

DL/T5409.3-2010核电厂工程勘测技术规程 第3部分 水文气象 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:国家能源局发布
- 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7512342187
- 页数:134 页
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 2
3 Terms and Definitions 4
4 Basic Requirements 7
5 Hydrometeorological Survey 9
5.1 General Requirements 9
5.2 Survey on Storm Surge,Tsunami and Wave Occurring at Seashores and Tidal Estuaries 10
5.4 Low Water Survey 12
5.5 Water Resources Investigation 15
5.6 Investigations on the Stability of Sediment and Bank 18
5.7 Ice Regime Investigation 19
5.8 Extreme Weather Phenomenon Investigation 21
6 Design Basis Flood 23
6.1 General Requirements 23
6.2 High Astronomical Tides 23
6.3 Sea Level Anomaly 24
6.4 Storm Surge Set-up 25
6.5 Seiche Set-up 27
6.6 Tsunami or Lake Surge Set-up 28
6.7 Runoff Flood 29
6.8 Dam-break Flood 30
6.9 Effects of Waves 31
6.10 Floods Caused by Potential Natural Factors 33
6.11 Effects of Human Activities on Floods 34
6.12 Flood Caused by Small Watershed Rainstorm 34
6.13 Water Logging 36
6.14 Analysis on Combination of Flood Events 37
6.15 Flood Safety Analysis 39
7 Design Basis Low Water Level 41
7.1 General Requirements 41
7.2 Low Astronomical Tide Level 41
7.3 Storm Surge Set-down 42
7.4 Seiche Set-down 42
7.5 Tsunami or Lake Surge Set-down 42
7.6 Effects of Waves 43
7.7 Effects of River,Reservoir and Lake 43
7.8 Low Water Caused by Potential Natural Factors 44
7.9 Combination of Low Water Events 45
7.10 Analysis on Water Intake Safety for Nuclear Power Plants 46
8 Water Source 47
8.1 General Requirements 47
8.2 Natural Rivers 48
8.3 Reservoirs and Sluices 48
8.4 Downstream Rivers of Reservoirs and Sluices 51
8.5 Rivers in Channelized Areas 52
8.6 Lake 54
8.7 Sea 55
8.8 Salinity 55
8.9 Water Temperature 56
8.10 Effects of Human Activities on Water Sources 56
9 Stability of Sediment and Bank 59
9.1 General Requirements 59
9.2 Sediment Characteristics 60
9.3 Analysis,Calculation and Simulation of Flow and Sediment Movement 61
9.4 Evolution of Riverbed in the Design Bank Section 62
9.5 Evolution of Sea Bed in the Design Bank Section at Plant Site 65
9.6 Effects of Human Activities on Bank Stability 68
10 Design Basis Meteorological Parameters and Phenomena 70
10.1 General Requirements 70
10.2 Design Basis Wind 71
10.3 Design Basis Precipitation 72
10.4 Design Basis Snow Accumulation 73
10.5 Design Basis Temperature 74
10.6 Design Basis Meteorological Conditions of Final Heat Sinks and Related Systems 75
10.7 Design Basis Tornado 76
10.8 Design Basis Squall Line Wind 80
10.9 Design Basis Tropical Cyclone 80
10.10 Design Basis Extratropical Cyclone 82
10.11 Other Design Basis Meteorological Phenomena and Meteorological Parameters 83
11 Hydrometeorological Observation and Special Stations 85
11.1 General Requirements 85
11.2 Hydrometric Test 86
11.3 Marine Hydrometric Station 86
11.4 LandHydrometric Station 87
11.5 Meteorological Station 88
12 Work Contents and Depth during Each Stage of Hydrometeorological Survey for Nuclear Power Plants 89
12.1 General Requirements 89
12.2 Site Investigation and Survey Stage 89
12.3 Preliminary Feasibility Study Stage 93
12.4 Feasibility Study Stage 103
12.5 Preliminary Design Stage 120
12.6 Detailed Design and Construction Stage 132
12.7 Operation Stage 133
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