1.A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic&A.Church 2
2.A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic'(Second Paper)&A.Church 23
3.An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory&A.Church 49
4.A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem&A.Church 68
5.Correction to a Note on the Entscheidungsproblem&A.Church 70
6.The Constructive Second Number Class&A.Church 72
7.Formal Definitions in the Theory of Ordinal Numbers&A.Church&S.C.Kleene 81
8.Some Theorems on Definability&Decidability&A.Church&W.V.Quine 92
9.Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik.Teil 1&H.B.Curry 101
10.Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik.Teil 2&H.B.Curry 129
11.Some Additions to the Theory of Combinators&H.B.Curry 175
12.Arithmetical Problems&Recursively Enumerable Predicates&M.Davis 183
13.Die Vollst?ndigkeit der Axiome de logischen Funktionenkalküls&K.G?del 192
14.?ber formal unentscheidbare S?tze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter System 1.&K.G?del 204
15.?ber die Lange yon Beweisen&K.G?del 225
16.Some Classes of Recursive Funct'ons&A.Grzegorczyk 232
17.Computable Functionals&A.Grzegorczyk 275
18.On the Definition of Computable Functionals&A.Grzegorczyk 310
19.Some Proofs of Undecidability of Arithmetic&A.Grzegorczyk 318
20.A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic.Part 1&S.C.Kleene 330
21.A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic.Part 2&S.C.Kleene 351
22.General Recursive Functions of Natural Numbers&S.C.Kleene 377
23.λ-Definability&Recursiveness&S.C.Kleene 393
24.A Note on Recursive Functions&S.C.Kleene 407
25.Recursive Predicates&Quantifiers&S.C.Kleene 410
26.On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive Ordinals&S.C.Kleene 443
27.On the Interpretation of Intuitionistic Number Theory&S.C.Kleene 461
28.A Symmetric Form of G?del's Theorem&S.C.Kleene 477
29.The Upper Semi-Lattice of Degrees of Recursive Unsolvability&S.C.Kleene 480
30.On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive Ordinals&S.C.Kleene 509
31.Arithmetical Predicates&Function Quantifiers&S.C.Kleene 533
32.Hierarchies of Number-Theoretic Predicates&S.C.Kleene 562
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