳内边界参数识别&刘迎曦,李生,孙秀珍 107
人内耳前庭系统膜迷路流固耦合数值模拟&沈双,刘迎曦,孙秀珍 108
影响药物洗脱支架药物释放的主要因素&张艺浩,王希诚 109
偏瘫康复方法研究与康复仪研制&朱林剑,周志阳 110
基于双轴角度传感器的足下垂功能电刺激系统&朱勇,商云晶,宋佳,邱天爽 111
生物医学材料 115
全文收录: 115
基于可见光波段的L3光子晶体谐振腔集成微流槽折射率生物传感器&曹暾,覃开蓉,闫卫平 115
Amelioration of Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis Rats by Blood Purification Treatment using 4-Mercaptoethylpyridine Based Adsorbent&REN Jun, BAI Ying, HAO Lan, DONG Yan, PI Zhi-qian, et al 121
A bio-inspired micropump based on stomatal transpirationin plants&LI Jing-min, LIU Chong, XU Zheng, WANG Li-ding 132
Tissue Induction, the Relationship between Biomaterial’s Microenvironment and Mesenchy-mal Stem Cell Differentiation&XU Wen-feng, LIAO Xiao-ling, Zhang Ling, LIU Bo 139
X光显影聚合物的合成及应用&桑琳,王光硕,魏志勇,齐民 148
Fabrication and Evaluation of a Sustained-Release Chitosan-based Scaffold Embedded with PLGA microspheres &SONG Ke-dong, LIU Ying-chao, et al 154
摘要收录: 167
Blood Purification Techniques &REN Jun, WEI Hou-liang, XU Li, JIA Ling-yun 167
Directional cell migration through cell-cell interaction on polyelectrolyte multilayers withswelling gradients&HAN Lu-lu, MAO Zheng-wei, WU Jin-dan, et al 168
Influences of surface chemistry and swelling of salt-treated polyelectrolyte multilayers on mi-gration of smooth muscle cells&HAN Lu-lu, MAO Zheng-wei, WU Jin-dan, GAO Chang-you, et al 169
Organic Silicone Sol-gel Polymer as a Non-covalent Carrier of Receptor Proteins for Label-free Optical Biosensor Application&REN Jun, WANG Ling-hua, HAN Xiu-you, CHENG Jian-fang, et al 170
荧光共振能量转移技术在细胞离子研究中的应用&刘波,邵帅,谢飞,河川 171
A multilayer microdevice for cell-based high throughput drug screening&LIU Chong, WANG Lei, XU Zheng, LI Jing-min, Wang Li-ding 172
A polydimethylsiloxane electrophoresis microchip with a thickness controllable insulatinglayer for capacitatively coupled contactless conductivity detection&LIU Jun-shan, XU Fei, WANG Si-feng, CHEN Zuan-guang, et al 173
Monolithic integration of three-material microelectrodes for electrochemical detection on PM-MA substrates &LIU Jun-shan, QIN Jun, LI Jing, LI Dong-yue, et al 174
PCL/Fe3O4@GO纳米复合材料的合成及性能研究&王光硕,桑琳,魏志勇,齐民 175
聚乳酸/聚3-羟基丁酸酯4-羟基丁酸酯复合支架的降解行为研究&王新辉,桑琳,齐民 176
Investigation of coculture of human adipose-derived stem cells and mature adipocytes&SONG Ke-dong, LI Wen-fang, LIU Tian-qing 177
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Field and In Vitro Three-dimensional Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Bones in a Rotating Bioreactor and In Vivo Implantation for repairing segmental bone defects &SONG Ke-dong, WANG Hai, ZHANG Bo-wen, et al 178
生物医学成像与图像处理 181
全文收录: 181
Semi-blind Spatial ICA of fMRI Using Spatial Constraints&LIN Qiu-hua, LIU Jing-yu, ZHENG Yong-rui, et al 181
Cirrhosis Classification based on MRI with duplicative-feature Support Vector Machine(DFSVM)&LIU Hui, GUO Dong-mei, LIU Xiang 200
乳腺计算机辅助诊断中DCE-MRI图像特征的选择与分析&李珂,刘惠 214
Image Features Extraction and Fusion Based on Joint Sparse Representation&YU Nan-nan, Qiu Tian-shuang, Bi Feng, Wang Ai-qi 222
基于医学图像的复杂曲面重建&刘洋,苏志勋,栗志扬,曹俊杰 235
生物医学系统建模与仿真 245
全文收录: 245
Protein Inference and Protein Quantification: Two Sides of Same Coin&HUANG Ting, ZHU Pei-jun,HE Zeng-you 245
基于组合核的蛋白质交互关系抽取&李丽双,刘洋,黄德根,张盼盼 258
基于本体属性网络的蛋白质复合物预测&张益嘉,林鸿飞,杨志豪 268
A system for individualized prosthetic modeling of the femoral head&LIU Bin, JIA Xian-yong, HUANG Zhi-huan, YUE Zong-ge 281
Hysteresis modeling for calcium-mediated ciliary beat frequency in airway epithelial cells&QIN Kai-rong, XIANG Cheng 294
Effect and mechanism of penetration enhancement of organic base and alcohol on Glycyrrhet-inic acid in vitro&HAO Jia-jia, SUN Yu-ming, WANG Qing, et al& 307
蚊子腿表面多级微纳结构的超疏水特性&孔祥清,吴承伟 319
摘要收录: 326
Data construction for phosphorylation site prediction&GONG Hai-peng, LIU Xiao-qing, WU Jun, HE Zeng-you 326
基于哈希子图对核方法的蛋白质关系抽取研究&张益嘉,林鸿飞,杨志豪 327
An improved system for 3D individualized modeling of the artificial femoral head&LIU Bin,JIA Xian-yong,HUANG Zhi-huan,LI Hao-jie 328
Effect of cationic cyclopeptides on transdermal and transmembrane delivery of insulin&CHANG Ming-ming, LI Xiac-hui, SUN Yu-ming, CHENG Fang, et al 329
基于组合分类器的一个新的数据整合方法&钟明军 330
生物医学信息检测与处理 333
全文收录: 333
Contribution of Gold Nanoparticles to the Signal Amplification in Surface Plasmon Resonance&HONG Xin, Elizabeth AH Hall 333
A Support Vector Machine-Recursive Feature Elimination Feature Selection Method based onArtificial Contrast Variables and Mutual Information&LIN Xiao-hui, YANG Fu-fang, ZHOU Li-na, YIN Pei-yuan, et al 344
Effects of High Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Nerve’s Conduction of Action Potentials&LIU Hai-long, ZHU Lin-lin, TANG Hong, QIU Tian-shuang 356
Auditory Feedback and Sensory Substitution during Teleoperated Navigation&Liu Rong, WANG Yong-xuan 362
Integrate silver colloids with silicon nanowire arrays for surface-enhanced Raman scattering&WU Yong-kuan, LIU Kum, LI Xu-feng, PAN Shi 373
近红外激光与生物组织热相互作用的细胞电生理实验研究&关魁文,李新宇,刘佳,孙长森 380
第二心音主动脉瓣分量和肺动脉瓣分量的提取方法&高佼,唐洪,邱天爽,于勤 390
Quantitative Assessment of Dual Gait Analysis Based on Inertial Sensors with Body Sensor Network &WANG Zhe-long, QIU Sen,CAO Zhong-kai 400
Light-emitting-diode-induced fluorescence detection of fluorescent dyes for capillary electro-phoresis microchip with cross-polarization method&YANG Xiao-bo, YAN Wei-ping, LIU Zhi-huan, LV Hong-feng 414
摘要收录: 423
基于高频双向电流的神经选择性兴奋&朱林林,刘海龙,李林,盛书磊,邱天爽 423
运动想象EEG的自适应小波基动态分类方法&李春月,王永轩,王媛媛,李响,刘蓉 424
Preparation of porous monolayer film by immersing the stearic acid Langmuir-Blodgett mon-olayer on mica in salt solution&WANG Shuo, LI Yin-li, ZHAO Hui-ling, LIANG Hao, LIU Bo, PAN Shi 425
Three Powerful Research Tools from Single Cells into Single Molecules: AFM, LaserTweezers, and Raman Spectroscopy&WU Yong-kuan, LIU Kum, SONG Ke-dong, PAN Shi 426
非高斯脉冲噪声下基于径向基神经网络的诱发电位韧性自适应估计方法&毕峰,邱天爽 427
A Pilot Study on Evaluating Recovery of the Post-operative Based on Acceleration and sEMG&WANG Zhe-long, JIANG Ming, ZHAO Hong-yu 428
Signal Detection of Multi-Channel Capillary Electrophoresis Chip Based on CCD&LV Hong-feng, YAN Wei-ping, YANG Xiao-bo, LI Jie-chao, et al 429
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